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A childs best friend



When I was about 2 or 3 i started to have a ghost friend. He lived in our broom cupboard in the hall. I can remember him quite well, he was a chinese boy with black hair cut into a short bob. He was wearing expensive looking silk garments and his name was Lin-Chung. THe first thing I did every morning is get him out. We then played together. The thing was he couldn't understand me and he didn't make a noise, so we talked with our hands and through pointing etc.
Then one day, I was about 5, I got him out and he let me know (don't ask how) that this was the last time we would play together. Apparently I was now old enough to have "other" friends. I ignored him and we played mum and dad (yes I do remember).
When he went back into the cupboard he said "bye" and I closed the door.
The next morning, as usual I opened the door and guess what? He wasn't there!
I cried all day long. My mum thought I had lost it.
There were all sorts of logical things to him. For example I couldn't get him to appear outside the flat.

I am so intrigued about childrens "invisible friends". There was a program about it on TV a few years back, where different kids told about their "friends". Most of them were just talking fantasy, you could tell. Apart from one little boy who said that he was being visited by some dark figure. He sounded absolutely convincing.
Also when I was a nanny about 10yrs ago, the boy I looked after told me that he was visited by some old man (about 50) who didn't actually like. Apparently he told him scary things and wasn't really friendly.

I don't think that every ghostly "friend" is real, because kids do have strange confused brains. However there is the odd one that deserves more attention. It almost seems that some kids are accompanied by some souls (?) until they get onto their own two feet.
Is it me or are those children who have friends like that mostly creative or depressed or highly intelligent?
If you or your offspring have ever had a "not-so-imaginative-friend, please let me know.
My little brother had an invisable friend named Bork who had a purple dalmation named Cheerio that had a magic tongue that could fix cars. They both lived in his wall. I think this was more of a made up friend then anything ghostly, but it was amusing none the less! Other than that, nothing strange in my family. You're friend sounds really intersting though.....
I had a few "imaginary" friends when I was little though it is really had to remember them now. I don't remember what they were called though they were all girls (I think). I do remember one had long dark brown/black hair and she wore a white blouse and what was like a navy blue pinnyfore. It's strange because I can remember her as plain as can be (only not her face!). Was it a ghost or my imagination? I don't know! All I do know is that my imagination is a great tool for me (since I like to write though I have neglected it lately) these days.

Oooooo this is annoying I can still see "her" in my memory only I can't remember what she was called. I do know that for an "imaginary" friend she didn't dress in the same style as everyone else did (mid 80's the decade fashion forgot!). She was either called Emily, Rebecca or Victoria (as in above post I had a few) and she seemed like she was from another period in time. This is starting to sound like a ghost the more I think about it, though I remain skeptical.

I had an imaginary friend called Queenie, who not only dressed in Victorian clothing but also claimed to be a ghost. She also claimed to be a friend from a previous life. She also made a whole lot of other claims, some of which were a little odd to say the least...
i used to have 2 imaginary friends..one was called Belinda and the other was Peter. I went through a really weird phase apparently where i would only answer to the name Belinda (which isn't my real name!) and used to write stories about how me (belinda) and myself (my real name) went out places and did things. got my mum worried for a while... apparently Peter used to come everywhere with me and had to have his own place at the table etc. Drove my poor mum batty!

i wonder if he had anything to do with a presence that was in my bedroom and used to scare me in my teens...? but thats another story and shall be told another time when i get around to making a thread about it!
I had three "pretend" friends. What bothered MY mom the most was the fact that all three of them were grown men, and I'd tell her how they lived...and died!

One was a Native American, one was a riverboat gambler, and one was a hillbilly sort of character. And to my eyes, all very handsome!

Niles Calder said:
She also made a whole lot of other claims, some of which were a little odd to say the least...

Aaaaaah come on, Niles, you can't just leave us hanging like that. What bizarre claims did your imaginary spectral lass make? (Unless it was some weird psychological puberty thing, in which case we really don't wanna know!)
Evilsprout said:
Aaaaaah come on, Niles, you can't just leave us hanging like that. What bizarre claims did your imaginary spectral lass make? (Unless it was some weird psychological puberty thing, in which case we really don't wanna know!)

Oh she ran the whole extreme range during my early years and hung around in one form or another right through puberty:eek: right up to the time I was in college:eek:...

She started off claiming to be my Guardian Angel, before moving on to claim to be an "aspect" of Jesus Christ, then she claimed that I was JC.

Next she decided (as I became interested in Paganism) that she was The Goddess and that I was a God:rolleyes:. Then she, uh, :eek:... Anyway she finally departed when I sent her on an errand to pass a message on to a girlfriend who had just dumped me due to a starnge rapport we had developed which frightened her... :(

Queen never returned (unless that presence I sense creeping up behind me... :))

Ghost Friends...

My 'imaginary friends' were lions! There were three of them and they were fully grown male lions - one of which was called Jason - I don't remember the names of the other two lions.
They used to talk and my parents thought I was bonkers (mind you, they still do think I'm bonkers).
They generally kept me out of trouble and helped me cross roads etc.
As I got older they were about less and less and then when I was nine they told me that I could look after myself and I never saw them again.

I'm sure that they were not in my head though! I wonder what they were and if they are still around...?

