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Suppressed Technology



Suppressed Gov't Documents on Chemical, Biological, and Nonl

Intriguing story on the Memory Hole here. They've turned up a bunch of classified documents which refer to new non-lethal and lethal weapons by name in the National Academies of Science's (NAS) Public Access Records File - they are, however, being witheld for unspecified reasons.

The titles of these documents are:

Portable Vehicle Arresting Barrier (PVAB); Preliminary Legal Review of Proposed Acoustic Energy Non-Lethal Weapon Systems; Establishment of Odor Response Profiles: Ethnic, Racial and Cultural Influences; Spider Fiber Technology Assessment and Concept Analysis; Antipersonnel Chemical Immobilizers: Sedatives; Antipersonnel Calmative Agents; Sticky Slicky Weapons; Harassing, Annoying, and "Bad Guy" Identifying Chemicals; Enhanced Lethality KE [Kinetic Energy] Warhead; Fishing for Trucks; Spider Fiber Entangler; Loaded Speed Bump

A full list is on the link above.

Loaded speed bumps?
are they in the lethal or non lethal category?

steve b
The Memory Hole has produced a list of documents which are currently classified under the 50 year rule, regarding the Defense Technical Information Center which originated as the repository of a massive amount of material collected from occupied Germany, Japan, and Italy after World War II.

I'm sure most of it is very dull and probably remains under lock and key for bureaucratic reasons. But I'm more interested in that which is not.... The list can be browsed here.

So, there are many stories regarding military suppressed technologies, as they seem to get the best toys before anyone else, and then there's the old conspiracy theory about oil companies sitting on patents which would remove our dependence on oil.
Has there been any evidence supporting any of these types of accusations? What are the current theories regarding suppressed technology, and suppressed by whom?
I've always wondered if there were things that managed to get patented before the Pentagon noticed and classified them. Wouldn't that leave telling gaps in the sequence of patent numbers?