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UK State of Emergency Announced

to BY

Couple a things: Agree that it's not the US populations fault and that the 911 WTC attack was a response to the actions of previous governments/politicians/agents and not to the american people. What OBL etc would argue is that by voting for/allowing the policies of division/demoralisation/destruction in the Middle east and Africa the American people have opted out of morality, and therefore are immoral.

It's such an easy get out clause (and one we all use on these boards) - as it's a conspiracy, by non-elected officials/wizards-in-league-with-the-devil it's impossible for my actions to contribute to the suffering of others world-wide. This isn't true, as there are several ways in which one can, in the famous phrase, 'think globally and act locally'. Changing your shopping habits, reducing your impact on the local environment through waste reduction, taking part in local community action/volunteer work etc, not driving a car and using more public transport. The reason people are being killed in Afghanistan may well be over oil - therefore everyone that refuses to countenance getting rid of their cars is indirectly responsible for these deaths abroad. In a global market, all our actions have global consequences.

A "liberalist attitude" has swept over The US and the UK over the last ten-or fifteen years which has destroyed the morals anyone 30yrs+ has ever learnt to value.

Criminals rewarded for crime, whilst the victims suffer.
Creation of domineering "Human Rights" which have destroyed family values.
Financial destruction of National resources for Governmental financial gain.

an odd list there BY... you use these as examples of decaying morals, yet without your own reasoning behind your choices it's hard to see their validity. You claim no-one has directly addressed these, so I'll have a quick go ;)

How are criminals rewarded? Common criminals are facing increasingly stern measures, there are more people in prison in the US/Uk than ever before (although with poulation growth that's unsurprising), the US execute people on a daily basis - hardly rewarding. Yes there has been some liberalisation of prisons, in certain areas, but these prisons are mostly for drug offenders, and other low threat cases. Do you believe that criminals cannot be rehabilitated or that their actions do not have logical causes, which have unavoidably lead to crime (i.e. poverty, ignorance, lack of resources in the community etc.).

'Human rights' surely are something which should be upheld by UN/international bodies and apply to every person in the world - i.e. the right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of movement, to have food, water, medicines and shelter. How are these Human Right's destroying family values. The only family values I get from america is the value of the christmas presents and the expensive trainers that you spoil your children with. O and that the only family with any value is a conservative, white, man/wife2kids one, and that all other family units are perverted.

The last, the destruction of national institutions, is the one I find most odd amongst your list. As the US has never really had nationalised industry/healthcare or politics it's odd to hear you bemoaning it's downfall over here. I agree that the sale, stripping and disposal of nationalised industry has sent us backwards not forwards, and that british business has suffered dramatically because of it - the US backers of Railtrack having said they'll never invest in UK rail again (but then look at AmTrack - hardly the epitome of a well run industry). I can't see how this fits in with any libertarian or liberal ideas at all. This is just nepotism on a grand scale. If you study who was responsible for any of the national UK industries before privatisation (i.e. who held the purse strings/made policy for them) and then afterwards, a lot of the same names crop up. These people weren't picked because they were good at their jobs, they were picked because they knew the right people.

Oh and what is this PC crap, no-one uses PC language any more, it's your own problem for being obssessed with litigation, and the first ammendment of your own constitution (i think ;) ) enshrines people's right to free speech - so give it a rest, you and MK both sound like bar room reprobates who got kicked out of law school for trying to see up a girl's dress...
Now, Dot, take three deep breaths and repeat after me "Not all Americans are the same, not all americans are the same, not all americans are the same," Any better? Probably not, so I'll PM a little joke that helps me in these circumstances.

The whole point of these boards is that they exposes people to different views and in a small degree helps to modify them. This has happened to me, and both Blag (sorry about the yank, blag :eek: ) and Major. We still don't agree but we've changed.

My own view, for what little it's worth, is that if you get enough people doubting the status quo is a good thing you will get to a critical mass that can change the status quo. You may not like what it becomes, but it will change.

