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Banal but a little odd.



Was up quite late the other night, making a cup of tea in the kitchen. Left the kitchen halfway through the tea-making process to get my ciggies from the front room. Started back towards the kitchen and noticed the hall was dark. The kitchen light was off. All right - perhaps I'd turned it off on the way out and forgotten about it or the bulb had gone. What I couldn't work out was why one of the dining chairs was now standing slap bang in the middle of the kitchen doorway.

I can vouch for the fact that there are no pranksters in my house - and even if there were there is no way they could have sneaked down our creaky victorian stairs undetected during the 30 seconds I was out of the room.

I moved the chair the back to its allotted place at the table and continued making the tea... albeit a lot faster than usual :)

Anyone know what causes chairs to move ? Should I be alarmed or pleased ? NB Nothing like this has ever happened before and the house has always felt perfectly normal.
What causes chairs to move? Usually people, sometimes animals, earthquakes?(though you'd have felt that), the wind (more likely to tip it over), erm... trying to think of other mundane explanations.

How wasthe chair orientated in the doorway? Facing towards or away from you? Or possibly in a more 'random' direction?

It sounds interesting whatever it was that happened.

Had the bulb gone, or had the light been turned off?
The drones that re-construct reality around you as you move from room to room were clearly asleep at the controls. Perhaps you should walk a bit slower and give them a chance?
Slytherin said:
The drones that re-construct reality around you as you move from room to room were clearly asleep at the controls. Perhaps you should walk a bit slower and give them a chance?
Not possible, as they only create reality for me. You're just an illusion, so stop pretending otherwise!! :D
Caroline said:
How wasthe chair orientated in the doorway? Facing towards or away from you?

The chair was facing more or less directly towards me as I approached from the hall. In the dark, I almost walked straight into it.

Had the bulb gone, or had the light been turned off?

The light had been turned off. I don't remember turning it off but concede it's possible I did. I don't, however, think I would drag a chair halfway across a room and leave it blocking a doorway and then forget about it.
taras said:
Not possible, as they only create reality for me. You're just an illusion, so stop pretending otherwise!! :D

Yes, that's exactly what I expected them to make you say...
Isn't that how 'The Poltergeist' case started?

Boy! You could be in for one hell of a ride...just don't leave the telly and impressionable kids alone together!:D

Get a dwarf exorcist in at once!:eek!!!!:
The oddness is quite interesting, here's hoping you'll keep us posted even if it turns out to be a simple logical explaination, Dash.
Poltergeist cases fascinate me as they always seem to manifest in the same way. For this reason I believe they are "real" as some kind of scientific/paranormal phenomena.

But I wonder who many of us just escape being the unwitting host of a noisy spirit? Everyone has a weird or wonderful story to tell about something strange at some point in their lives. How many cases were of poltergeists "passing through", looking for a likely victim before rejecting them and going for some other hapless sod? ((If you happen to share my theory, anyway))

And as I type this, a sudden gust of cold air assails the back of my legs...