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No...Please God No....




Don't misunderestimate Bushisms
Wednesday, January 15, 2003 Posted: 10:34 AM EST (1534 GMT)

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Don't "misunderestimate" Dubya. Those verbal Bushisms are beginning to "resignate" with the American people. Maybe they'll even "embetter" the English language.

They may have started out as verbal slip-ups but several of President George W. Bush's mangled phrases found their way on Tuesday to a list of the top words of 2002.

"There are already 11,000 instances of 'misunderestimate' on the Web. The more people use words, whether jocularly or seriously, the more likely they are to enter the language and last for generations," said Paul J.J. Payack, chairman of yourDictionary.com, which compiled the list.

Payack, a man who refuses to misunderestimate the power of a president to shape the language, said, "Our lists attempt to capture those ... innovations in word choice and usage that tell us something about ourselves."

The list of most important words of 2002 was drawn up with help from visitors to the yourDictionary.com Web site and from the site's group of linguists, who monitor the use of the English language around the world.

They include the so-called Bushisms; misunderestimate (to seriously underestimate), embetter (to make emotionally better -- the opposite of embitter), resignate (as in "They said this issue wouldn't resignate with the people") and foreign-handed (as in "I have a foreign-handed foreign policy").

In non-Bushisms, the post-September 11 world gave birth to "threat fatigue," while America's corporate and financial shenanigans introduced the verb to nasdaq (as in "His fortune was nasdaqued"), Nasdaq being the tech-heavy stock market.

There is also that well-known accounting practice disease known as Enronitis, and dot-communism (the conviction that everything on the Web should be free or, at least, paid for by someone else.)

But the most frequently used word on the planet, whatever the native language, is still "OK."
If people learn that it's ok not to speak properly, then all is lost.
That's horrible. But eh. I see language as always-evolving. If people want to use stupid made up words, let them. It's a fad, will die shortly after Bush leaves office I bet.
Vocabulary, you can mince them up as much as you want... but I just can't stand bad spelling and grammar.
i can understand it being used informally and with your mates, but on an official level...please god no...please baby jesus and mary no! PLEASE NO! let forth the horsemen, for the apocolypse is late.
Oh well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

I laughed right out loud at "dot-communism".
Piscez said:
It's a fad, will die shortly after Bush leaves office I bet.
...............but I just can't stand bad spelling and grammar.
..hehehehe...(evil laugh that tails off into an evil grin!)
I kant spill worth krap

butt got good business sense..my third business (my comic toy card etc, add infinitum) for 12 since 1991 going strong.. befur that an insurance agency in california, and mail order bizness--I havent done much "real" writting since college 25 years ago..just alot of forms, invoices,checks,balance sheets,income statements,capital statments ,payrole forms,tax forms from IRS etc..ad infinitum..I sort of scribble now (like a doctor) this fortean time message board (spelled that right) though has got me writting again (since I got this home computer in august of 2002..if not for this I would'nt really be writting anything at all , just running my business and talking.:blah:
i'm a horrible speller and handwriter, but my mom always said i should be an anchor man or a public speaker
hey listen to mom!!

they make good bucks$$$ and It can be lots of fun, have you ever thought of going to broadcasting school?? If so, go for it, nothing loss nothing gained...just think "a talk radio host ", like maybe Art Bell!! coolness dude:cool:
maybe...i can't really make up my mind because i can do a lot.
true story

A friend of mine (he was an officer in the army , while I was in the Navy) gave me a job as his lead man for a francise you might have heard of "Service Masters", when I left the Navy..while my crew and I were cleaning "Far West Services" office building one night, I was going from floor to floor to check on the progress etc...and while in the office of the Entertainment divisin, the phone rang..I picked it up and answered it in a DJ kind of voice as I was feeling funky..and It was "Mark Bradford" from KISS radio in LA..anyway to make a long story short I got him cracking up (I did'nt know who I was talking to at the time until..) he said my voice reminded him of a DJ in Chicago, and ask me to come down to the station sometime , and that he thought I had a good radio voice..I never did..to this day I will never know.:cross eye
as long as your average conversation doesn't sound like the Bush speeches on dead ringers;)
I was listening to the radio a few months back and Bush was delivering a speech to some military types. Now I was only half listening so I might have been mistaken but I'm pretty sure that Bush referred to some high up army bloke as General Anal Fartstorm.

Now either I misheard, or Bush fucked up or, please god let it be, there actually is an American general whose name sounds like Anal Fartstorm.

I'd follow that man into the gates of hell.
i say that everytime he's on the screen. i sound like a parent at a recital or spelling bee, quietly coaching his child: "c'mon, you can do it...say it...c'mon, little guy."

i think a crowning achievement in Bushism history(thus far) was when he totally bungled up a really simple saying: "fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice, shame on you." when bush tried to do it came out like "fool me...fool...fool me once...sh...shame on you...fool me twice...you can't fool me again...get what i am i saying?"