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possible polt


Gone But Not Forgotten
Oct 29, 2001
about a month after my girlfriend and i moved into our new house, we heard a noise from the kitchen. it was the sound of the fridge being shaken violently, when we both approached it, and opened the nearly empty fridge, it went quiet, when we moved away it stopped, we both walked out of the room, discussing this, and it stopped altogether.

on boxing day, again, the pair of us were in the kitchen, the washing machine appeared to start up, the two glasses and a vase that wereon top of it started shaking violently. We both looked at it, then my girlfriend stood there holding the plug in her hand, it hadn't even been turned on, and proved to be absolutely empty, and the door opened straight away.

on at least one occasion, i could have sworn i saw a figure in the house, in the kitchen doorway, more a shadow i suppose, indistinct.

what do people think of this? A possible polt?
Are the appliances near a central heating boiler? Or is the wall they are against next to a busy street, where heavy lorries sometimes pass?
Both might start up vibrations that large, essentially hollow, objects will amplify.

We have a tray with glasses on top of a `fridge. Periodically, when the `fridge pump starts up, the glasses will rattle against each other. We have to check that none are touching against each other.

You could try putting small blocks of foam under the feet of the items to try to reduce communcated vibrations.

Then again, it might be a polt. But you should cut out the obvious, mundane explanations before worrying about spooks!
not particularly worried about it, so far...

but the house is in a terraced row, a dead end street, off the main road, and the appliances are all in a kitchen which is in the rear of the property, in an extension. so no lorries etc. to disturb the peace. the fridge is actually placed underneath a work top, it was the contents of the fridge that seemed to be shaking, very violently. will try placing something underneath the appliances in question. but the washing machine was actually running so far as we could tell, but without even being plugged in.

if it is a spirit, it doesn't seem particularly malevolent.
possible polt.

That sounds like what happened to a friend of ours,though relly her daughter.She says that there has been strange things happening at her flat.She lives on the top floor of a four storey block of flats and has stated that it is cold.It was only last christmas that things were a bit too much for her,the front door was open ajar and she had her chain on,her mobile phone was jammed in between the radiator and the wall(she keeps the mobile phone under the pillowat night when she sleeps).Whwn she came back to her flat after christmas,which she spent with her parents,she found a row and I mean a row of dinner plates lined up on the floor!!!!!!Here mum and dad thought that it could've been her ex-boyfriend but the locks have changed,also her son(who is about 2-3 years old) supposedly has a"friend" who he talks to.I have asked our friend to check for the usual things,like attempted break in etc but also not let it spook them(pardon the pun) when they find anything.Now does anyone know if who they can contact if they think that there is a polt?We know of a clergyman who has done something to helped somone in the same situation.Many thanks in anticpation for any answer.
Re: possible polt.

tony stepton said:
.Whwn she came back to her flat after christmas,which she spent with her parents,she found a row and I mean a row of dinner plates lined up on the floor!!!!!!
Very reminiscent of the Tin Circle thread.

Stormkhan's right, the SPR are a good bet, as are ASSAP (The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena) - their website is members only, but the ghosts and polts section is contactable via a link on this page.
replies about possible polt.

Many thanks for your replies,when I see her again I'll ask her what has happened then suggest your answers and let you know the results ,many thanks again.