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The Reptoids Are Coming ...

Are those who promote this reptoids thing just taking the idea of demonizing one's enemies too literally?

Justin Anstey said:
Are those who promote this reptoids thing just taking the idea of demonizing one's enemies too literally?

Nope, the royal family really are space lizards. They had Di killed for threatening to expose them and that Fergie woman was replaced by a replicant, albeit a thinner, quieter one.
wonders what will happen when Art Greenfield and David Icke will meet?:eek!!!!:
Or if either of the above have seen "V"...
I know - introduce them both to Michael Ironside, and await developments.
Art Greenfield is a genius, perhaps better than Beckjord.

He's been a regular contributer to this Yahoo Group for over a year:

A couple of examples chosen at random:
So I take it that the sexual
apparatus of a male Reptoid works with the sexual apparatus
of a female H. sapiens?<br>Is that luck or by
plan?<br>~ Paul&gt;<br>Yes they do, and apparently the
Reptoids males are similar in penis size to human males.
Since they came from Earth originally and they share
about 96% of our DNA, (as does nearly all animal life
on Earth), the odds of that size match up were quite
Hi G,<br>So they are going to wipe us out, but
want you to start a religion to honor them?? What's
wrong with that picture? You need to start by taking up
a collection. Not money, but guns and ammunition.
Then distribute the guns and ammo to the poor people
that can't afford them. Start an anti-Reptoid militia.
Bullets are the answer to your prayers when the shit hits
the fan.<br>Antigray
Hi Morph,<br>The Reptoids originated here.
Vertebrates here share over 95% of their DNA. Genetic
manipulation for a race with a 65 million year head start on
us in technology is not a problem.<br>Antigray
Hi PT,<br>The approximately 50 year intervals are
mileposts that if you look back through history, you will
see that humanity has major wars about every fifty
years. These wars, and plagues, are always accompanied
by major saucer flaps when the alien craft are out
picking up dead bodies. The Reptoids apparently migrate
excess population off of their homeworlds at those 50
year intervals. That is probably how long it takes for
a new generation of Reptoids to mature and leave. A
new generation of humans grows up every 50 years too,
to meet the food needs of the Reptoid migration
fleets that pass by here on their way to the new planets
where those Reptoids are being resettled. <br>Antigray
Pure class.

A major war every 50 years? That seldom, eh? Why do some people think war didn't exist before 1914? Even then, it was only twenty years from the end of that one to the start of the next!
(last allied troops comehome- from Russia, no less-1919, then off to war again in 1939) Even then, that doesn't count the Sino-Japanese war or the Spanish civil war and the shenanigans in South America!
Yeah, did we even have reptilian conspiracy theories before V came out?
Justin Anstey said:
Art Greenfield is a genius, perhaps better than Beckjord.

So I take it that the sexual
apparatus of a male Reptoid works with the sexual apparatus
of a female H. sapiens?<br>Is that luck or by
plan?<br>~ Paul&gt;<br>Yes they do, and apparently the
Reptoids males are similar in penis size to human males.
Since they came from Earth originally and they share
about 96% of our DNA, (as does nearly all animal life
on Earth), the odds of that size match up were quite

Donkeys come from earth originally and share (I think) better than 96% of our DNA.

(Similar arguments could also be applied to gorillas, and according to the above reasoning is almost certain to attain equivalence. Well I am afraid that there is a significant disparity in "size" between humans and gorillas and it isn't in the direction that you may at first think.)

My theory is that George W. Bush is a reptoid (stolen with daring from Lyndon B. Larouche. His heart-rate (true) is 45--you wouldn't expect such athleticism from an old lush and play-boy (coke-free since 1975, as he himself declared evasively).

He was trying to swallow that "giant pretzel" sideways. Probably mistook it for a guinea pig.

But seriously, I saw one of them there reptoids in the Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada. It was created by scientists to illustrate what dinosaurs might have evolved into had they become more humanoid. This image may well be the ancestor of all reptoids and Greys (Grays?) in the media and popular lore today, including the invaders in the t.v. series, "V".

The ressemblance is uncanny.

By the way, if you enter the word "conspiracy" into the Google search engine, and then try "conspiracy Larouche", it halves the number of hits. You get the same effect from "conspiracy jew". The only other word which seems to produce a similar effect is "CIA". Makes you think.

The idea of space aliens farming us for food is pure Charles Hoy Fort.

"We are fished for", he wrote.

Mind you, trolls, demons and witches were engaged in small-scale anthropoculture ages ago.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.