I'll leave it like that and prepare for the mass of rotten eggs about to be thrown at a pretentious B*stard.
Thanks,intaglio.I'm just a pig headed middle-aged bumpkin who tries to be open,but sometimes it's rather difficult.Also,I always question the status quo,even when I tend to agree with them.
And there I was thinking you were an attractive coed of about 18 summers. Ah! the disillusionment :D
No,I'm a short,overweight,half-bald,diabetic Navy veteran.Everyone around here find me highly arousing.
There's hope for me yet, then. How do I get a job in a convent? :confused:

Back to serious for a minute I cannot support this because it's based on an article in the british paper "The Independent" and they don't archive all their reports. :)eek!!!!: )
1) Papers were discovered in Kabul indicate that there was much pressure on the taliban prior to 911.
2) The office planning military action against Afghanistan - led by an American General (?) with an abrasive manner and based in Florida - was in existence before 911 and had contacts with the British military very early
3) 911 pushed up the timetable.
Now my thesis has always been that the intelligence community did not plan 911 but was aware of a major terrorist plot. Remember the FBI *lost* two of the suspects in flight training. Perhaps they thought an old fashioned hijack was the plan and that could be borne so that they could have leverage for military intervention. ie the enemy was underestimated.

Remember Governments will do anything for leverage and to preserve intelligence secrets. Churchill allowed the city of Coventry to be bombed to keep the Enigma secret.
I really need to keep my mouth shut about my anti-american sentiments! Or maybe not - perhaps it'll do me good to get flamed by some nice, rational, smart and egoless US citizens *waits with baited breath and goes blue*.

Seriously, I've got nothing against Americans in general, just those that they do and don't elect into office.

In resoponse to intaglio, I there was a thread called something like US allegedly planned Afghan strike BEFORE WTC attacks which discussed the fact that the attacks on Afghanistan were planned over a year (if not longer) in advance.

I really want to know what criteria we're going to start using for military intervention in another country: 'That bearded fellow looked at my pint'; 'I'm sure I've seen that chap hiding behind the bike sheds'; 'Isn't he related to Liberace'.

My personal dislike for regimes that oppress women and ban music do not cloud my judgement that often, I believe that the suffering that women, children, the old and infirm are going to suffer in the coming months are in no way comparable with the Taliban's mistreatment (or plain ignorance) of those groups. At least with the taliban you had something to work with, now we've got battle-hardened 'liberation' troops wandering all over the country, pockets of Taliban/Mujahadeen soldiers fighting to survive and a country who's woeful infrastructure caused concern before the bombing began. What justifies all of this? I don't care about future 'threats' to us, why are our lives more important than theirs? What gives us the right to do this? I never signed a form saying, 'In the event of random strikes against other countries I agree to wipe my moral calculus from my brain and become a vegetable'.
I had to laugh when I read some of the recent statements.

I think that a lot of English people's views of America are a little...distorted to say the least.

Maybe my view of the British is similarly distorted-who knows.

As for PC being crap...maybe where you are..maybe for you. In the US everything is much more weighted-say the wrong thing,do the wrong thing, and you will be sued, or face a criminal charge for breaking some dumb law.

So-can someone qualify the rumours of a pre-9/11 attack ogainst OBL?

As for skin colour/weight/religion-does it matter?

I thought it didn't.

i agree with the miss-conceptions in the peoples views of america and i think theres a few miss conceptions about the british

i think the views of people are moulded in the main by the media what with programmes like "americas dumbest criminals" and jackass what are we expected to believe

and i think the same is true the other way around with the americans getting british programmes like eastenders and coranation street and thing's like that what are they expected tio think about us?

BY - it isn't English it's UK and they don't have distorted views about the US (unless you count favurable bias!) it's me that's got a thing agin' you ;)

The 'rumour' about the US planning to bomb Afghanistan can be found by following the link I provided above.

Plus it's the lawyers that have made America a PC -obssessed country. Like you yourself point out, it's the threat of constant litigation which keeps Americans from speaking their minds (how long would that take...)

My relationship with yanks is like having a younger brother - I find you constantly irritating, yet because you're family I have to like you, even when you destroy my toys ;) Oh, and if I say anything nasty about you, you complain to daddy and I get whupped!
As for our PC obssession,it was largely started by academics,limousine leftists,and their political drones with their"hate speech"legislation and other such nonsense.The lawyers have certainly done their part,but it's not nearly as easy over here to sue for libel or slander as it is in the UK,which I assume is what you're referring to.
Dot 23,-Oh gosh and I just thought you were like this with everyone!

