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Night Visitors

I know how scary sleep paralysis can be. When I was younger I used to enjoy going to sleep and dreaming, it was the only time when my imagination could go into full flight and I sometimes actually looked forward to going to sleep as I would plan what I would dream about.

When asleep I always became aware that I was dreaming, and would then start to mould my dreams. If I ever had a nightmare I would always become slightly concerned before realising that I was dreaming and the statement usually made in my sleep was 'oh s**t, its just a dream!' and I would then proceed to conciously wake myself up.

I had done this at least a hundred times as I seemed to dream every night - as I still do. One night, however, I was having a particularly horriffic nightmare when I realised what it was and then decided I should wake up. I did just that, and was sitting up in my bed, breathing a sigh of relief at a 'close escape' from the monster, when a figure walked past the end of my bed, not even a figure really, it was like a 'cut-out' sillouette. I tried to scream, but nothing would come out of my mouth, I then couldn't move. I conciously realised that I has not actually woken myself up, but had only 'half completed' the job, leaving me in limbo. It was the scariest moment I have ever had in my life and needless to say that I rarely wake myself up from dreams now, even though I am often fully aware that what I am experiencing is a dream and that it is not 'real'.

I still enjoy going to sleep and dreaming, and know full well that some of the dreams I have are the most vivid/odd/loopy dreams anyone I have ever met has had, and I have these on a nightly basis, I think they're great but I try not to interfere with them so much as I used to. Does anyone else have such awareness of self in dreams and such control over them as I have?? I dream every night, and seem to remember every dream I have. Lst night I have three and I can remember them like they were video taped?!?!:)
My mother has had terrifiying experiences similar to what has beeen described in this thread.

A year ago or so she claimed to have have an experience while sleeping in her chair . She claims that someone was choking her with her with hands. She didnt see anything,she was just aware of something choking her. She says she struggled violently with it and finally called out Jesus help me. A few weeks later she claimed to have once again struggled with somehing that apparently tried to enter her.She yeled out the same thing and whatever it was went away.

Anyone ever have a violent encounter like that?
"... the ectoplasm was the type very much like a thin, clear glue, although to touch it almost felt like it wasn't there... "

I'm a bit rusty on current ghost-lore... is this form of ectoplasm a common thing (well, as common as ectoplasmic manifestations get)? I'm familiar w/ the "cheesecloth" type, but didn't know the slime existed outside of the Ghostbusters mythos. Strange.

Otherwise, Your description of this mystery goo reminds me of something I read just a couple of weeks ago. The article related an incident that supposedly occured in Maimi, Florida back in '58 where a family claims to have seen this large, gellid mass fall from the sky into their back yard.

According to the witnesses, the blob was composed of a pulsating, tranlsucent material with a cell-like structure (they used the term honeycomb). But even more unusual than that, while they could see and touch the material (in fact, it was very easily damaged), it produced no tactile sensation whatsoever.

When they noticed that it seemed to be rapidly evaporating, the husband scooped out a sample and sealed it in a jar... though that, too, quickly disappeared (total elapsed time was estimated to be about 45 minutes).

It goes on to say that the Miami Herald printed an article about it and that the witnesses heard of two other identical incidents (one that same day a few miles off, and another 3 years earlier in the state of Arkansas... though make of that what you will).
And attempting to appear at least a bit on-topic....

I've recently experienced what I can only assume is a form of sleep paralysis. It's only occured twice, and these incidents are the only time I know of that it's ever happened to me.

On both occcasions, the climax of the dream involved my death. Fairly common subject, yes? The first time it was a high-speed auto accident, in the second I died from a scorpion's sting.

But, though many people would say this doesn't happen, I actually died within the dream. No sudden waking up at the last second. I was "dead" for a minute or two afterwards (dream-time).

Both experiences were accompanied by a feeling of immense pressure surrounding my body as well as a sensation of hurtling at high speed through a lightless tunnel (perhaps the pressure was related to velocity. *shrug*). Both of these, I suppose, could be easily explained by the physical characteristics of this condition (i.e. sensation returning to my limbs and my eyes being shut off at the time). However, and this only happened the first time, I also heard a deep, gutteral laughter resonating all around me as well as the impression that whatever Chuckles was, it was happy to see me dead.

Mark Pilkington said:
John Sewell

Story snipped
I had the same thing happen to me.

I've always had this sleep paralasys thing more often than most people.. I'd say it happens to me every 3 months or so normally. But here is the weird thing.

At most weekends I used to go to my friends house, go out have some drinks and sleep on his armchair. Now, every single time I did, I had this sleep paralasys happen. It would wake me up in the small hours with all kinds of weird stuff happening. It happened regardless of other people in the room, it seemed I could shout but the person in the room would not hear me.

Things that would happen:

Many a time I would hear the radio on with normal sounding stuff like a news report etc - I really thought the radio was on but upon waking up I found it was not. The news reports were so weird too sometimes. Also sometimes I did see the stereotypical cat (although at the time I did not know it was stereotypical) which morphed into something very non cat-like. Once I saw a person floating near to the ceiling in the corner of the room and a few times a single ball of light coming towards me.

