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  1. L

    Reversing PIN Numbers

    I'll take your emergency shift key or your emergency 0-first alarm (although many robbers might notice the extra hand and/or extra digit in the PIN) but what would be the point? Even a copper standing inside the bank at that very moment wouldn't get there in time to stop aforementioned robber...
  2. L

    The Green Man

    Love your photos uair01!
  3. L

    The Time Cube

    My eyes! *staggers away clutching head*
  4. L

    Line Rage: Newest Antisocial Behavior

    Queues aren't law or sheepism. They're there to keep the peace, and only work because queuees accept them. You say she was ahead of you.
  5. L

    Spooks On The Tube: Ghosts Of London Underground

    There are lots of horrible incidents, though, at lots of different stations. Is there any reason why Bank should be affected and Bethnal Green not (for example)? Incidentally, this is my favourite
  6. L

    A Cure For Cancer?

    No disagreement here.
  7. L

    Driving Incident At An Intersection (IHTM)

    Aren't red cars supposed to be difficult to see under orange streetlamps?
  8. L

    A Cure For Cancer?

    Is there not a missing link in your argument around exactly how Governments and Pharmaceutical Corporations are in league with each other?
  9. L

    A Cure For Cancer?

    I'm not saying it's obvious. I'm saying it's totally ridiculous. Jesus if you're going to have a conspiracy theory at least make it internally logical.
  10. L

    Ghost Month

    I've never heard of any British custom of telling ghost stories except for on school trips and sleepovers. Mind you, don't take my word for it. It's traditional in Japan to tell ghost stories in August (likewise the time when ghosts can roam) because they give you shivers and make you feel...
  11. L

    A Cure For Cancer?

    Yeah, obviously the big pharamceutical companies want to keep populations down in Africa. WTF?????????
  12. L

    A Christianity Question or 2

    Well I'm sorry for misunderstanding you and not reading between the lines, being hyper-intelligent and everything, but this is what you actually said in your post. Anyway, it seems that you misunderstand me. I said that religious acts and 'good' acts are not related to each other. Being good...
  13. L

    Proactive Human Population Reduction

    I'd rather take my chances with our society's system of justice than with your baying mob. You exactly 'take the right to kill' when you advocate that people you disapprove of be killed without recourse to court of law. You're saying that by not doing actually cutting the throat - with the...
  14. L

    Proactive Human Population Reduction

    I truly can't believe what I am reading here. You're actually suggesting that - instead of a complicated system of law, honed over centuries with built-in systems of checks and balances, making decisions over the future of an individual accused of a crime - you're suggesting that the local...
  15. L

    Cult worshipping robots?

    Sorry for stating the obvious, but this all sounds well dodgy. And really quite terrifying. How come you're working for them?
  16. L

    Ghosts & Cameras

    Mikko, presumably the right hand light is a candle that was there quite normally? The top light looks like another candle through the gap in the wall. The middle one is much more circular - could it be glare of some kind? It seems to be lighting up the corner of the wall/buttress so it looks...
  17. L

    A Christianity Question or 2

    I accept that this is not the only thread I have disagreed with you on, and I apologise if it seemed that I am targeting you. It just happens that you sit on the opposite side of the fence on a couple of pet subjects; not knowing anything about you except for a couple of your posts I certainly...
  18. L

    A Cure For Cancer?

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  19. L

    A Christianity Question or 2

    Thanks for the theology lesson. Yes, anyone can go to church and take communion (well depending on the church probably not anyone actually). Communion isn't a way of proving you're a 'good' person. It's communion (the clue is in the title) with God. So it means as much if you're not a...
  20. L

    Royal Pretenders

    That's why Irish Americans gave so much money to the IRA then.
  21. L

    Where Are The Wild Hamsters?

    Yeah the little buggers kept running off until we started nailing them down.
  22. L

    So 'battered' that she kept on dancing to the fire alarm...

    Didn't one of the characters in Spaced do this sort of thing? The cycle courier. Would dance to the telephone ringing or the pelican crossing.
  23. L

    A Cure For Cancer?

    Have you read a single word of what anyone has said on this thread so far?
  24. L

    Mothball Sniffing: Oh God...