Don't know about the younger brother thing-are you the sort of older sibling that actually listens to dad?? :)

Ok read the link. You can take that info a lot of ways. I think its fair to say that the US probably had a very detailed plan of how to take out OBLwell before 09/11. But then again the US have a lot of plans of how to. It rarely carries them out.

No doubt-there is a detailed plan to take on Saddam again. That does NOT mean that we are going to.

The article isn't saying that the US were planning to actually carry out their plans-Big difference that.

As for the "UK"-how can you still be "united" when Ireland/Scotland/Wales have all declared independance from you?

Seems to me the empire is getting smaller by the day!

Not too sure about "Great Britain" either, -how about "British branch of Federal Europe"...say yeah that sounds catchy-might just take off with good ol' PM Blair!!


declared independance? scotland/ ireland/wales

do you mean because of the scotish parliment, the welsh assembly and the what ever is the irish equileviant? well i thought that was a factor of devolution not a declaration of independance its not like they had to fight tooth and nail to get it just vote the tories out lol

Blagarse Yank said:
As for the "UK"-how can you still be "united" when Ireland/Scotland/Wales have all declared independance from you?

Seems to me the empire is getting smaller by the day!

Not too sure about "Great Britain" either, -how about "British branch of Federal Europe"...say yeah that sounds catchy-might just take off with good ol' PM Blair!!



I don't recall any of the above declaring independance (though I am assuming that you are referring the Northern Ireland and not the Republic of Ireland?)

If it is simply that they have their own assemblies then could you say which (independant) state of the former US you belong to?
It's only a matter of time!!! Right, I'm going to paint myself blue, who's with me...?

I don't know how to break this to your ego but:

England first regocnised Scottish Independence in the Treaty of Northumberland 1328.

From the pages of the Welsh Assemblies Official Pages they state proudly "The soverignty of Cymru will be vested in it's people -in the first instance the individual. For all purposes soverignty is a synonym for independence the most important element of statehood." They also state that they are looking "at a 12 month timetable for a treaty for Independence" (with a President)

Ireland-well I think the claims for independence should be well known to the British after all the blood that has been spilt about it.

Interestingly both the Scottish and Welsh sites yeilded info about their views that they were independent through the EU.

Freedom is something that I regard very highly-and I can tell you that in the US I know how limited our Freedom can be!

Ok peace- here is a legitimate question:-Is England an independent Country-able to make it's own Law's and Rules-or is it subject to the E.U's overall decision?

I recall that you guys went into the Sole Trade Market?(or something) But have you now signed up to a federal Europe? And when did you do this (and why???????????????)

As a total cynic in respect of the E (poxy) C, they seem to walk all over us with no benefits for the people UK, BUT considerable expendiditure!!!

It's not helped by the UK bureaucrats who 'gold plate' EC directives!!!!

Our (poxy) politicians signed us up to a 'Common Market' which grew into the monster it is now!!!!!:devil:
Blagarse Yank said:

England first regocnised Scottish Independence in the Treaty of Northumberland 1328.


The Treaty of Edinburgh/Northampton, wasn't it?
Blagarse Yank said:
I don't know how to break this to your ego but:

England first regocnised Scottish Independence in the Treaty of Northumberland 1328.

...leaving almost 700 years of subsequent history.

England and Wales were unified in 1536, England and Scotland in 1707 and England and Ireland in 1801. The Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921 created the Irish Free State which was later to be named Eire. (In 1937, I think). The six counties which now comprise Northern Ireland were left outside the Free State.

All these arrangements are under review at the moment.

My dad's family originate in the Highlands of Scotland. Both my grandmothers were Irish and one of them married a Kentish man which as far as I'm concerned makes me British rather than English. A mongrel and very comfortable with being one. I don't much care for Nationalism of any colour and therefore do not much care one way or the other about devolution. Our history and the forces that made us don't change when you drop one flag and raise another.

As for Europe I'm still not convinced one way or another. One thing I do know is that much of the anti-European lobby is guided by Nationalism rather than reasoned political thinking.
Hell, my family name is Norman (that is to say, it originates in Normandy, it isn't actually 'Al Norman'...)
We fought as Scottish mercenaries on the Lancastrian side in the Wars of the Roses and now most of them live in Canada...
Right bunch of internationalists, eh?
Inverurie Jones said:
Hell, my family name is Norman (that is to say, it originates in Normandy, it isn't actually 'Al Norman'...)
We fought as Scottish mercenaries on the Lancastrian side in the Wars of the Roses and now most of them live in Canada...
Right bunch of internationalists, eh?
Your not the only one. Check out Robert de Bruis, a very well known Scot. William Wallace has had his surname derived from Wallays or "the welshman". There is an excellent argument that the lowland kingdoms are Saxon, the Hebrides are Viking and Argyll/Bute are Irish.

