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Ask your Psychic friends: Have things "gone quiet"


Gone But Not Forgotten
Sep 6, 2001
A friend of a friend knows a few psychics who have said that things are quieting down. . . on the paranormal side of life. The afterlife is not transferring as much information. The feeling the psychics were getting is like the calm before the storm.

Anyone know psychics? Have they mentioned, or felt that messages have been reduced, or halted altogether?

Just wanted to follow up regarding the FOAF, plus a psychic I know who said things are rather, oddly, quiet.
Maybe the spirits have signed exclusive deals with Derek Acora and the other tv psychics.
Not exactly on-thread, but I haven't heard any so-called psychics claiming to know the whereabouts of the missing Madeleine. This might be to avoid an egg/face interface situation. ;)
I thought this was just me........I have been in a very odd mood for a while and I get the feeling that quite a lot of people (not necessarily psychics) have been feeling this too- various friends have reported odd stuff, actually.

I can't remember, and in my 19 years I haven't experienced that many full on catastrophes: was there a feeling of oddness before 9/11 or other events?
Things seem to be cooking quite normally on the various paranormal and psychic websites and forums I monitor.

Even so, I can't escape that "calm before that storm" feeling.

Like there's something coming for later 2007 or 2008 equal to the Indian Ocean tsunamis of December, 2004 and perhaps a lot closer to home for most of us.

It's a very vague feeling, but I don't normally get them at all.
Abendstern said:
....was there a feeling of oddness before 9/11 or other events?

I grew up being told how "totally unexpected" the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor had been (I was but two months old when it happened) but listening to preserved network newscasts from the two or three weeks preceding that attack the message is consistently "how many weeks....days....hours can we stay out of War with Japan?"

I'm aware of no feeling of malaise before 9/11. And I slept calmly through the attacks themselves - without so much as an unpleasant dream.
Thank you for the feedback so far

I was wondering why things would go quiet, although I do not sense anything.

Although, I've had several things happen in the last week or so that has made me think "okay, NOW what?"

Things that have happened:
1) car window - automatic car window came off guide, unable to roll up or down now
2) Garage door spring/counterweight - guide wire to garage door opener spring broke, unable to open garage door - replaced springs/guide wires.
3) Toilet broke - okay, not the whole toilet, but enough of it that I had to replace the insides.
4) Shower leak - The shower started leaking, had to replace shower head, reseal/waterproof hardware.

Okay, NOW WHAT??

What's next?
Just last Monday evening a female friend, a retired educator, asked "Is it just me or has everything become so very vague just recently?"

"No," I said, "It's not just you. Everything has become vague recently."

The friends we were with agreed with both of us, including those who now became cognizant of the "vagueness" for the first time..

I didn't associate this with "the calm before the storm" until I saw it mentioned here two days ago.
No-one seems to have predicted the Cutty Sark fire
(except for me, in a not very efficient way!)

Even for people with no particular interest in Maritime history, Cutty Sark was a London landmark (did I say was? Oh dear!) which must be known to millions world wide, if only as one of the sights on the route of the London Marathon.
No, no calmness, exact opposite. Latest was two nights ago. I was listening to the radio (just past the 2.00 am news.) with headphones on and a song I liked came on so I turned it up. Near the end of the song I was very startled by two fast loud knocks, sounding like they came from my door. I quickly whipped the headphones off and spun round, it was impossible for anyone to be at the door as it's an internal one and the main front door was locked. I grabbed a torch for light (and as a weapon!) and was very hessitant. Not least because I'd recently read on these boards about death commin' a knocking! I opened the door seriously expecting to find an intruder but nada. I was so freaked I came back in and locked my door. I usually don't bother being the only one on this floor.
Funnily enough, that same night but later on, my mothers partner (In the downstairs flat.) was so convinced that he'd heard knocking at their door he even went out searching in the garden, but again nothing.

