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85% Of Homosexuals Are "That Way" Because They Are Possessed By Ghosts

maximus otter

Recovering policeman
Aug 9, 2001
"The main reason behind the gay orientation of some men is that they are possessed by female ghosts. It is the female ghost in them that is attracted to other men. Conversely the attraction to females experienced by some lesbians is due to the presence of male ghosts in them. The ghost’s consciousness overpowers the person’s normal behaviour to produce the homosexual attraction. Spiritual research has shown that the cause for homosexual preferences lie predominantly in the spiritual realm.
  • Physical causes (5%): Due to hormonal changes.
  • Psychological causes (10%): Having an experience with a person of the same sex as a teenager or young adult that was pleasurable and therefore wanting to experience it again.
  • Spiritual causes (85%): Mainly ghosts."
It's science; there's a graph:


Luckily, however, salvation is at hand:

"To overcome homosexual tendencies and desires one should perform the below spiritual healing remedies:

ChantMudraNyasOm Rudraya namaha’(specific position of fingers to channel the Divine energy into the body and subtle body) One can keep the following mudra as shown in the above picture:Nyas is the focusing of energy flow through the medium of the fingers joined together at the tips. By doing nyas, we focus our spiritual energy by directing our bunched fingers towards a particular energy centre.It is recommended to perform nyas on the Sahasrar (crown chakra) and Swadhishthan (sacral chakra) simultaneously.

Method of chanting:

  1. Chant this chant 108 times each in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  2. Light an incense stick when chanting.
  3. Apply the Holy ash (vibhuti) on the body
Method: Join the tips of thumb and index finger with slight pressure using thumb. Keep the rest of the fingers straight as much as possible.

Duration: Daily till the homosexual tendency goes away

Phew, eh?


maximus otter
"The main reason behind the gay orientation of some men is that they are possessed by female ghosts. It is the female ghost in them that is attracted to other men. Conversely the attraction to females experienced by some lesbians is due to the presence of male ghosts in them. The ghost’s consciousness overpowers the person’s normal behaviour to produce the homosexual attraction. Spiritual research has shown that the cause for homosexual preferences lie predominantly in the spiritual realm.
  • Physical causes (5%): Due to hormonal changes.
  • Psychological causes (10%): Having an experience with a person of the same sex as a teenager or young adult that was pleasurable and therefore wanting to experience it again.
  • Spiritual causes (85%): Mainly ghosts."
It's science; there's a graph:


Luckily, however, salvation is at hand:

"To overcome homosexual tendencies and desires one should perform the below spiritual healing remedies:

ChantMudraNyasOm Rudraya namaha’(specific position of fingers to channel the Divine energy into the body and subtle body) One can keep the following mudra as shown in the above picture:Nyas is the focusing of energy flow through the medium of the fingers joined together at the tips. By doing nyas, we focus our spiritual energy by directing our bunched fingers towards a particular energy centre.It is recommended to perform nyas on the Sahasrar (crown chakra) and Swadhishthan (sacral chakra) simultaneously.

Method of chanting:

  1. Chant this chant 108 times each in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  2. Light an incense stick when chanting.
  3. Apply the Holy ash (vibhuti) on the body
Method: Join the tips of thumb and index finger with slight pressure using thumb. Keep the rest of the fingers straight as much as possible.

Duration: Daily till the homosexual tendency goes away."

Phew, eh?


maximus otter

That's the Spirit!
I wonder how they came to the figure of 85% ?

Have your hormones changed ?


Did you have a pleasurable same sex experience when you were younger ? (If you want one, my number is ......)


Ah well. It must be ghosts.
You mean there are gradations ? It's not a binary thing.
I don't understand how anyone can chant something 108 times without losing count.
So ....... are some heterosexual men possessed by male ghosts ?
Well, yes and no, while many heterosexual men are indeed possessed by male heterosexual ghosts, many other heterosexual ghosts possess lesbians (as their search histories will reveal).
Well that sounds authentic enough! :thought:

That video is clearly edited but Pastor Manning is a Harlem preacher! He has also claimed that Starbucks make lattes out of Sodomite Semen! This is "in order to make you think you are having a good time . . ."

I hadn't understood the price of them till I learned that! :hunger:
Last edited:
Is it demons or is it ghosts?
They need to get their stories straight!

/See what I did there?

Well that sounds authentic enough! :thought:

That video is clearly edited but Pastor Manning is a Harlem preacher! He has also claimed that Starbucks make lattes out of Sodomite Semen! This is in order to make you think you are having a good time . . .

Hadn't understood the price of them till I learned that! :hunger:

Edited for maximum BUTTHOLE FLAMES.
There used to be a televangelist in San Francisco my roommates and I would sometimes watch in fascination. He ranted in a stream of consciousness style, then, practically in mid-sentence, would start uttering total gibberish; supposedly he was "speaking in tongues." We just figured he couldn't think of things to say and was buying time. He never seemed to sleep, because he was always on TV, and we never saw any part of his show repeated. Sometimes just his emply chair was on air, but soon he'd show up. I think he must have been Gene Scott. He often smoked a cigar. It was very strange.
Sometimes just his emply chair was on air, but soon he'd show up.

You just reminded me of an anecdote l heard from an old school mate of mine. He lived in Kenya in the very early Sixties, when their telly system was in its infancy. He recalled one day that he turned on the TV to see only an empty chair. Nothing happened for quite some time, then a disembodied African voice intoned, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are sorry to interrupt broadcasting, but the announcer is doing a shit.”

maximus otter
You just reminded me of an anecdote l heard from an old school mate of mine. He lived in Kenya in the very early Sixties, when their telly system was in its infancy. He recalled one day that he turned on the TV to see only an empty chair. Nothing happened for quite some time, then a disembodied African voice intoned, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are sorry to interrupt broadcasting, but the announcer is doing a shit.”

maximus otter
Not the last time that shit was broadcast...