Technically, I suppose, Scotland took over England because the Regnal authority is derived by the Scots line from Henry VII, it's just that London subverted these rulers, then there was the Act of Union which was a peice of political chicanery and blackmail almost unparalleled in UK history.

Wales was taken over by bloody conquest, but there was no unified welsh king - even Glendwr. He was a Prince of but one Principality with no claim over the others.

Ireland started as a piece of military adventurism after the Norman Conquest. Hence the mess, there was never a *reason* for its England having any authority over that place. The plantation of Scots caused the anomaly of Ulster. Like Wales the *Celtic* habit of rule within clans appeared to Feudal kingdoms as a vacuum. Even the High King of Ireland only ruled on sufferance..

Cornwall is the oddest case. Theoretically Harold Goodwinson conquered "West Wales" on behalf of Edward the Confessor but there is no evidence of him getting beyond Bude. The surrender was the submission of the Church to Augustinian authority (Canterbury). It will be quite interesting to see the position of the Stannary Parliament following the introduction of the Human Rights legislation.
Blagarse Yank said:

I don't know how to break this to your ego but:

England first regocnised Scottish Independence in the Treaty of Northumberland 1328.

Blag, if you're wanting to say that the position dating back almost 700 years should form the basis of our current position, then that leaves the US in a somewhat delicate place.

From the pages of the Welsh Assemblies Official Pages they state proudly "The soverignty of Cymru will be vested in it's people -in the first instance the individual. For all purposes soverignty is a synonym for independence the most important element of statehood." They also state that they are looking "at a 12 month timetable for a treaty for Independence" (with a President)

Blag, could you let me know what the URL for that site is, as I have looked on the "official" site of the Welsh Assembly and can't find your quote. I probably haven't looked hard enough, though if accurate, the statement on "independance in 12 months" looks somewhat newsworthy.

Ireland-well I think the claims for independence should be well known to the British after all the blood that has been spilt about it.

Again, which bit are you referring to. The bit that has been independant for a long time, or the bit where the majority (bloody-minded buggers that some of them are:rolleyes: ) wish to remain part of the UK?

Interestingly both the Scottish and Welsh sites yeilded info about their views that they were independent through the EU.

Again, can you point me to the sites in question?

Freedom is something that I regard very highly-and I can tell you that in the US I know how limited our Freedom can be!

I think that I actually agree with you here.:)

Ok peace- here is a legitimate question:-Is England an independent Country-able to make it's own Law's and Rules-or is it subject to the E.U's overall decision?

Careful there. You seem to be making the same mistake that you did in a previous post, in confusing England with the UK. England is probably the one bit of the UK that *doesn't* have its own parliament. England is subject to the laws created by the parliament of the UK. (Which includes Scots, Welsh and Irish as well)

As regards EU laws (which are created by joint agreement in Brussels by representatives of the member states,) there are some areas of law that are affected by European law. If there was a law that was introduced that we didn't agree with, I believe that we could simply withdraw from the EU. Clearly we would only remain part of the EU if we (or at least those in government) saw some benefit to being part of it. (The flip-side to this, is that withdrawal would mean that we were no longer part of "the club", and hence would have to renegotiate deals with Europe ourselves.)

Remember that it isn't only the EU that has some sort of supra-national authority. For example, the US is a member of the WTO and this organisation has, on occasion, forced the US to accept things that they would have rather not. (Likewise, there are Geneva conventions, Treaties, etc...)

I recall that you guys went into the Sole Trade Market?(or something) But have you now signed up to a federal Europe? And when did you do this (and why???????????????)

We entered the EEC a few decades ago. This was just a grouping somnething like NAFTA. Over a number of years, this has grown into the EU, which has led to closer integration. At present we aren't signed up to any federal Europe (though there are people who would like to see this happen.) Issues such as the single currency exercise the minds of a lot of people at the moment. (Though we have not signed up to it, and a referendum on the subject is probably years away.)