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Blue Orbs Accompanying Unborn Children


Gone But Not Forgotten
Jan 29, 2004
For about two weeks before the birth of my daughter and for about two weeks after, it was normal for tennis ball sized blue light-orbs to float around our living room. One day an orb floated onto the hotplate of the iron I was using at the time and exploded (destroying the iron). I never saw those orbs again and, you know what? I miss them.
shaun petrie: Interesting - some quick questions:

Did you take pictures of them?

Also were they visible all the time?

How many orbs did you see at any one time? Did you ever get the feeling there was any sort of intelligence behind them?
If so maybe after the incident with the iron they wrongly suspected your intentions were unfriendly, or after seeing one destroyed assumed it was not a safe place for them to materialise.
I have a friend who had 'light' around her while she was pregnant - not floating balls, just a sort of shimmering light, not intense, just 'there'. Went as soon as she gave birth.
Thanks for the replies, guys! The orbs started to materialise around the flat, and they tended to hang around on (or behind) the curtains. I never got a photo of them. They came in groups of two or three at a time and definately exhibited, or reacted to consciousness. At first we'd excaim "OOH they're back!" at which they would fly away, but we gradually got used to their presence and learned to take a sly peek and act nonchalantly, then they'd hang around.
I get the feeling that the fling onto the hotplate of the iron was a manouvre to leave.
At around the same time, I had a hag experience, followed up the next morning by four apple stalks lined up in the bathroom and all the gas taps turned on in the kitchen (any ideas about that most welcome!)
Also, I woke from a dream just as my then wife went into labour, where a native american babe handed me a baby on a train and said "she's yours to look after for a while".
When our daughter was about two, she informed us, quite unprompted, that "Daddy and me were in the war. We used to fly planes together"!