Funny how it sounds really mad when you type it! I posted this on another board recently and then thought how bonkers it sounded when I read it back but what the hell....

Anyone else have imaginary animal friends or am I the only one?
Yes me. Even though I started the thread with my chinese friend, later I had a white stallion as a mate. This was when I was about 10 years old. It used to be there whenever i was bored, played with me and sort of protected me as well. There is a catch though. I started him and i am fully aware of it. I was sitting on the backseat of my parents car when I imagined it running along with us. I had this "friend" for years and years and it became more and more real. Then it slowly went away.

Mind you, I have this book: Mysteries of the unexplained. In it I read only a couple of days ago about the art of "making" a ghost. I can't be bothered to get it right now to get the right words but apparently it is known as a Kuru or something, and once this "ghost" is being imagined, it grows slowly into an independent apparition and can even act against the conjurer. I still wonder if my stallion was one of those...

...and maybe those lyons too (unless they belonged to the first kind of "mate I had).
Now I am confused
Wow - a white stallion!
I wonder if I somehow created my lions then?
I have memories of them that come from before I was 4 (we moved house just after my fourth birthday) but would I have been aware / old enough to create them at that age?
If I did create them where are they now?
Does that mean that you can create other things by accident - I'm thinking about the monsters that live in the wardrobe and under the bed when you are little...
If so I am scared I have let loose hundreds of the little bleeders over the past 27 years!
Emmy Mallow said:
If so I am scared I have let loose hundreds of the little bleeders over the past 27 years!

I do that all the time... I get the idea into my head that something is there and I seem to generate a thoughtfrom which then haunts me, drawing off energy from me to survive.

That's why I try to avoid the ghost threads and stories.

Oddly, I had the horse that followed the car as well. So did Jack Kerouac (sp) if 'On the Road' is to be believed. Maybe it's some archetypal thang.

At the end of the day, the very nature of our perceptual equipment (photochemical sensors linked to a dodgily designed forebrain and the like) means that there is little objective difference between fantasy and reality anyway...or something. Look, I've had a long day.

It does strike me as being astonishing that so many people had IFs who actually fulfilled a purpose (e.g. crossing the road etc). How much research has been done in this field, I wonder?

Oh and Niles...on this thread (and knowing your taste in comics, even tho' it's your real name) can I just say..."With an imaginary gun of course? What else?"
a scary invisible friend.......

At work today, a colleague told me about her daughter's (call her Ann) childhood imaginary friend.

This IF was a girl named Hiller who was German and had burned to death through her own naughtiness, presumably by starting a fire. She arrived when the family moved house when Ann was about 4 and stayed until she was 8.

This IF was disruptive. She apparently enjoyed cajoling the daughter into dangerous stunts like climbing out of upstairs windows.

On one occasion, when Ann was 5, she got locked in the bathroom and announced that Hiller was telling her to climb out of the window. Her Ma desperately rang the police for help. A bobby climbed a ladder outside and looked through the window. He saw that the bathroom door bolt was not fastened, even though three adults outside could not shift the door!

The family's several cats and a dog would not enter Ann's room. Except for one cat, which only once went in and defaecated on the bed.

Ann could see Hiller and the family's pets would growl and spit at the spot where she said Hiller was. This went on until Ann was 8, when Hiller faded away, though she still remembers her vividly and talks about her now at the age of 14.

I was thoroughly and enjoyably spooked by this tale and will find out more if anyone is interested.
eek ... naughty German .... burned by own hand ..... HILLER???!!!

Erm ..... Adolf "Hiller" by any chance?! (I know you said it was a girl but .......)
..........Its Okay, I think he was Austrian.

Anyway, I have a quick question about these posts. Some 'frineds' mentioned in the posts seem like imaginations and others more real, but for those that seem more real, could you actually see and touch these imaginary friends? Did they ever really help in times of need etc? I dont recall ever having an imaginery friend or animal, but I do recall that when I became excited or charged with positive emotions in some way I had the strange habbit of creating an imaginary universe in the room, it would spin and grow and as it did so my emotional state seemed to rise as it gave me a small adrenelin rush!! It would then pop off into its own dimension where I like to belive they all still are spinning and growing, after all they couldnt stay here, there was not enough room in my house!:)
..........Its Okay, I think he was Austrian.

Plus, of course, he's still alive ......
lucydru said:
I had a few "imaginary" friends when I was little though it is really had to remember them now. I don't remember what they were called though they were all girls (I think). I do remember one had long dark brown/black hair and she wore a white blouse and what was like a navy blue pinnyfore. It's strange because I can remember her as plain as can be (only not her face!). Was it a ghost or my imagination? I don't know! All I do know is that my imagination is a great tool for me (since I like to write though I have neglected it lately) these days.


Sounds exactly like me, Luce! I had two imaginary friends called Matthew and Rachel. I used to make my mum push them on the swings as well as me.
Ppl have said that children who are lonely make up imaginary friends, but I was far from lonely, I had real friends round all the time. The strangest thing was when we visited my grandparents and I insisited that Matthew and Rachel had told me they had to go to the toilet! :rolleyes:
I had a white horse friend too. Which is odd because, although I love animals generally, horses always left me cold. It used to come with us on journeys and run alongside the car, jumping over anything in it's way.