Possibly OT but kind of fits with feelings building...Apart from the little runt next door we are lucky in this area in that it is seemingly low crime. No drunks or druggies, prostitutes or fights. In fact if a police car is round here it's still major curtain twitching time! :lol:
However, Last week the curtains were twitching as there was a scene on the corner concerning a police car, foot chase and two yoths (exciting for round here! ;) :D ), a few days later another police scene. I was starting to get a feeling from the corner like something was brewing, bad energy was building up if you know what I mean? Then on Friday there was a confrontaion on the corner between some blokes on bikes and a van driver.
I thought there might be a least one more incident and there was. Little git next door throwing stones at the window so mums partner went to have it out with the boys parents.
The feeling seemed to calm and almost go but I feel it's comming back stongly.
I hope not!
The only Psychic I know is my cat Sierra. When she wakes up I'll ask. Gently of course.
It is quiet, isn't it. Something to do with the new CERN accelerator, perhaps? (My husband is almost convinced that they'll end the world by creating a black hole.)

But, then, since I've never been precognitive before, can't see why I'd start now (a bit clairvoyant, yes, but not precognitive).

[edited to add...] Really, it's probably just the change of seasons coupled with a lack of any holidays for a while. Everyone's just doing their usual stuff everyday.
Yup, I'm going with CERN too.

Hey, my son is off to SLAC in a few weeks!
Let's consult the oracle -

The Global Consciousness Project, also called the EGG Project, is an international and multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists, engineers, artists and others. This website introduces methods and technology and empirical results in one section, and presents interpretations and applications in another.



No, I'm none the wiser.

But it's cool, in a posey, intellectual kind of way! 8)
Great, Psychic EGGheads! I'd rather fiddle with tea leaves...
Well, I was talking to my tame psychic last night (I mentioned him previously here) and his experiences seem to be bumbling along much as usual, with if anything a slight increase in activity in the form of the brooding presence of a tall thickset fellow dressed in dark brown and black who has 'got issues' (I took this to mean he seemed malevolent or angry) hanging around the gents toilets and that end of the pub generally and who has, on a copuple of occasions, given our psychic landlord, who you'd think would be used to this sort of thing by now, a bit of a fright.
I have a vague theory - which I daresay someone somewhere has already written a book about - that there's such a thing as psychic 'weather' . At certain times the psychic weather blows up a storm and people are able to levitate tables with ease, and at other times the weather goes calm and you can't even levitate a paperclip. Maybe it's linked with sunspot activity or fluctuations in the earth's electomagnetic field or some other cause so obscure that we aren't even aware of it.
It's been so very quiet that you can hear the clock tick....tick....tick....tick....tick....tick....tick....tick....tick....tick....tick...
graylien said:
At certain times the psychic weather blows up a storm and people are able to levitate tables with ease, and at other times the weather goes calm and you can't even levitate a paperclip.

While I've given consideration to psychic "weather" before (although not neccessarily under that name) I'd not considered it in relation to why the few great and apparently honest mediums of the 19th Century, especially, were able to produce such astounding phennomena on certain occasions while falling flat on their non-ectoplasmic faces on others. Thanks, Graylien, for the suggestion.

[Emp edit: Stopping things from breaking the thread.]
Err, there's something odd with that time-piece, or my hearings gone all funny!
Are things picking up on the psychic front?

My friend says things are still quiet, although some shadows are moving into their space. These are not the bad shadow people or evil spirits, just confused spirits who aren't sure of their place. These shadows of spirits usually don't come close to my friend, but they have had several recent times that it has happened.

Otherwise, things are still quiet, and the feeling of impending events is still present.
I have that calm before a storm feeling but have noticed an increase in activity at hom, I have seen a shadow person, and me brother has seen a stick person, in our bedroom, I have also had things move on their own and last night had a strang dreamy feeling, sort of like floating, then I went to bed and a tackle box slid across the floor and my bed felt like it was raised up off the floor :?:
disgruntledgoth said:
I have that calm before a storm feeling but have noticed an increase in activity at hom, I have seen a shadow person, and me brother has seen a stick person, in our bedroom, I have also had things move on their own and last night had a strang dreamy feeling, sort of like floating, then I went to bed and a tackle box slid across the floor and my bed felt like it was raised up off the floor :?:

Wow. :shock: Is it possible to hear any more about your shadow sighting and your brothers stick man sighting? There are very interesting threads for both in IHTM if you want to do any further reading on it. Keep us posted about tonight too!
I thought things had gone quiet a few weeks ago, then suddenly felt compelled to visit a friend and gave a blinding reading which he said he would have paid for (didnt get a penny dammit) and the last few days have been interesting.