    Like a white lemon bon bon with a nut in the middle? MMmmm
  25. L

    Strange Or Fortean Annual Celebrations

    I like the Penny Hedge myself. Although I couldn't really get what that old text was going on about so I found this this and this which have pictures.
  26. L

    Golf balls

    Oops! :D My slice was mainly caused by my swing plane being too steep; now that I'm bringing my backswing around on a flatter plane it's much improved. And my god, it turns out that there's a secret society of golfers in our very midst!
  27. L

    Golf balls

    I'd better quickly interject that it's not actually me it's Anna Rawson, she's a proper golfer. Those shoes must make merry hell of the greens. And that bastard Oscar Wilde, I'd contemplate wiping all his opus from history just to get rid of that bloody quote :x
  28. L

    Royal Pretenders

    I'd like to know what merit there was in his claim to be descended from Henry VIII (a secret son born to Anne Boleyn before she became the second of his six wives???)
  29. L

    Golf balls

    Re: Tales from the 19th (Royal & Ancient) Er, that'd probably be the Captain's daughter, Pietro. And probably a 5 handicap. But I think we get your point. All non-golfers think golf is shit.
  30. L

    New Apollo 11 Landing Tape

    Did anyone see the programme on Monday about Apollo 11? I only saw the second half and this was in the first half that I missed. Apparently they couldn't talk about the object following them because their voices were being listened to (on terrestrial radio??? or something???) So they tried to...
  31. L

    Golf balls

    So I'm wondering, if the context of the story had been something other than golf, might Enzo have got a bit less sarcasm? All non-golfers hate golf. This is me (beautiful swing don't you think?):
  32. L

    300 Loaves of Bread?

    Did you know that loaves of bread have to be sold in weights that are multiples of 400g? So a standard loaf is 800g, a half-loaf is 400g. (Anything smaller than 300g can be any weight you like) Weights & Measures (Miscellaneous Foods) Order 1988. Nope, you're not allowed a 750g loaf. A...
  33. L

    A Cure For Cancer?

    Oh come on, no-one seriously thinks 'drugs companies' are withholding 'a cure for cancer', do they? I mean puhleeeze...
  34. L

    'Attack' on Buddha's tree probed

    I heard this thing on R4 about how trees grow and then collapse in on themselves when they're really old, but sprout out again from the same base, meaning it's essentially the same tree. Which would mean some of our trees date back to the end of the ice age.
  35. L

    SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence): Compendium / Miscellaneous

    Aliens. Interesting. Anyway who's up for eviction off Big Brother this week? And HOW THIN is Victoria Beckham??? OMG have you seen Keira Knightly in that dress?????
  36. L

    Conspiracy Theories Online Questionnaire

    No surprise there then Jerry! Agree with that - if it was 1% instead of 0% then it still leaves open the possibility, however remote, that I'm wrong in my opinions. Also, it might be just me, but there are some conspiracies that, not being a big conspiracy theory fan, i've never actually...
  37. L

    Japanese Capsule Hotels

    There were plenty of beer machines around where I lived. Look up Yotel.
  38. L

    Is It A Boy Or A Girl?

    Hi Tamyu, Thanks for sharing - must have been really tough. And I think it's probably particularly difficult in Japan to bring your baby up in a gender-neutral way. Best wishes to you and your family.
  39. L

    "Mysterious" Infrastructure Objects

    Yes, I wonder if it's too obvious to attribute to that era a total lack of interest in our heritage? An amazing tudor mansion house was pulled down around then in my home town, along with another couple of (less old) country houses, to build identikit houses. Mind you, it's not just the 50s...
  40. L

    Secret Nazi Base In Antartica & Operation Highjump, Etc

    Ooh I haven't seen a good flounce in ages.
  41. L

    The 'Eternal' Brick & Other Anomalous Urban Objects

    Great - would love to see it! Near me there's a postbox in a tree (the tree has grown round it) which is brilliant.
  42. L

    Sudden Language / Accent Acquisition (Xenoglossy; Foreign Accent Syndrome)

    If an accident to the brain such as a stroke can make one recall stuff that you had forgotten years and years ago such as words of a foreign language, can hypnotism or other ways of messing with the brain bring these things forwards? I don't mean suppressed memories or past lives, just stuff...
  43. L

    Communing With Spiders

    I'm starting to think i need help - there was an enormous spider in my office yesterday, the size of your palm and FAT and i freaked out and ran away, and then i couldn't go near that corner and i needed stuff that was there. So i got the hoover out and thought 'i can do this' and went...
  44. L

    Japanese Capsule Hotels

    Not in the classical french sense, no i suppose not!
  45. L

    Japanese Capsule Hotels

    Some kinds of love can be quite quick. ...although 15 mins I'm not sure I could get enthusiastic about
  46. L

    Japanese Capsule Hotels

    Only gentlemen stay in capsule hotels, because women obviously have to rush home after work to cook dinner for their husbands. It's a great idea for boozy late midweek sessions or after an all-nighter at work. I refer interested posters in the London area (and anyone with a few million...
  47. L

    Macabre Place Names

    Cool! I always thought Japanese place-names must be ateji but that's a perfect way of disguising a dodgy placename instead of just changing the name like they tend to do here (cf Petticoat Lane for eg)
  48. L

    Spooks On The Tube: Ghosts Of London Underground

    That's because London is the centre of the universe, didn't you know?
  49. L

    Saxon / Anglo-Saxon Archaeology & Artefacts

    I've been to the beach that runs in front of the castle, it's brilliant!