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The Mystery Fish

The head looks a lot like a shark, but the overall 'feel' of it is oddly crocodillian (possibly because of the skinning.) It's not hacked into bits or decomposing, which is a big plus when people have photos of mystery creatures they'd like identifying. Still I'll plump for shark!
I think we should name it Gordon.

Yes, the head does look like it doesn't belong to the rest of the body. But the body looks like shiny fish scales, rather than shark skin.
Looks like an oarfish to me, here's the coment I posted on the blog, as I'm sure it'll get burried by people swearing blind that it's a crocodile or something when it's certinly some kind of fish.

oll_lewis_CFZ Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
November 30th, 2005 at 9:08 pm
Hi, I think, considering what it looks like and from the looks of the plants on the beach, that the fish is an oarfish.

It’s not rested on it’s belly but on it’s side, and the ’slit’ that looks a bit like it might be a large mouth is in fact the base of the gills operculum.

Oarfish are very interesting fish that grow to monstrous proportions and swim in the water with their body vertical rather than horizontal.

Website with photos and video of oarfish:

general info on oarfish on wikipedia:
The day I see a convincing photo of a 'monster,' I will eat my cerebral accessory.

I say oarfish. *points up*
I say its a kamoto dragon (lizard) with arms lobbed off, otherwise the arms and legs are tucked under or hidden. Its head is definetly a lizard in my opinion.
Is it possible that it's a joke like the old jackalope cards or the man fighting the giant grasshopper? It looks kind of paper mache to me...
I'd just like to know what Tony Curtis (right) had to do with it.
I think Gordon looks like a skinned anaconda lopped off mid section, although the catfish option would probably be the more plausible.

That said, I remember a childhood book of dinosaurs with a picture of an armour headed fish that looked exactly like that.

Remember, people though the ceolocanth was extinct until we found out the locals had been catching and eating them for a long time.
I'd say catfish too. If it's a saltwater beast the only one's with the eye, gill spacing are shark family.