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Night Visitors



John Sewell

In 1995 I was working at Halesowen College in the West Midlands, and had just moved house to Hill Street in Stourbridge around Christmas 1994. My landlady also worked at the college, and we had a mutual friend in the admin department. When I mentioned to this friend that I was moving into Jo's spare room, he replied that he wouldn't like to do this, as he'd often stopped over in the room, and found it to have a strange atmosphere...

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i don't know if it's connected or not but when i was younger at home in my parents house in sheffield, when i went to bed i used to be on the point of falling asleep when i'd be suddenly become wide awake. This was because just as i was falling asleep i'd hear breathing. It wasn't my mom or dad because they were downstairs watching tv, and i didn't have brothers or sisters. It was quite distinct disembodied breathing, slow and regular and it used to terrify me. I could never explain it but turning on the light would make it stop. Has anyone else ever had similar experiences? i too used to feel paralysed with fear.
Things that go 'huff' in the night

spook32 said:
It was quite distinct disembodied breathing, slow and regular and it used to terrify me. I could never explain it but turning on the light would make it stop. Has anyone else ever had similar experiences? i too used to feel paralysed with fear.

Yeah, Spook32, I experienced something similar in 1985 whilst living in a crappy old house in Rotten park, Birmingham (I was then a student, sharing with three others). I heard a deep 'clearing of the throat' from the start - it sounded right by my ear, causing me to break out in a cold sweat - and regularly thereafter. At first I rationalised: it was a fellow student in the room above; it was the children or little old lady next door (rationality extends far when desperate). Eventually I thought it must be the guy in the attic room above...until one night, when there was definitely no-one else upstairs, it happened again. Whatever it was, it wasn't harmful; I still really have no idea what caused this sound.
Just to add a bit more about my earlier post - my parents lived, indeed still do in a normal semi detached two bedroom house - obviously they had one bedroom and i had the other. The disembodied breathing always seemed to come from the opposite side of my bedroom (which was fairly small) and always seemed to come from the side of the wardrobe that was in there. It sometimes seemed to last for quite a long time and i vividly remember lying in bed terrified by it - but if i turned on the light it would stop. 'Why not just turn on the light then?' I hear you cry - well I was too scared to even move. I would lie sweating under my sheets in fear until I summoned enough courage to finally move.
I never mentioned it to my parents.
There never seemed to be anything menacing about it as such - it just scared the daylights out of me.
Roughly where in Sheffield? I only arsk because this story seems maddeningly familiar for some reason.
As a teenager I lived in Tewkesbury, Glos. and heard 'the breathing' coming up the stairs some nights. It seemed to originate on the stairs and would eventually draw closer until it filled my bedroom which I shared with my sister. Often on these occasions my sister would then sleepwalk to the top of the stairs and mumble slightly hysterically about 'ghosts and skeletons coming'. I left home at 17 and was troubled no more. My sister swapped bedrooms with my brother (but still had somnambulism) and from then on my brother heard the breathing too. I hadn't told him either. It wasn't until many years later we discussed it.
In answer to your question, it was Shiregreen in Sheffield. Does this help any?
This thread's jogged a childhood memory... I must have been about 12 or 13, it was daytime, and was messing about on the computer that was housed in my brother's bedroom. For a while, I could hear a distinct raspy breathing coming from the landing, and just presumed it was my brother messing about behind the door, trying to scare me.

When he wouldn't answer, I went and opened the door, and found there was no-one there. What's more, everyone in the house was downstairs in a room and some distance from the room I was in. The "breathing" continued for a while after this, though I don't know when it stopped, cos I understandably decided to join the rest of the family downstairs!

This never happened again. Coincidentally (?!) this was also in Sheffield, but in Deepcar, a good distance away from Shiregreen.

The phantom heavy-breathers of Sheffield, anyone?
I only ask because I'm certain that there was a very similar story in one of those 'Local Ghosts' books that the Sheffield Star published about 15 years ago.
I'll try and find it.
Having spent a little time in Evilsprout's house (I am his bro, after all!), I can give other examples of wierd landing phenomenom (WLM, anyone?)

About the same age, I was dozing, but not asleep. with my door ajar, and was alerted by a shadow moving across the shaft of light against the wall. I woke up immediately at this, but thought I'd imagined it. Then the shadow moved back the way it had come. I know that it wasn't a family member, too.

