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Longdendale Lights



Hello board,
I live on the sourthern edge of the peak district, England, and have long been intertersted in stories of the earthlights/jack 'o lantern seen dancing on the moorland above the Longdendale valley (between Manchester and Sheffield).
I was just wondering if anyone has had any first hand encounters with these lights, or if anyone has had any other strange experiences in the Valley, particularly in the vicinity of the 'Devil's Elbow'.
Most of the reports I have seen seem to occur about this time of year, when the nights draw in. I have been contemplating a vigil on Bleaklow hill whilst the weather remains dry.
Any comments concerning the Longdendale Lights would be appreciated.
Have you read 'Earthlights: Revelation' by Paul Devereux? A chapter in that desrcibes research made by 'Project Pennine' in your neck of the woods back in 1986.
I actually drove through Longdendale valley on the A628 late at night the other week, I didn't see anything odd but there were a couple of things that did strike me:

1, given the number of cars and lorries that use it, even around midnight, you'd expect more sightings. There were lots of lorry-drivers who'd pulled over in layby's to sleep as well.

2, I saw a couple of planes flying into manchester airport at the western side, possibly causing mis-sighting reports from some people

3, it's bloody dark when there isn't any lights, and the occasional house's lighting could be misinterpreted from a long distance away, particularly by someone driving late at night.

not saying there aren't unexplained lights, just noting a couple of thoughts that struck me.
I recently saw a 'Strange but True' or something like that about these lights- one of those re-enactment jobbies with commentary by the original witnesses. Looked very scary!
Just replying to a few things Jima has said...
I would be one of the first to agree that plane/house lights etc are undoubtedly responsible for a large amount of reports of these phenomenon.
However this area has some real history in this sort of thing. Nearby is Lantern Pike, a hill which (or so I have read) got its name from 'Jenny with the Lantern' the light from which could often be seen dancing aroud the summit.
Also, there seem to be a large number of devilishly/sinisterly tiltled geographical features round about, as a quick glance at the OS map will reveal.

The other thing is, there are no houses or roads on the high moor.
I have been up Bleaklow in the daylight, and its like being on the moon !
Jerry B - I may just search out that book, cheers.
Are you local?

Hey Joester

I'm relatively local to you - I used to live in Hyde (live just down the road now, in Stockport) and used to go walking over Bleaklow quite a bit as Glossop was a doddle to get to and for my mind, not a lot compares with the desolate beauty and bleakness of the moors overlooking the town. I too have heard of the lights and other strange stuff through the Longdendale valley (there was an FT article about Longdendale a couple of years ago, if I recall correctly) but never had any strange experiences. I was up there one day though with my dog when all of a sudden, and only 20-30 metres in front of me, an RAF Tornado at an extremely low level screamed past. I wonder then, how many of these sightings are attributable to low flying aircraft?