The boyf was going to phone me to let him in when he arrived home from work yesterday as he forgot his key. I was hoovering and heard someone call my name, knowing this couldnt be right as nobody knows me round here I kept hoovering but felt really spooked. Then of course the phone rang & made me jump. It was him asking me to open the front door. He said he didnt call out my name, just made the phonecall.

This morning someone said "hello" just as I was getting out of bed. The voice sounded kind of small which was spooky as I had been dreaming of puppets :shock:

I think we kind of expect things to happen as we've had a few terrible things over the past few years. The beginning of summer seems to be a funny time too. Of course we are all expecting news about little Madeline which is on all our minds to some extent as its been on the news so much.
I've heard this week that the Portuguese police have been consulting psychics, to much ridicule.

Incidentally, I'm reading a book just now which claims that one of the 1970s 'Son of Sam' murders was foretold in detail to the police. Not by the killer, but by a member of the public.
OldTimeRadio said:
Just last Monday evening a female friend, a retired educator, asked "Is it just me or has everything become so very vague just recently?"

"No," I said, "It's not just you. Everything has become vague recently."

The friends we were with agreed with both of us, including those who now became cognizant of the "vagueness" for the first time..

I didn't associate this with "the calm before the storm" until I saw it mentioned here two days ago.

OTR - could you be more precise please? ;)
akaWiintermoon said:
Wow. :shock: Is it possible to hear any more about your shadow sighting and your brothers stick man sighting? There are very interesting threads for both in IHTM if you want to do any further reading on it. Keep us posted about tonight too!


my shadowman sighting was after a culmination of things, random creaking banging and scraping noises, then up near a vivarium at the foot of my bed, I saw a red light, like a red LED, that moved down towards the floor then up towads me, which unnerved the hell out of me, I used my phone as a makeshift torch and saw nothing at all, so I though I had imagined it, then it appeared infront of the vivarium again, then blinked out, then all of a sudden I got the feeling that someone was in the room with me, I turned round (to my right) and saw this figure that was at least 8 feet tall looking at me, I saw no features at all, but I knew it was looking at me, this thing was silhouetted against the darkness of the room, and my room at night is near enough pitch black, this thing gave off a feeling of malevolance but I kept staring at it, didn't blink at all as I was convinced it could move fast enough to get me in te time I blinked, (I don't know how I knew that, I just did) so I just kept staring at it, then it turned and walked through the wall, an outside wall that would be a 10 foot drop to the garden!

and my Brothers stick man sighting happened when I was at a friends house, he told me that on the night I was at a friends, he randomly woke up in the middle of the night, and saw a black shape on his side of th room (where my shadow man was standing) and he thought I came back late and was just mucking about (we share a room, and due to chronic insomnia I often go down stairs to read) and he thought nothing of it, until he saw that the figure, was again, like my shadowman sihlouetted against the darkness of the room, and looked like a childs stick figure, he told me that this thing was nasty, basically described his feelings about it that were identical to the feelings I got, but instead of staring at it like I did, he hid under his duvet, when he looked again, he saw this thing walk straight through the wall. just like the shadowman, now I told him nothing of what I saw, at all. but this stick figure gave him the same feeling, walked the same route as the shadowman, the only diffrence was the height of the figure, which he said was about my height (6 foot)

and for the last couple of nights, I am still hearing walking round, knockings and bangins, and last night the entire house, except for myself seemed to be in deep, deep sleep, I knocked a lamp over, that shattered and no one woke up like they usually do if something like that happens
Amazing... I've had the same feeling starting in April... meanwhile it has subsided somewhat. At the beginning of April, there was one day where I had this incredibly strong feeling of dread, that something bad & big was about to happen.

Nothing happened that I know of, but you're right, it is TOO quiet. Lately, whenever I browsed the news, I've been thinking that it's eeriely quiet in the world... like the calm before the storm. Not much going on except for Paris Hilton's incarceration, and I hardly consider that news. ;)

I'm thinking maybe an all-out war with Iran is going to start soon or/and there might be a devastating crash in the US economy (the signs are definitely there), similar to the Black Tuesday in 1929. Or maybe it's a huge earthquake... I have no idea, but something's brewing.