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Bigfoot spotted in new Grand Theft Auto game



There are rumours circulating that in GTA: San Andreas there are some paranormal happenings occouring. There are two pics currently doing the rounds of a bigfoot spotted in the wooded area of back o beyond, there is also an area 51 area which may have UFO's but not enough players haver reached it to confirm-the game is a massive virtual world after all.....I would not put it past Rockstar (the makers) to have done this. Anybody know anything....
San Andreas is pretty big. I've only got as far as unlocking the second section of the game and I've seen some odd stuff already so it wouldn't surprise me. For instance, I was driving down a couple of bends, lost control of my car and went clean through an oncoming car....and until I'd read just now that there were ghost cars in the game I just thought it was a bug in the game.

It's interesting to read those threads though and see people reporting in their sightings like the whole game world was real in some way. Interesting to note the passionate belief behind something that in itself isn't real, is just a construct. If the Rockstar did put those elements in then they've made a tremendously smart move.

It makes sense though that they would be in there....the world that this game is set on has an internal clock....not just night to day but every wednesday in game you can rob a courier on his rounds.
The b/f is getting this, so I'm going to wait and see if he notices anything, since he's a very pragmatic person....
Emperor-Thanks sooo much for those links. It is fasinating and I guess its obvius why people have become so engrossed in this world where anything goes...it is also incredibly beautiful, there are times when you just have to stop and watch a sublime sunset or a storm brewing in the distance.....
Oh AND because I haven't unlocked the north chunk of the map yet, I swam over, stole a car because my wanted level went up almost instantly and then crashed in the desert near to Area 69 or whatever its called and stole a small plane. I took off and a moment later was bombed out of the sky by something fast. I hit the desert floor in a huge explosion and in the blast fire that followed I could see giant x's on the ground (four that filled the screen entire as the camera pulled out). Where there was black smoke and fire these things were yellowy green and sort of rippled. and then they disappeared. So who knows what the heck that was. I have recently read also from someone who's played that section of the map that as soon as you fly the plane that I flew it gets blown up by something with strange lights....so maybe its a UFO. who knows...
unfortunately sold my ps2 a while back so don't have the game but have just trudged through lots of game forums and this seems to be a real big deal as to whether bigfoot exists in this game,it is like the real thing.You have firm believers,people with sightings,total sceptics and true fortean responses!
People are staking out the area for nights on end,looking for clues,endless theories abound.Obviously the game runs to a clock so it could be a random thing that happens on rare occasions,but reading peoples postings on these forums is fascinating.Makes me want to go and by a new ps2 and get the game(maybe their marketing ploy has worked)- if only i had some money.

I'm sure this is something Rockstar would do anyway in a gta game,if it was coded in a certain way,some people could play the game forever and never see it and someone might just get a lucky sighting first time round.fascinating stuff
There's a bit in the second section of the game (when you unlock the second section of map) where you're driving around a city with a hippy who tells you to pull up outside a hospital. You do so and a short cut away shows a van pulling away and the hippy says "confirms what I thought" "Confirms what?" you ask and basically he's watching people doing stuff that the MIB would have your ass for so I think basically the fortean elements are in there.

Also it occured to me that basically everyone saw these things a few nights ago....what IF they've hooked in a seasonal thing to the internal clock of the PS2 like they do with the Simpson's games (in other words when you play Hit and Run on Halloween you get people in the game trick or treating, or when you play at christmas it has people in santa outfits in the game....the way the PS2 does this is the game reads the internal clock of the machine and checks the date and then these things kick in accordingly).

So maybe they've done that with this at Rockstar?

Just a thought.

Though I have to admit my ghost car and strange x markings experience was only in the last couple of days (and I still think they're just bugs).
Does anyone here remember the Lunar Jetman trailer UL?

Cira 1986 it was a popular game, then this rumour started going around that if you got to level 10 there was a trailer that you could hook onto the moon rover. Well a few friends and I had been well past level 10 and explored the whole map (which was infinitesimal by today's standards) and there was no trailer.

Then someone got a letter printed in one of the games mags making this claim, and all of a sudden everyone knew about the trailer and was swearing blind they'd seen it, and they'd get pretty upset if you tried to tell them otherwise.

Not a clue about GTA but could this be something similar? I mean, with the internet these sort of ULs can spread a lot faster, and I'd imagine people will b*llshit and brag a lot more with the anonymity.
Damn I could swear that I've seen the trailer in JetPac - isn't memory a wonderfully flexible thing?

[edit: See here:



I wouldn't be suprised if I could still put my hand on that issue of Crash magazine ;) ]

[edit2: See:


A mystery in one Ultimate game always annoyed even the label's staunchest fans - so I demanded the definitive company answer. 'Was there ever a trailer in Lunar Jetman?' I asked.