It didn't really bother me at the time, but that house was odd. I often got that feeling that someone was walking past me, especially in the front room, and on a couple of occasions found weird "stuff" that resembled accounts of ectoplasm on the dresser in the front room. We also spent the few days chasing a meowing cat that we never found, but at least me and my Mum glimpsed a black cat (again in the front room).

Nothing solid tho... Just an odd house.
I'm frightened already! Two Sprouts on the board?

I was dazzled at first by the suggestion of a huge local outbreak
of weirdness in Sheffield. But reading back, there are just two plus
Dan's memory of an article. But I'm hooked now . . .

This ectoplasm on the dresser, Jack, did it resemble Pledge that
had not been rubbed in? Did it stay, disappear, did you keep a
sample? :confused:
James Whitehead said:
I'm frightened already! Two Sprouts on the board?

This ectoplasm on the dresser, Jack..............did you keep a
sample? :confused:

Another Egon Spengler! Exactly my question to someone I corresponded with after my appeal in FT for Hag Experience/Haunting correlations. The goo appeared in association with objective effects, but was never bottled and analysed.
In the old spirit photographs, ectoplasm resembles cheesecloth and
I think there is a piece of it in a glass case somewhere. ??

Considering the vast quantities which were said to be flung about
at seänces, it's not a lot.

At the time, sample-taking was discouraged on the grounds that
it sapped the vital spirits of the medium.

There has been a US fad of photographing so-called ectoplasm
in recent years. Only these days it looks just like mist.
Then there are all these orbs. Kinda dull for ghosts.
Artifacts on Infra-red cameras? :confused:
:eek: This sounds like something I used to be _really_ scared of in my old room when I was younger. A slow, heavy rythmic breathing, almost like a prank caller used to eminate from somewhere over the other side of the room, leaving me frozen in my bed.

I never got the courage to turn the light on, so I can't tell you if it would have stopped or not, but usually I slowly drifted off to sleep, after convincing myself each time that I was only imagining it.

I also had an experience similiar to JackSkellington's - I remember it quite vividly, probably cos it was rather creepy:

It must have been early 90's, and I was off ill from school. I remember going up into my room to read a book. My dog (a small Yorkie) followed me in and curled up on the bottom of the bed. About 20 minutes into reading My dog pricked his ears up and 'stood to attention' followed by diving off the bed and sniffing at the base of the door (which I had closed to keep the heat in as it was a particularly cold winter). He then barked which made me jump. Something didnt feel right and then I could just about hear this breathing sounding to be roughly at the top of the stairs. As it got closer I could feel my heart beating faster and with my dog now growling and barking I grabbed my BB gun and sat with it aimed at the door. The breathing would also start and stop which was really unerving. Finally after about 5 minutes or so, I got the courage to open the door. As I approahced the door it seemed to back off or at least get quieter. When I opened the door my dog ran out looking around for something, but by this time whatever it was had gone/stopped.

Its always baffled me as to what it was. At first I convinced myself it was because I was feeling ill, but the fact that my dog was scared by something too kinda kills that idea. It never happened again either. Very strange.

Anyone else had this kind of experience then? I was in my early teens when this occured. It was about mid morning also.

Who are the people on the Landing?
re: who are the people on the Landing? I wonder if it's something trapped by the wierd geometry of staircases?

Just an off-the-planet thought. I'm reminded of the Siouxsie and the Banshees song 'The Staircase Mystery'.

I live in a ground-floor apartment now and haven't had a single wierd event occur here. Previously, I've had all sorts of 'paranormality' happen to and around me.
James> No-one thought to keep a sample... the ectoplasm was the type very much like a thin, clear glue, although to touch it almost felt like it wasn't there... Best comparison would probably be saliva (Yes, I too hope it wasn't anyone's bodily fluid). Got wiped of before it made a stain, I'm afraid :(

I've toyed with the idea that most ghosts (if ghosts do indeed exist and represent concious spirits) stay out of the way of the living and hang around in empty rooms and, yes, landings. Maybe they don't like to intrude.

Thinking back, we also used to get (latched) doors opening and shutting downstairs at nights... only when we were all in bed though... :)

BTW I maybe of the same kin, but there's only one Sprout!
Thanks for the extra details, Jack. I guess the case of the
mysterious fluid will remain open.

