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Hmm...doesn't this assume that (a) UFOs are extraterrestrial, and (b) extraterrestrials have/are visting planet Earth? Where's the evidence for either, and why assume any governments have knowledge of such?

With all the stuff TB's having to deal with at the moment, I doubt very much this raise anything more than an amused eyebrow ;)
Yup, it does assume that thealiens are really coming here and that there is a government conspiracy to cover them up.

The basic idea of this petition is to collect thousands of virtual signatures that can be presented to Prime Minister, Tony Blair at 10 Downing Street, London, UK asking for an open public debate as to why UFOs and ET visitation is being denied to the general public here in the UK.

Some of messages seem to suggest that TB would recover all of the trust lost over Iraq if only he'd announce on T.V that UFOs are alien spacecraft... ;) :)
I'm not sure I see an e-petition as something i want my elected representatives to take notice of.

I can fake them easily enough.

Would rather time was spent on other issues anyway.
