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Gone But Not Forgotten
Feb 27, 2002
Can anyone remember the biorhythm phenomenon which swept the UK in the seventies? AFAIK it wasn't long after the Erich von Daniken books hit the shops.
The idea of biorhythms was that there were three types of rhythms which affected us humans - emotional, physical and intellectual. The three rhythms each had differing lengths and supposedly more accidents occurred when all three were in a trough.
I remember buying the book when it came out, but its long gone now, and I wondered if the theory still had any supporters.
I even remember calculating my biorhythms for the following year so that I could test the theory!

Any info or thoughts anyone?
My elderly BT mobile phone has a biorhythm calculator.

I bet you can get them off the 'net.

I remember the craze, it seemed to me at the time that women had a life rhythm which men patently did not.

My ex-husband was a student at UMIST and frowned upon anything remotely paranormal or quack, like ESP, astrology and the like, but was delighted to have his biorhythm printed out by a mighty UMIST computer. When I pointed out the obvious conflict this entailed he sniffed that as a computer had done it, it must be right.

Maybe his gullibility levels were high that day.

Edit- Here's a Google page of downloads.

I can still remember running a program on my old ZX81 that generated biorythm charts. They were amazingly popular, and had just enough plausibilty to get them past that initial moment of doubt. Unfortunately the idea that a set of cycles (identical for every person) are set in motion at the moment of birth sounds *extremely* unlikely, particlularly when one considers that it is assumed that they *never* shift around or lose a day. They were almost a re-invention of astrology for the modern age.

It would be interesting to know how popular it is these days. (Though I get the feeling that it has gone the way of the hula-hoop. ;) )
*giggles* i find it interesting that "An elephant represents a demon commander, such as Baal..."
i bet they're all good followers of the republican party these days...

*goes back into lurk mode*

I used to play with a biorhythms shareware toy for the Macintosh.

You keyed in your birthday and it generated waves across the
calendar for your emotional, physical and intellectual cycles.

It was rubbish. :(
According to my phone, bios for today:

Chance 4 out of 5
Love 4 out of 5
Energy 5 out of 5
Success 3 out of 5

Or maybe they're just feeling sorry for me cause I'm 30 now. lol :p

Like all these things, including astrology, I believe them when they say something good, and when they say something I don't like, I say what a load of rubbish it all is!
Thanks for the link Escargot. The only computer time I have seems to be spent on this MB and so I get little chance to Google.
I once wrote a Biorhythm calculator for Windows CE. They never seemed to relate remotely to me at the time, but they looked quite high-tech ;) I had all sorts of options though, which I found on some website which specified different cycles and the delay in days (with a fraction).
Biorhythm Theory: True or False? Some Results from Trials and Experiments
posted by Healthy & Green Living Editors Aug 19, 2008 4:00 pm

I saw this article on Care2 and thought you'd like it as well.

Care2 is the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

By Brooke Rudolf, Care2 contributing writer

It is said that Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland both overdosed on “critical” days in their biorhthym cycles. Coincidence? Or could the study of biorhythms have saved their lives?

This question–whether monitoring biorhythm cycles can actually make a difference in people’s lives–has been studied since the 1960s, when the writings of George S. Thommen popularized the idea.

Several companies began experimenting and although the Japanese were the first nation to apply biorhythms on a large scale, the Swiss were the first to see and realize the benefits of biorhythms in reducing accidents.

Planes, trains and automobiles
Hans Frueh invented the Bio-Card and Bio-Calculator, and Swiss municipal and national authorities appear to have been applying biorhythms for many years before the Japanese experiments. Swissair, which reportedly had been studying the critical days of its pilots for almost a decade previously, did not allow either a pilot or a co-pilot experiencing a critical day to fly with another experiencing the same kind of instability. Reportedly, Swissair had no accidents on those flights where biorhythm had been applied.

A differing outcome was found, however, by the Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board, who examined the records of 8,625 pilots who had been involved in air mishaps. They found absolutely no correlation between negative biorhythms and the accidents. :?

The Zurich Municipal Transit Company bus and trollies accident rate per 10,000 kilometers had been slashed by about 50 percent within one year of the application of biorhythms. Similar positive results were reported by the municipal transit system of Hanover, Germany.

