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King Kong

I like the Vietnam War vibe as I love that genre of films but the "We Don't Belong Here" tagline… Might as well just have someone pop up and say "Hey people, this is really about America invading places!". Sometimes it is nice to just escape the real world for and hour and a half without a message being hammered into you. At least make it subtle if you are going to do it. As part of the dumbing down the art of the allegory has really suffered.
John C Reilly?
I like Reilly well enough. They seem to have gone all out imagination with the monsters, rather than using dinosaurs, so I'm interested to see what they come up with. But I'm not hugely excited about another Kong. The original is a classic, the Peter Jackson version had up-to-date effects and lashings of directorial self-indulgence, and that one from the seventies had Jessica Lange. I can't see where improvements can be made.
This looks brilliant, cannot wait to get some more Kong Viewing!
I like Reilly well enough. They seem to have gone all out imagination with the monsters, rather than using dinosaurs, so I'm interested to see what they come up with. But I'm not hugely excited about another Kong. The original is a classic, the Peter Jackson version had up-to-date effects and lashings of directorial self-indulgence, and that one from the seventies had Jessica Lange. I can't see where improvements can be made.

Somebody hasn't seen King Kong Lives. What the big guy needs is open heart surgery to pack the audiences in!
John C Reilly?
Perhaps they couldn't afford Jack Black this time (or he just didn't want to do it) so John C Reilly was an unimaginative second choice to keep the franchise going or something? ..
Somebody hasn't seen King Kong Lives. What the big guy needs is open heart surgery to pack the audiences in!
Ha! Indeed, somebody hasn't seen King Kong Lives, and doubtless is all the poorer for it. But I did just look up a trailer, and to the casual eye it looks dreadful, with only a young Linda Hamilton inspiring much attention. Not the last time she'll be in a beauty and the beast inspired production.
Don't listen to the naysayers, KKL is funnier than Queen Kong, and that was supposed to be a comedy.
'Kong: Skull Island' director live-tweets nasty confrontation with alt-right plane seatmate

Things are getting tense out there, folks — it's almost like there's a 35-story gorilla in the room no matter where you go. And as we've learned, giant gorillas and airplanes don't mix.

Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts was on a flight Sunday night when he tweeted that he noticed his seat-mate was scrolling through his "heavily alt-right dominated Facebook feed."

And then it got ugly. ...


This really funny!

Epic Japanese poster for the new film...

Will be rushing out tomorrow to see the new Kong movie!
Now, that's how you sell a Kong movie! i.e. make it look like a Godzilla movie.
In fairness, the Japanese would advertise Love Actually in the same manner.

Yeah I'll be off to see it as soon as possible too :).
I've never thought of John C Reilly as "comic relief" - absent relief, certainly (It's a relief when he's not on screen!)

So speaks the man who has never had the pleasure of watching Walk Hard.
8/10 for the new Kong film for me. Big set-pieces more a priority than character building though. And Apocalypse Now is referenced roughly every 2 minutes :D

**stay after the end credits!**
Kong: Skull Island: Not just a Giant Ape, you get the Hollow Earth Theory as well! Kong fighting Helicopters, Kong fighting and eating a Giant Squid! Samuel L. Jackson glowering at Kong, Kong glowering at Samuel L. Jackson!

Set in 1973, Crypto-Zoologist John Goodman joins a LandSat team mapping an uncharted island, his mission is to supposedly carry out a geological survey. Jackson's US Army Copter Unit goes along as an escort, dropping bombs to so Goodman can assess seismic reactions. Instead they get the reactions of an angry ape. The film is largely tongue in cheek but delivers some wonderful action, monsters and John C. Reilly as a WW2 pilot trapped on the island for 30 years.

The giant spider and a stick insect as large as a fallen tree trunk sent shivers down my spine! 8/10.
You know a movie is good when you want to see it a second time!
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire: Oh give me a home where the giant dire wolves roam ... It's in Hollow Earth actually and a pack of them are pursuing Kong, he disposes of them but he has an aching tooth so he sojourns to the surface, exciting near the Monarch Headquarters on Bermuda. He has the bad tooth extracted and an implant replacement inserted. Meanwhile Godzilla is taking on the other Titans. Rome isn't wrecked in a day while he battles a giant crab spider, some damage but could have been worse. Godzilla curls up the Colosseum to sleep. The Monarch bases pick up an anomalous signal, which leads to a reconnaissance mission to the Hollow Earth. Kong discovers more giant apes and after fighting with the adults acquires a cute toddler ape. Things take an Indiana Jones turn when archaeological ruins are discovered. It swiftly veers into Edgar Rice Burroughs territory, the Hollow Earth has a lost civilisation! There is a threat to the surface world but to reveal the nature of it would be a spoiler. Suffice to say that Kong will need the assistance of Godzilla and Mothra if he is to have any chance of countering the menace. Some great CGI as Titans battle, the fighting apes are something new, we also get undersea action and gravity used as a weapon plus carnivorous trees. The humans are mainly ho-hum apart from Kaylee Hottle as Jia who maintains her link with Kong and puts in a creditable performance. I guess the dialogue is a tad weak at times. The story is well thought out though, especially the lost civilisation. Kong is very much the star in this film with Godzilla in a supporting role and Mothra in a cameo. Directed by Adam Wingard, Written by Terry Rossio, Simon Barrett and Jeremy Slater. 7.5/10.

On cinemas.