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Trans-Dimensional Deer Materialises On Power Lines


Gone But Not Forgotten
Apr 27, 2003
Is it me or has that deer up a telegraph pole been around a long time? I seem to remember seeing it at least a year ago if not longer ago than that. Have Coast to Coast run out of new material?
Yes thanks - that was it. :) Quite a feat if someone carried it up there on their shoulder. The further link from your link shows a deer from 2002 hanging in the cleft of a tree in the middle of nowhere - far more intriguing - could be a predator stashed it up there. :?:
Brompton1 said:
The further link from your link shows a deer from 2002 hanging in the cleft of a tree in the middle of nowhere - far more intriguing - could be a predator stashed it up there. :?:

The pathologist suggested that the deer had been shot with an arrow so this would seem to rule out any known predator other than man although the article intriguingly goes on to suggest a bigfoot link. The solution seems perfectly clear to me - someone shot the deer years ago and it fell on a maple seed which grew and grew... ;)
Actually, there would be great value in finding the arrow. If it could be located (presumably not too far away from the dead deer) then it could be a solid bit of evidence towards proving the existance of bigfoot. Imagine how exciting it would be if the arrow was found to be homemade out of materials from the woods rather than some commercially produced shop-bought arrow. This would not only lean towards bigfoot but also towards bigfoot being able to use and craft tools.
I think the photograph is so lovely - I will try for a copy. Trouble is nowadays with digital photograph and clever graphic designers who knows what is real anymore.
I just thought a puma or something may have put it up there.