Now if you are thinking like me.. I assumed it was a combination of the drink+armchair causing this unusual frequency. Not so because we started going onto someone elses house after the pub and again I was in an armchair and not one single time did I have the same experience. He also told me that he had 'weird things' happening in that place.

The most spooky thing of all. He had a wooden cabinet, the big kind that held books, ornaments thats kind of thing. It would have been quite heavy but after waking up one morning the whole thing had been moved about 4 inches back on my side of the room. The weird thing? It was the only time EVER that I did not have this sleep paralasys in the middle of the night there.

Scared the hell out of me, even if my rational side was telling me he had sneaked in, in the middle of the night and did it.
I too have experienced similar events. But not on many years now, since I have developed the ability to control the "man in the cloak". Actually, I were never able to see him/she/it/ clearly, since I am very short sighted. But here is what used to happen. I got into bed. Then a certain feeling came over me. A feeling of helplessness. And trust me when I say, I was NOT asleep when this happened. It happened when I was FALLING ASLEEP, but when I was more awake then asleep. When this feeling came over me, I know what was going to happen. I always knew. To be completely honest, I remember it as being several creatures, not only one of them. However they were dark, shady, and when they showed up, I became paralyzed, and then I probably fell asleep, since I can't remember anything happening after the feeling of helplessness. As I wrote above, I later developed an ability to sort of "control" the being in the coat. I learned to "discover" them just as they showed up, and when I did that, they disappeared. After developing that ability and using it several times, the beings stopped bothering me.
Something a little similar happened to me when I was a little girl. I used to wake up to see a head in my window nearly every night, and I (being a big coward) would run and snuggle up with my parents.

One night, I was dozing off and I saw a bunch of little men in hoods. Now, they remind me of the Jawas in Star Wars (but the movie was still a couple years away from cable at the time). They were in hoods and robes and had gleaming green eyes. They were always trying to steal something, be it a lamp or shoes discarded on the floor. They would go in a long line, one after the other and try to pick it up.

The funny thing was, after about forty or fifty of them tried, the item in question would move slightly! I never thought of them as anything but maybe a 'monster in the closet' thing until I had a nightmare about them!

I dreamt that they suddenly noticed that I was watching them from behind my parent's bodies. Then they picked me up (having no trouble with THAT at all!) and bore me off into the hall closet that we used for storage. Only, then it led to some weird jungle place.

Then they brought me before another hooded guy. He wore white and had red shining eyes. They jabbered at each other in a strange language for a few seconds and then he looked over at me.

"She's not ready yet," he said in english!

And then I woke up in MY bed, and I never saw them at night again.

Needless to say, four years later I talked my parents into moving.:eek!!!!:
Fencesitter said:
Something a little similar happened to me when I was a little girl. I used to wake up to see a head in my window nearly every night...
Could you describe this head please?

One night, I was dozing off and I saw a bunch of little men in hoods. They were always trying to steal something, be it a lamp or shoes discarded on the floor. They would go in a long line, one after the other and try to pick it up.

The funny thing was, after about forty or fifty of them tried, the item in question would move slightly!
Maybe it was really you that was moving the object with your mind and they were archetypes. Just a thought. :)
I may have mentioned this before.
Used to have a dream where I'd be stabbed in the right side and would feel a horrible pain there. I'd wake up holding my side, terrified.

What was happening, I eventually realised, was that I'd have the 'stab' dream and in my sleep would clutch my side hard, pinching and causing enough pain to wake myself up. :rolleyes:

Next time it happened I thought, in the dream, 'I needn't grab my side as I haven't really been stabbed', and sure enough, I soon awoke peacefully.

Well...my bedroom faced the streetlight outside, and every time I told my parents that there was someone tapping on my window every night, they insisted that it was this giant doll I owned. I kept it stuffed under my bed (and checked that it was still there before I went to bed every night!). I even double-checked one night, and the doll was still there.

The scary thing was I had a dream where I finally tore open the curtain to find this man there! I was so angry that I grabbed my tennis shoes and put them on and gave chase to him. I was joined by a couple of my school friends and we ran after him until we lost him in the woods.

After that, there was no more tapping on my window, and I had to wash my sneakers because they were all muddy! After that, I tried to be a good church-going child!

I've experienced SP on and off for years and when I was younger my grandmother told me that Sp was when an entity was in the room. It was like a natural alarm that protects you from being possessed or something to that effect.
In my experiences I have noticed that I am not always sleeping which is why the whole theory of Sleep Paralysis just doesn't jive with me.
It's just another attempt by the scientific community to drown out other possibilities.