There are accounts of various substances appearing during
hauntings, sometimes very nasty. There are also cases of
mysterious pools of water. I had one of those myself - clean,
clear water in the middle of the kitchen floor. The rational
explanation was that rain had come in from the Xpelair and
pooled, leaving no connection with the source. But it seems
less rational when I think that it had never happened before
or since, despite frequent torrential rain. Well it is Manchester!

Less of a mystery were my bleeding window-frames which could
be seen last Winter, indoors and out. A blood red exuded from
little wounds. A miracle! Certainly connected with the extensive
rot treatment and fillers I had used the preceding Summer. :(

One of the weirder reported phenomena have been indoor falls
of powders or snows, some of them prolonged. The substance
never seems to build up and soon disappears. :eek:
Don't know if this is connected , but in 1993 I was staying in hostel in Barcelona , when something very strange happened to me . Just before I was going to sleep , I was reading a book , when the lights went dim in the room and I thought I could feel the faint outline of shadows as well as a low breathing sound . I started to feel frightened , then it felt like something bit me on the back . I felt a sharp shooting pain go through my body , but when I checked , there was no puncture mark . I've never understood what happened that night . Maybe someone can help me explain .
I can't believe that no one in this thread has mentioned sleep paralysis. It fits right in with most of your stories.

It's a sleep disorder wherein the dreaming person feels a heightened sense of awareness. Even though he's asleep, he thinks he's awake lying in his bed. Other regular symptons include hearing sounds like nearby heavy breathing or footsteps right outside your door. Many sufferers also feel an intense weight on their chest, as though something or someone were sitting on it. And the last and most important symptom, the "being too frightened to move" feeling, well, you really are paralyzed. See, since you're actually in a deep sleep, the brain shuts off your motor functions, so one doesn't fall out of bed or do something dangerous. Sleepwalkers are missing this built-in feature. What makes the paralysis so terrifying is that you THINK you're awake. I've had this happened to me once before, about five years back. I lived alone and heard breathing and walking around my room. I was paralysed and utterly petrified. For a good two years I thought the incident was real until I started reading about sleep paralysis. A quick lookup of SLEEP PARALYSIS in a search engine will bring up a wealth of more information. One way that is said to help come out of this state is to focus on one body part like a fingertip, and try to twitch it.

It's nothing mystical or evil, just a bad connection in the resting brain. Incidentally, a lot of UFO abduction stories have also been chalked up to misdiagnosed sleep paralysis.
night visitors - the old hag

i too have had the feelings similar to the weight on top of you. it happened a couple of years ago in a flat i was living in. i went through a period of about a month of very very intense dreams and nightmares inlcuding one night where i awoke to find myself paralysed and a large weight sitting on my chest. in a state of abject panic i mangaged to move but only to turn on my side [why i didn't run screaming from the room i'm not sure but i remember thinking that moving from the bed would be a bad idea], so i turned on my side with my head under the covers and the weight shifted so it was still on top of me in fact i could feel it shift about independly of my movements. it felt similar to when a cat is sitting on you but much heavier [there was no cat in the flat]. i then fell back to sleep and woke up again and back to sleep and eventually i could only work out if i was awake or dreaming by the light in my room gradually changing [my dreaming felt the same as being awake]. maybe this is similar to lucid dreaming where the person cannot tell if they are awake or not. i eventually really awoke. that month of nightmares/strange experiences was one of the strangest in my life. towards the end of the month i was getting quite scared to go to bed [i was 28 not a scared kid but that's what i felt like]. the funny thing is i was at a happy period in my life in a flat i really liked that had given really good vibes both before and since that month so i can't find any semi-rational explanation like surroundings or state of mind to account for that month except of course sleep paralysis.
Acoustic ghosting

Im curious,

in the cases of "odd" experiences, I wonder how many events/cases could be chalked up to the acoustics in a particular building, structure, or landscape?

If you have ever been to a science exhibit/museum, you may have seen such an exhibit where whispers could be spoken in front of a concaved (satellite dish looking) contraption, collected and bounced across the whole exhibit floor(20-30 meters?) to a identical dish. Arriving just as audible to the human ear as if it were spoken directly to the ear.

