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Day re-dreaming


Gone But Not Forgotten
Dec 12, 2006
Maybe somebody has a neurological explanation for this?

Occasionally when i am carrying out a boring task, especially doing dishes, my mind will suddenly recall a dream i had a while ago ie a dream i don't remember having recently, but months ago. The impression is fleeting and happens when i am thinking about practical things, not "day dreaming". This first started about five years ago (i am 48 years old). It is slightly alarming when it happens, as the memory comes out of nowhere. The dream itself is of nothing in particular, with no narrative but scenes and isolated events.
I have exactly the same. Neurological explanations could include the same as in "deja vu" where basically your consious mind is a little lagging behind your senses but as you said, you remember the dream itself.
I do too and I know also roughly when I dreamt it and can tell what else happened in the dream. Sometimes i even remember telling my husband about it at the time. So it is definetly different from deja vu and I can't come up with a scientifically approved answer. I personally blame all of those things on the holgraphic universe!

Seriously :oops:
Thanks for that - it's a relief to know i'm not the only one this happens to.