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worrying: the truth





Stephen White

WOMEN are born worriers, according to American researchers.

Scientists have discovered that females have lower levels of a brain chemical that affects anxiety.

They found a person with less of the enzyme COMT is more anxious or highly strung.

Women with a certain version of the gene that makes COMT itself worry most of all.

Researchers discovered the strong link between the enzyme and anxiety while investigating the roots of alcoholism.

The US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse combined DNA analysis, recordings of brain activity and psychological tests.

Women with two copies of the particular gene - inherited from each parent - seemed to be the greatest worriers.

However, men having the same genetic make-up did appear to be extra anxious.

Dr Mary-Anne Enoch, of the research team, said: "Our study suggests that women with this genotype may be more vulnerable to anxiety because their COMT levels fall below a minimum threshold."
That explains a great deal about a couple female relatives of mine.

COMT inhibitors are used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, perhaps there's a possible use for them for anxiety.

Or perhaps we should just stop worrying, and hoping for medical fixes.
Oh great. One more thing relating to her body for women to worry about...

Timble said:
COMT inhibitors are used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, perhaps there's a possible use for them for anxiety.

I'm not sure inhibiting COMT would help if, as the article suggests, it is lowered levels of COMT which are causing the anxiety.

But don't worry about it ;)
Hmmmm.... being a psychologist I am always sceptical about any reasearch.
1. What was the sample size - is it truely generalisable ?
2. Might the alcoholism or high levels of anxiety actually lower the COMT levels, thus the lower levels actually being a sympton of the disease rahter than a cause. After all this research only indicates a correlation and not cause and effect.
3. Has this research been replicated ? If not, then it's too early to draw firm conclusions
4. Does the gene just make you more likely to be more anxious and does this predisposition/diathesis need to be triggered by anything. If so, no wonder women are more anxious, what with all the things men get up to :eek: A bit like having a predisposition to cardiovascular disease which needs to be triggered by a bad diet/lack of exercise/smoking/etc
I'm OK, I don't worry.

No realy I'm fine, honest. Look I'm OK.

Am I OK? how can I be sure I'm OK?
So, basically, if one's parents worry, one will worry oneself?

Well, duh. I suspect what we have here is a slow news day and some neuro research taken out of context.

Oh, and Queenie, you're fine. Existential angst always looks better on other people.
Women worry more? No shit...? Were these researchers just not paying enough attention or something?
Re COMT inhibitors

Quote originally posted by Dashwood

I'm not sure inhibiting COMT would help if, as the article suggests, it is lowered levels of COMT which are causing the anxiety

Quite right, Dashwood. I managed to confuse myself there.