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  1. B

    4s, 13s, Doubles & More: Numbering Taboos & Superstitions

    I would like opinions from people all over . . . I live in Toronto (or Hogtown to some people) and in this area there are very few buildings built with a 13th floor. Or rather, they have a 13th floor, but they call it the 14th floor. Most people actually never think about it and somehow...
  2. rynner2

    Friday The 13th

    Less than three hours left, and nobody has posted anything about Friday the 13th superstitions! Are we becoming less superstitious? Anyway, theories on the reason for this? My favourite is that the attack by the King of France on the Templars (which effectively destroyed the order) took...
  3. P

    The Number 13

    Anyone know why the number thirteen is unlucky in some cultures and lucky in others...Likewise black cats and white cats?:madeyes: