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Man or Mouse?



A panel of North American experts has met to debate plans to join up human and mouse cells to create an embryonic "chimera".
The strange combination could help doctors test the potential of special "stem" cells to fight disease.

However, many experts consider the bizarre research to be unnecessary and unethical.

There are fears that a mouse with a "human" cell brain could develop, or that a rodent might produce human sperm.


Confessor: (very slowly and painfully) Well it's not a question of wantiing to be a mouse... it just sort of happens to you. All of a sudden you realize... that's what you want to be.

Interviewer: And when did you first notice these... shall we say... tendencies?

Confessor: Well... I was about seventeen and some mates and me went to a party, and, er... we had quite a lot to drink... and then some of the fellows there ... started handing ... cheese around ... and well just out of curiosity 1 tried a bit ... and well that was that.

Interviewer: And what else did these fallows do?

Confessor: Well some of them started dressing up as mice a bit ... and then when they'd got the costumes on they started ... squeaking.
"I can 'andle it - i can i tell you"

The confessor watches as the studio ratter circles the cameras, all the time staring at him. Licking its lips.

And mewing like a tomcat on heat.

Errr - is this what we call unethical ?