Notable trials were performed in the field of sports where, it was predicted, outstanding performances would tend to appear on days of biorhythmic highs. For example, Billie Jean King is said to have won her famous match against Bobby Riggs when at a “high” in two of her cycles.

The greatest force in the wave of biorhythms application in Japan was the work done by the traffic police and other traffic safety organizations. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police published a study in 1971 which indicated that more than 80 percent of the traffic accidents reported during the previous year had taken place on the driver’s critical day. About the same time, Osaka Police published a biorhythmic study of more than 100 traffic accidents involving child pedestrians and 70 percent of those young pedestrians had been injured on their critical days.

In some parts of Japan, everyone receiving a driver’s license for the first time or renewing a license received a personalized biorhythm chart, as did anyone involved in an accident. The result was a significant drop in the accident rate. Japanese insurance companies even helped to sponsor biorhythms-based driver safety courses and urged that every worker in Japan received a bio-curve graph in their pay envelope.

On-the-job safety
In July ‘08, I spoke with a retired employee of Texaco Oil, Stephen Marsh, who was in charge of safety programs for the western U.S. oil drilling and production. In trying to inspire worker safety and to stop people getting injured on the job, Marsh saw reports about how the Japanese were using biorhythms. (The Omni Railway in Japan credited biorhythms with their accident-free record of safety. Apparently they did a two-year study where train crews wore ID badges every morning based on their personal biorhythms–green, yellow or red–and reds were given part of the day off.

The first year they were “pretty successful,” Marsh said, so he decided to experiment. He picked an area where there were the most on-the-job accidents: San Ardo, Calif. In 1976, the workforce consisted of about 120 employees all engaged in oil production, which is very dangerous work. Biorhythm charts were prepared and implemented for all employees and they were monitored very carefully for a six-month trial.

During that period, they did see a decrease to about half in first-aid cases. However, after doing an analysis, there was a contrary voice saying, “You have a yellow button on your shirt. It’s an off-day–be cautious.” Marsh suggests that the yellow-buttoned workers were pre-programmed to be more careful, and everyone around them was doing the same.

There was no placebo group in place to compare and contrast results. Although there was “satisfactory significance,” and contrary to popular media, the test went no further, for financial reasons and due to the complexity of administering and controlling the process in a large number of small operating areas.

http://www.care2.com/greenliving/biorhy ... ments.html

So has any definitive research been done to prove or disprove Biorhythms yet....?
escargot1 said:
I remember the craze, it seemed to me at the time that women had a life rhythm which men patently did not.
Madame Escargot's crystal ball may well have been on the money there:

Morning flu jabs 'work better for men'
By Michelle Roberts, Health reporter, BBC News

Flu jabs can be made more effective by changing the time of day they are given - mornings for men and afternoons for women are best - scientists believe.
Synchronising the jab with the body's natural daily cyclical rhythm makes it more likely to offer good immunity, says the Medical Research Council team.

The immune system gets sluggish as we age which explains why only a third of elderly people vaccinated get full protection from their winter flu vaccine.
Rescheduling appointments may help.

To test their theory, the researchers are using GP patients in Birmingham as guinea pigs.
300 of them will be given morning or afternoon vaccination appointments, determined by their gender.

Professor Janet Lord, who is leading the research, said: "It's a major health issue trying to find ways to improve the vaccination response.
"We know that immunity goes down with ageing. But we may have found a way to counter that."

She said it was a chance finding in about 150 patients that led them to the idea in the first place.
"A colleague discovered that vaccine response varies with the time of day.
"Men tend to have a better response in the morning, and women in the afternoon.
"We're not sure why, but we think it is down to hormones."

Hormone levels in the body change throughout the day in a predictable, cyclical pattern. And the effect of this differs between men and women, the scientists suspect.

Prof Lord and her team hope to get a definitive answer by studying at least 300 elderly patients attending for their routine flu vaccinations this winter and next.
"We've already made a start and hope to get enough patients on board to be able to see if such a simple, cheap measure of changing appointment times can make all the difference."