After a cautious silence, Tim replied: 'Well, I never got far enough! I once saw a picture in a magazine with a trailer.'

Yes, I told him, that was in CRASH. A reader sent it in, but obviously it was a hoax - or was it? I added that the graphics looked very authentic. Tim merely laughed.

'I wish they had contacted us!'

I have to wait until Christmas to get this game!
What about the Jet Set willy one, that if you left the Spectrum on for 24 hrs (quite dangerous those little babies would get hot!) on the boat near a beach another level would open up ( I tried and it didn't!!). Matthew Smith the author of Manic Minet/JSW stayed in mu student house for a few weeks and was totally and utterly insane, he wouldn't sleep, he would just ly there kinda talking in some kind of binary lanquage about a super computer ( maybe Valis!!)

Anyways had a marothon sesh on San Andreas ( oh the joy of wifes being away!!), and saw the rumoured plane crash into the mountains whilst looking for Bigfoot (no signs at all), then went as far as i could in a boat and swam with a dolphin amongst some glowing jelly fish and finding nemo fish. I was looking for the huge preastoric shark that has been freaking out some of the GTA swimmers (megadon?)-no signs at all, but I did inadvertly open up San Ferrio without getting attacked by fighter planes which was a result, I dunno how that happened but its just like San Fransico, and reminds me alot of a sunny Liberty City. God this game is obsessive, work and normal life are abit of a hinderance!!!
Emperor said:
Damn I could swear that I've seen the trailer in JetPac - isn't memory a wonderfully flexible thing?

False memory, that's how it works;)

Have to say, I just got to a mission in the game where you get a camera and you're taking photo's of people. Then the game prompts you by saying, 'take pictures, who knows what you might see' or words to that effect. So I think I'm probably getting close to accidently seeing something. Strangely though the area where this mission ends is 'back 'o beyond' which is where people claim to have seen bigfoot.

Here goes nothing I guess...
Redneck said:
Anyways had a marothon sesh on San Andreas ( oh the joy of wifes being away!!), and saw the rumoured plane crash into the mountains whilst looking for Bigfoot
yep, I saw that too. I'd managed to get up the mountain on a trails bike then got my bike blown up as the plane hit it. Scared the shit out of me....was snooping around looking for bigfoot when all of a sudden "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-BOOOOOM!!!!!!!" Christ on a bike!

Also did you notice that radio ad which talks about flying discs in the dark? Listen to the description real carefully. I've got a feeling it's promoting a hub cap theory for anything you might see later in the game.
Do you know what station the ads were on I have heard some strange stuff....
Redneck said:
Do you know what station the ads were on I have heard some strange stuff....
I generally listen to K-Rose and Station X, so it might be the latter.
It's on WCR-T (or whatever it's called) along with that presenter saying the government took his holiday diaries and all that stuff.

I've made it to unlocking the final chunk of the map and have flown all over the island. I haven't seen anything except a UFO and that's late at night driving around Castillo Diablo, and a caccoon shaped craft flew over me so fast I couldn't even be certain I definately saw what I saw. It looked like the space ship in Dreamcatcher, but really small, about the size of a motor bike.

no sign of the yeti though :(
What mission did you have to complete to unlock Las Venturas, I'm currently doing a mission ealy on in San Fierro where you have to set up the DEA car dressed up as a hotel car valet...looking fwd to checking out Area 69-there is meant ot be a jet pack there, I found some parachutes and did some illegal base jumps the other day....
I just saw my first 'ghost car'!

I'd crashed into the water (as you do) south of San Fierro, and was standing at the side of the road, waiting for a car to hijack. One came into view down the road, so I stepped out to make it stop... but when I turned round again, it was gone.
Seriously freaky.
If by ghost car you mean it passes you, you turn around and it's not there anymore...well that's simply a glitch of the game engine. On earlier GTA 3D games the cut-off point for cars disappearing or being "spawned" was so close it was annoying. Although the engine for the latest episode is generally better, it does still have its quirks.

Now if GTA: SA were as consistent a world as the real one that most of us inhabit there would be other freaky occurrences to ponder of which there are real world analogues, teleportation being one of them:

Sometimes CJ (the game's hero/anti-hero for those of you who haven't had weeks of your life stolen by this game) sometimes gets "jammed" into areas of the 3D world where he shouldn't be and the game engine tends to "throw" him into the nearest safe place in one of the 3 dimensions, often resulting what seems to be local teleportation. Hey, who knows? Maybe that's what happens to people who claim to have been teleported in real life?

It's an accolade to the game's appeal that it has generated this air of mystique. I recall a similar "urban myth" about the classic 3D space shooter Elite, released in 1984. The manual or novella that accompanied the game mentioned massive ships, several miles long - akin to cities in space. As the manual detailed every ship you could find in the game except this one, rumours circulated that a friend of a friend had actually seen one. This was in spite of the fact the first machines for which the game was published (BBC Micro and Acorn Electron) would be completely incapable of rendering such a large wire frame model. In fact the the micro-computers of the day were stretched to their limits to render a model with even a handful of vectors.

