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Contrail watch 2005 - my results


Apr 12, 2005
The Netherlands
In 2005 I bought my first digital camera. The possibility to photograph anything free of charge sent me on a photographing spree.

One of the subjects that I photographed almost obsessively was "the sky". I looked for airplanes, ufo's :D, sun dogs, halo's, contrails and anything remarkable.

You can see it as a statistical fortean experiment. I had my camera with me always (almost). This is the result for 2005 in the area of "contrails".

1) Contrail shadows are nice to see. Sometimes they can be very subtle, at other times quite striking. It's something that I'll still watch out for in 2006. I scored 8 good events.

2) Grids of contrails are relatively common. We don't live near an airport, but in the right weather conditions they form regularly. I scored 19 good events. This is not interesting enough to follow up in 2006.

You can see the pictures at :

What are your statistics and experiences regarding contrails?

Note: I don't believe in "chemtrails" but I think it's a great crazy conspiracy theory. It's what inspired me to photograph contrails in first place. But I still believe contrails are bad. They seem to increase cloud cover and stimulate global warming.
I watched a very interesting documentary last night suggesting that contrails may be one of the things contributing to "Global Dimming" which may actually be protecting us to some extent from global warming. It made for very scary watching.