In cases of inexplicable breathing, voices...(assuming your in a wakened state for sure) ..I've caught similar acoustic pickups in many buildings / offices where "concaved' ceilings and walls fit into the architecture *by design I don't know*.

One such case I was roofing a house and standing over the ridge near the fireplace when my beeper went off as clear as day from my belt. I pulled it to see who beeped and curiously no page had been sent. Again a beep sounded and I looked at my pager more closely..looking around I saw no other beeper on the roof.

Thouroughly curious at this point I shouted to my boss who was next to his truck if his beeper had gone off, in which he replied, "its in the house (just framed within). "I think its going off I told him." He meandered inside and upon reaching his pager
(which was located in fron of a fiberglass tub turned on its side)
he spoke to me from the first floor inside as though he were right next to me on the roof. "Its just my wife!"

Evidently the acoustics of the bathtub bounced his voice thru the house and up the newly framed fireplace (hooded with a covering)
to me 2 feet away from the fireplace on the roof. If I stepped away from the spot his voice would diminish.

So with this story perhaps explains some certain cases of phenomena regarding strange sounds and sources..or the lack thereof providing reverse acoustics could be the cause of the absence of sound in some strange events...

I'd relate a couple of other instances..but I think you get the point.

I have suffered from sleep paralysis since childhood so, on waking in the middle of the night, I am often unsure as to whether I'm really awake or not, and on a couple of occasions it has caused me to wake up so confused that I have had to ask other people if I am really awake or not. (Once I had to get my flatmate to convince me that I was still alive!)
The problem is that I have had some curious experiences in my third floor tenement flat, similar to those described earlier in the thread, but because I am aware of my sleep disorder I am never quite sure if it's just me!
Friends of mine have reported hearing disembodied breathing and voices, and one person maintains that whilst lying alone in the spare bedroom, her foot was stroked by someone/thing.
I would appreciate any advice that might help me clarify the situation...
psychic vampires!!

I have read numerous cases of sleep paralysis and 'night terrors' but I have, on several occasions, been attacked in my bed and been able to move at the same time. On two occasions I have been awoken by a weird, saucer-sized 'thing' with stubby appendages which moves up my body and appears on my shoulder. Most stuff I have read about hags etc involves a numbness or pressure on the chest but mine seems unique. I have also seen the same whitish, jelly scuttle out the door and my father saw the same thing one evening when he was reading a newspaper in the living room. Whilst many people seem to experience voices, breathing, even the flapping of wings whilst being paralysed, I am concerned more by the fact that I can almost 'battle' with this entity. I have also had a black blob latch onto my thumb in the night and my cousin, as recently as September had a similar thing drop onto his foot at night whilst he was dozing off. Just before it happened he heard a voice say, "Is this alright ?". Anyone else have similar things occur ? I hope so.
From Anon

I have a close friend named Harold.

We have known each other for about 30 years. (He and I, at one point, had very strange encounters with the Ouija board, with some of the happenings including teleportation, although the following experience had nothing to do with our Ouija experiences, I don't believe. I mention the Ouija as being illustrative of the fact that Harold and I have had more than one shared paranormal experience.)

When we were first introduced by a mutual friend, it was as though we had known each for years. We have always been very close.

The paranormal encounter that I consider the most frightening of life was also simultaneously experienced by Harold, in slightly different form, but with the major elements of the experience coinciding.

About 25 years ago, while I was living at my parents' house. I awoke one morning to see my bedroom door opening. Immediately, I thought, with distinct clarity, "My father is coming in to empty the trash can."

As the door opened more widely, and I didn't see my father enter the room, I realized that something else was going on, and I began to panic, thinking someone had broken into the house. I believed myself to be thinking in a waking-consciousness, and did not feel that I was dreaming.

I also realized, as I became more aware that someone unwanted and dangerous was about to enter the room, that was lying on my back and could not move. I then saw, a black two-dimensional, shadowed outline of a man in what appeared to be a pointy trenchcoat and pointy rimmed hat enter the room.

I have NEVER been more frightened in my life.

I somehow knew, as the figure made its way to me in the bed, that it was going to do something to my neck and kill me. Along with the paralyzation, this thought was excrucatingly horrific.

As the figure, the most malevolent feeling thing I have ever
experienced, got to the side of my bed, near my neck, I "woke" up.

