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graves & tombs

  1. gattino

    Eleanor Rigby

    I wasnt sure which broad category to post this under. Fortean Travel? It Happened to ..er...Someone Else? Chat? General will do for now. Basically it's about an unexpected little afternoon out yesterday with famous fortean links. My very long stay guest -cum - housemate , R, is a...
  2. Yithian

    Farewell To Enola Gaia

    We've just received the news that our good friend and fellow moderator @EnolaGaia has died. We'll confer shortly, I hope, and decide how much information is appropriate to release. A big thank you to him for everything he did here; he was a fine man and a major part of the reason the board...
  3. K

    Ancient China: Tombs & Burial Grounds

  4. S

    Graveyards & Cemeteries

    These are subject to so many cliches that I was interested to know if other people, like me, find these peaceful, if rather melancholy ( to me) places, but not at all frightening. I can walk around one at night, accompanied! - and feel not the slightest shiver. Although the parents did back out...
  5. M

    Curses Linked To Graves, Mummies & Artifacts

    I couldn't find a general thread on the Mummy's Curse so here it is. http://www.ncbuy.com/news/2004-05-24/1009681.html A bit of a non-story but we'll just have to await the first deaths............ Emps
  6. A

    Gravestones, Tombstones, Headstones & Epitaphs

    Word puzzle headstone may have guaranteed entry to Heaven From www.ananova.com Story filed: 07:57 Tuesday 23rd July 2002 Anything featuring Rev Lionel Fanthorpe deserves a mention in here but even more-so when cryptography and the afterlife meet in one article!