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BPS: 'Will The Debate About ‘Psi’ Ever Be Settled?'


Justified & Ancient
Jan 9, 2012
Personally I do believe in telepathy under certain circumstances as I know people it has happened to (but not so sure about mediums etc) so found this article informative and balanced:

"Telepathy and precognition: could they be real? Some sceptics claim that such ‘psi phenomena’ cannot possibly exist because they contravene the laws of science. Any apparent evidence for them must be the result of factors such as fraud, coincidence, poor experimental design or questionable research practices. However, psi researchers continue to perform rigorous experiments (although perhaps not as often as they might like, due to a lack of funding) and often report significant positive results. And so the scientific debate continues, as it has for decades."

Curious South African time-loss incident from the blog comments;

"It was 1960 and I was 19 years old. I was into motor racing and rallying at the time. My friend had a VW beetle and we decided to enter the Dunlop Round Rhodesia Rally. (This was in the old Rhodesia (Africa) The start was in Bulawayo some 300 miles from where we were in Salisbury. As it started at about 8 PM we left around 1 or 2 PM as it would take at least 3 hours maybe more. We had only travelled about 50 miles or so and were going down a slight downhill with some hills and lots of bush. I distinctly remember looking up and seeing something large travelling at high speed straight towards us and I remember saying, what the hell is that. The next moment we were arriving in Bulawayo and it was about 6PM and dark."


There are several more such strange incidents from other people in these comments
Personally I do believe in telepathy under certain circumstances as I know people it has happened to (but not so sure about mediums etc) so found this article informative and balanced:

"Telepathy and precognition: could they be real? Some sceptics claim that such ‘psi phenomena’ cannot possibly exist because they contravene the laws of science. Any apparent evidence for them must be the result of factors such as fraud, coincidence, poor experimental design or questionable research practices. However, psi researchers continue to perform rigorous experiments (although perhaps not as often as they might like, due to a lack of funding) and often report significant positive results. And so the scientific debate continues, as it has for decades."

I have never been able to explain this;
Curious South African time-loss incident from the blog comments;

"It was 1960 and I was 19 years old. I was into motor racing and rallying at the time. My friend had a VW beetle and we decided to enter the Dunlop Round Rhodesia Rally. (This was in the old Rhodesia (Africa) The start was in Bulawayo some 300 miles from where we were in Salisbury. As it started at about 8 PM we left around 1 or 2 PM as it would take at least 3 hours maybe more. We had only travelled about 50 miles or so and were going down a slight downhill with some hills and lots of bush. I distinctly remember looking up and seeing something large travelling at high speed straight towards us and I remember saying, what the hell is that. The next moment we were arriving in Bulawayo and it was about 6PM and dark."


There are several more such strange incidents from other people in these comments
Oops, that was the wrong thread.

The Mysterious Universe podcast is back to what it does best and last night I caught up with this excellent episode:

""Why do we possess the traits we do? Why do we look and act the way we do? Is genetics the answer? The entire concept of genes explaining who and why we are didn't hold as well as it once had. There has to be something else, and that something else might be akin to the theories of morphic fields proposed by the groundbreaking scientist Rupert Sheldrake. We discuss concepts such as presentiment, extraordinary knowledge, telepathy, and much more as we delve into the strangest aspects of morphic fields and consider how they may address some of the questions about what it means to be a human being""

It includes the 1943 tale of the parrot in Leipzig who could predict in advance that the Allies would be bombing the city:


Personally I do believe in telepathy under certain circumstances as I know people it has happened to (but not so sure about mediums etc) so found this article informative and balanced:

"Telepathy and precognition: could they be real? Some sceptics claim that such ‘psi phenomena’ cannot possibly exist because they contravene the laws of science. Any apparent evidence for them must be the result of factors such as fraud, coincidence, poor experimental design or questionable research practices. However, psi researchers continue to perform rigorous experiments (although perhaps not as often as they might like, due to a lack of funding) and often report significant positive results. And so the scientific debate continues, as it has for decades."

To be truly scientific, shouldn't that article intro read 'they contravene the laws of science as we currently understand them.'? Doesn't this just fall into the Victorian trap of 'we know everything there is to know'?

Like the new avatar, @Paul_Exeter.
To be truly scientific, shouldn't that article intro read 'they contravene the laws of science as we currently understand them.'? Doesn't this just fall into the Victorian trap of 'we know everything there is to know'?

Like the new avatar, @Paul_Exeter.
Thanks, I felt the Barney Hill alien looked a bit more "Justified & Ancient" than an angry youth with a bad nicotine habit...

'Will The Debate About ‘Psi’ Ever Be Settled?'​


maximus otter
So a lot has been written about dogs seeming to predict their owners are about to arrive back home even at random times and Dr Rupert Sheldrake famously set out to investigate this scientifically:

The majority of people tend to brush these experiences off as merely a bizarre coincidence, but is there more to it? According to biologist Dr Rupert Sheldrake, animals possess powers of perception that go beyond the five known senses - namely telepathy, a sense of direction, and the ability to predict events (premonitions).

During the 1990s Rupert set out to investigate the phenomenon of dogs knowing when their owners were returning home. This innovative research saw more than 800 people contact him with first-hand accounts of dogs who could anticipate when their owners were on their way home and would wait patiently for them at the front door or window. In some cases dogs did this more than 10 minutes in advance.


So these past eight days I have been dog-sitting for my landlord who is abroad. Have done this before and although the dog gets very anxious when nobody is at home, he knows me and is also in his usual surroundings as I live in a detached annexe to the main house. So we have both got on well together, he is relaxed and I have enjoyed having the large garden to myself in what passes for a Cornish summer.

Usually they are away for seven nights but I realised I forgot to check time and then noticed that they had left me a 12-day supply of dog food. They didn't come back yesterday and it could be anytime in the next four days I suppose. No skin off my nose and so rather than text them and ask I thought why not see if this dog, who is very loyal to his 'owners' (i prefer 'family'), will sense their arrival before they pull up outside in their car and activate the gates? He won't be able to see anything as the garden has high hedges. fencing and gates at the front and also he is not allowed up by the gates anyway (it is fenced off).

So, the game is afoot, he is sat beneath my kitchen table right now and quite relaxed but a good chance they will be back tonight...

Due to the airport chaos after China a security update crashed Microsoft they only just got back and the result is...

... a completely psychic-free dog who clearly doesn't see 'dead people dogs'

oh well.