Flickering firelight can impart a hint - or even an illusion - of movement to static artworks. Smaller artworks can be manipulated (e.g., rotated) to provide a crude form of animation analogous to flipbooks.
In recent decades archaeologists have increasingly wondered whether certain anomalous...
"Rock carvings found along the shoreline of Pyramid Lake in Nevada have been confirmed to be the oldest recorded petroglyphs in North America.
PYRAMID LAKE, Nevada — Ancient rock etchings...
Paul Bahn, independent archaeologist, will be speaking on Art and Religion in the Ice Age at Art and Mind's forthcoming festival: Religion, Art and the Brain, March 10-13 at the Theatre Royal, Winchester Tickets: £8 or £10 per session or £30 day ticket. Theatre Royal Box Office: tel...
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Are these the oldest known pictures of "real people"? Male and female faces can be seen in the rock. Some researchers believe they could be 15,000 years old or more – from a time when Northern Europe would have been in the grip of an Ice Age.
art & artists
cave art
cave paintings
rock art
the stone age
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