The room, as I looked around for the 'thing,' was just as it had looked moments before during the 'dream,' with shadows and early morning light exactly as I had thought it was moments before.

As bad as the 'dream' was I filed it under 'nightmares beyond all
nightmares' and somewhat forgot about it

About a week later, I went to visit Harold, who had had a string of bad things to endure.

His father had died during the prior year, his mother had run over his cat, and he had been fired from his job. His older brother, going through a divorce, had moved in with Harold and his mother.

During my visit, Harold mentioned that he'd recently had a horrible

He said that one morning, he woke up and thought his brother was coming into his room "to borrow some socks." But he eventually realized that the door opening was not done by his brother, but some malevolent entity determined to kill him.

I said "Stop, Harold, was it a shadow type thing with a pointy
trenchcoat shaped body?"

Harold said, "Yes. With a pointy kind of hat on." He was also unable to move as the thing came around to the side of the bed and Harold also felt it would do something to his neck.

During the discussion, we both later remarked how the ideas about my father emptying trash and his brother borrowing socks just kind of come into heads as a complete thought that almost was too placating....since neither my father came into my room to empty my trashcan and his brother never entered Harold's room unbidden, let alone to take some socks.

We both agreed that it was terrifying. We've never talked to anyone else with a similar experience, although since then, in my researches, I've run across references to 'the hag,' a Scandinavian myth, I believe, about a succubus type creature that somewhat mirrors the paralyzation and fear elements of our experience.
I have suffered from the 'sleep paralysis' for years now, and it is really really terrifying. Normally it's just scary because I 'wake up' and I can't move, so I panic. I'm always really tired when it happens as well, and I really want to go back to sleep, but I always get a strong feeling that I can't let myself drop off until I have moved at least something.

The other night though, I had the most scary experience of this ever. I 'woke up' and couldn't move, as usual, but this time I was sure I'd woken up because something was holding onto my hand, and stroking it with a finger or something. And I was convinced there was something in the room with me, and it wouldn't let go of my hand, despite the fact I couldn't see anything. And I was trying to shout out to my flatmate, but I couldn't get any sound out. I think this all took only a couple of minutes, but as time went on, now this sounds really corny, I was sure I could see the old proverbial grey figure in the corner, and I thought to myself- oh hell, a grey old woman- why I should think that I've no idea, cos all I could see was a grey smudge (I'm very short sighted anyway, and without glasses, in the dark all I can see are vague shapes). Anyway, I eventually could move, so I had woken up proper, but I was still convinced there was something in the room (something bad). And I was completely freaked out.

I thought that when someone has sleep paralysis, they are actually awake, but their muscles haven't woken up yet which is why they can't move. But reading the other explainations here, it would seem it's accepted that you are not awake at all. To be fair, I'd rather this was the case, as although I love hearing ghost stories, I have never seen one, and don't really want to be sharing my room with one until next June, specially one that likes to grab hold of my hand in the middle of the night . Nice to hear other people get this thing too, though.:eek!!!!:
Just wanted to introduce myself, and comment on this thread.
I've been lurking on this board for ages and only recently registered. I think you are a very interesting bunch, and definitely the funniest and most polite board I've visited.

Anyhow, I have a keen interest in ghosts/spirits, and have had some very odd experiences myself. But, I have this memory, of
being oh, say, in 5th grade, and having trouble getting to sleep
because of some sinister sounding breathing coming from
a few feet away in the dark. It haunted me for a few nights before
I realised it was my clock/radio hissing a low static at me.

I live in a flat, and I'm surrounded by weirdness. Mind you some of that's my family.
But has anyone been attacked in their sleep and had the ability to move. Sleep paralysis seems quite common, which still suggests a state of slumber, but my experience, posted a few posts back involved being awake and able to move whilst this 'thing' moved up my body and I shook it off.
I was once 'attacked' (by a Zombified Ex Girlfriend) and was able to fight it off by using my talent at lucid dreaming to escape (I zapped her much like I zapped the 'grey' during my TLE attack.

The weird thing was as the pressure left my chest I physically felt myself rising up from under the covers, like a real weight had forced me down into the mattress. Top of my duvet, slid down my face as I woke up, waking me further.

Niles "This is Scary... This is Kinky... but wait, she dumped me years ago!" Calder