Another tragic teenage death announced today...17 in the last year in Bridgend. I really think someone, somewhere nearby are conducting an evil experiment with something very like a Mosquito device - the dispersal ultrasonic that exploits the ability to hear very high frequencies, until the ability declines once one enters their 20's. A very evil experiment that succeeds by driving its victims to suicide. the Mosquito'e effects gave teenagers headaches and made them feel sick in order to disperse large unwanted groups of them...something even more potent aimed at the same age group may be in use here. (An irony that the Mosquito was invented in South Wales).
So why in Bridgend ? Well,any such evil psychological input in the experiment would need to use a key word/phrase/ (ask Derren Brown about this stuff). You've all herad the term 'to end it all' in relation to suicide..then try BridgEND. None have jumped off's all hanging. Even more evil psychology employed in there.
So why in Bridgend ? Well,any such evil psychological input in the experiment would need to use a key word/phrase/ (ask Derren Brown about this stuff). You've all herad the term 'to end it all' in relation to suicide..then try BridgEND. None have jumped off's all hanging. Even more evil psychology employed in there.