So back to the Bigfoot and UFO sightings in GTA: SA. I'm going to be sceptical and say they're all false.

Hedge my bets time: I would LOVE to be proved wrong on this one. I don't mean seeing some geek's PhotoShopped screenshot I mean actually seeing one in the game.
You can regularly see ghost cars (battered Glendales) in the Back O Beyond area (the 2 horseshoe hills on the map), they just mysteriously roll down the hill..........

As for Bigfoot, it seems there is no Bigfoot in the game, but some die hards are still dressing in Camo's and stalking some areas for days on end. they swear that they can hear stompin in the undergrowth and high pitched wails......the new point of interest is a leatherface character roaming around the Panopication area with a chainsaw! And a zombie in the Zombitech building in San Fierro ( a pastiche of the Umbrella Corporation from Resident Evil)

There is however meant to be a huge prehistoric shark in the waters.....

The teleportation in the game has a term called "Blue Hell" apparently and can be used to reach Area 69......
Ah yes! I understand the term "Blue Hell" very well...

I was riding around Red County on a mountain bike (my current fave vehicle) when I inadvertantly rode off a cliff and some how managed to land jammed between the cliff face an the wall at the side of a road. CJ was thrown from his bike as everything suddenly went pale blue. CJ and the bike tumbled apart through the infinite blueness before suddenly WHAM CJ hit the curbside out Mullholland way. I never saw the bike again and it never respawned. I wonder if it's still tumbling through Blue Hell...

As for the Panopticon Serial Killer I think it's probably a legend based upon what I call the "Serial Killers Shack"; a spooky hovel decorated with hubcaps with three graves (and a shovel pickup) beside it. It's on the south face of Fern Ridge hidden by trees and beside the middle of the three dirt roads. There's also a Chainsaw pickup on the panopticon (lower lumber camp) and a bike sitting alone on the upper lumber camp... Hence "there be a serial killer loose in red county; yeah and his stalking the panopticon".
Redneck said:
The teleportation in the game has a term called "Blue Hell" apparently and can be used to reach Area 69......

Ah so that's what its called is it? One time I had CJ walking below the ground near his garage in San Fiero so that just his torso upwards was showing. Again, if Real Life were simply a simulation running on a computer - could explain some of those ghosts that appear likewise. ;)

Redneck said:
You can regularly see ghost cars (battered Glendales)

Ah well must be my sight going then - I'll take another look (reaches for GTA: SA game disk) no I won't.
How about the Glowing Rock- quite eerie at night in the brown lake just up from where the ghost glendales can be found. Its pretty cool, those who originally found it reckoned it had something to do with UFO's. Which do definatly exist in the game, although many still argue that they don't.

Did anyone find the Nazca symbols in the same area, can't quite remember where but around that area...

Other sporadic stuff thats not so wierd:

Photographer that commits sucide, quite amusing and odd to watch,

The police brutality that takes place in the underground carpark under the Los Santos Police Station.....
I'd just walked out of the bookies yesterday (this is in the game by the way!), and a bloody plane crashed on the road right in front of me!

By the way, anybody else finding the 'Air Raid' mission very VERY frustrating?
Niles Calder said:
As for the Panopticon Serial Killer I think it's probably a legend based upon what I call the "Serial Killers Shack"; a spooky hovel decorated with hubcaps with three graves (and a shovel pickup) beside it. It's on the south face of Fern Ridge hidden by trees and beside the middle of the three dirt roads. There's also a Chainsaw pickup on the panopticon (lower lumber camp) and a bike sitting alone on the upper lumber camp... Hence "there be a serial killer loose in red county; yeah and his stalking the panopticon".
There's a stack of missions at that house.
Don't bother with any of Zero's missions they are not compulsary and are a massive source of frustration for many many GTA players, if you think Air Raid is hard wait until you attempt to do the second Zero mission Supply Lines- it is nigh on impossible, on the GTA boards only 1 person claims to have done it. Don't do it to yourself!
Don't bother with any of Zero's missions they are not compulsary and are a massive source of frustration for many many GTA players, if you think Air Raid is hard wait until you attempt to do the second Zero mission Supply Lines- it is nigh on impossible, on the GTA boards only 1 person claims to have done it. Don't do it to yourself!
Redneck said:
...Zero mission Supply Lines- it is nigh on impossible, on the GTA boards only 1 person claims to have done it. Don't do it to yourself!

Oh I enjoyed all of Zero's missions immensely. Supply Lines - I'm not bragging honest, but I recall I did it on my third attempt. ;)
I'm currently stuck on the first of Ceaser's & G-Lo's missions :( I'm not doing this at any great speed am I?