I had an experience similar to this topic only in my experience I heard a sigh...a feminine sigh as if there were a female entity in my room resigning or something. I was in college, and in my dorm room alone when I heard it. A few days later, I heard it while I was using the bathroom, and I called out to see if my roomate was there, but she wasn't.
One night, while doing my homework, my roomate said she had something to tell me and then she began to weave a tale about a feminine sigh she heard while in the bathroom. Of course I told I had experienced the very same thing.
An interesting note though, we tried the OUIJA board and asked the entity who was in the room to rap on the wall three times and it did, despite the fact that noone was in next door and the hall was pretty much deserted.
After the OUIJA experiment, I would fall asleep at night with the lights on only to be awakened by a pounding at the end of my bed. I rarely slept in the room after that and when a friend of mine slept in there to keep me company after my roomate had gone home for the holidays, I awoke to the unmistakable sound of the floor by my bed creaking with the unmistable weight of something standing there and breathing.
Of course, a few minutes later, my friend rose from the opposite bed and dashed out of the room, leaving me in total darkness. I dredged up the courage to hit the lights which were directly above my bed and I left that room and ran to my friend J's room only to discover my deserter friend had too gone there and when I asked her why she left me she told me about the breathing stranger standing over her!

That room scared the sh*t outa me until I left for the summer. But the feminine stranger is probably still there!

And this is the kicker-the description my friend gave of the entity--female, with a bun in her hair--is the same description of the entity my best friend encountered in a grave yard, which she believes followed her home. And I always spent the weekends at my best friends house. Could this entity have attached to me and followed me all the way across the country???

Last winter, I had a strange visitor/night hag/hypnogogathingie. I must have just dozed off with my head facing north window when I saw a green grinning face staring from the window. Then, a huge black book came flying over to me, trying to crush me and I had to fight it off. Very, very strange. I awoke, I think, and ran downstairs. My husband was asleep on the couch, my daughter asleep in her room, so no one could confirm large flying black book in the house or green grinning men in the windows.

About two months later, I had another strange hypnogogic experience asleep on the couch watching a documentary on Kubric and "Eyes Wide Shut". I guess my subconscious is witty because my "dream" was that I couldn't open my eyes but the room had inverted to such an extreme angle that everything was sliding to one side. I could still hear the TV show in the background.

BTW my cats weren't present for both of these experiences. I feel much, much safer when they're around.
You, too?? Before I got my current cat and after the one before her died, I had this horrible dream that I was being chased. Then I reached the edge of this cliff and whoever was chasing me pushed me off!

I was falling and I knew that if I hit the ground I would die. I'd had other dreams where I fell and hit the ground, got up and walked away to other dream experiences, but this one was totally different.

Then I felt claws in my leg. My old cat used to sleep on my thigh while I read, and when I woke up, I thought that I brushed her side as she was jumping down.:eek!!!!:

I was seriously freaked out by that, and got my current cat a couple months later. She occasionally wakes me up in the middle of the night for no reason...:confused:
The link in post #1 is long dead. Here's the complete text, salvaged from the Wayback Machine ...


Another Night Visitor

John Sewell

In 1995 I was working at Halesowen College in the West Midlands, and had just moved house to Hill Street in Stourbridge around Christmas 1994. My landlady also worked at the college, and we had a mutual friend in the admin department. When I mentioned to this friend that I was moving into Jo's spare room, he replied that he wouldn't like to do this, as he'd often stopped over in the room, and found it to have a strange atmosphere.

As I picked up no funny vibes, and the house itself seemed a normal, solid, warm Victorian terraced residence, I didn't really take much notice. Despite a keen interest in ghosts and unexplained phenomena, I'd never seen anything I couldn't explain. The room itself was small and cosy (about 12" by 8", roughly), and once all my stuff was in it there was barely room for me, let alone a ghost!

Three times, during January - April 1995, I awoke, feeling extreme panic and fear, unable to move, with the feeling that something was slowly pulling the bedclothes off. Each time, I suddenly found myself able to move, but drenched in sweat and shivering with cold and fear. On two occasions I looked at the alarm clock and remember that the time was exactly 2am. On the fourth occasion it happened, I forced myself to look up, the effort causing me to painfully strain my neck muscles. At the foot of the bed, by the door, I could see a figure, which appeared to be that of a tall man, apparently wearing a cloak (the nearest thing I can think of is the first appearance of Christopher Lee in Hammer's Dracula). I couldn't make out any features, but there seemed to be a soft green glow, silhouetting the figure from behind. I shouted something along the lines of "F**king hell! Who's that", whereupon the figure vanished, disappearing into a central point like an old TV going off. At this point, I could move fully, and once more checking the time, found it was 2am again.

I've heard talk of the Night Hag, and waking dreams, but I still don't know why this should happen at the same time on at least three of the four occasions it did. Luckily, once it had achieved its apparent object of scaring the hell out of me, whatever it was decided to leave me alone, and I eventually moved out of the house in December 95.

Does anyone have any idea what was happening to me?


SALVAGED FROM: https://web.archive.org/web/20070314231439/http://www.forteantimes.com:80/happened/nightvisit.shtml