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Child and Ghost?


Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 7, 2001
I refer to the current FT Pic of the Week, which shows a two year old looking at a cloud of steam(?) and talking about his grandma.

Does anyone have any more detail on this story? Did the photographer see the cloud?

At first I thought it was an obvious fake, with steam coming from behind the door or beam behind the child, but looking more carefully the 'ghost' does appear to lighten part of the door and the child's hands.

I shall have to stick it through a graphics prog and look for signs of bodging.
I've definitely seen this photo before. Try http://www.ghoststudy.com. There are dozens of photos on there. I think it belongs to the "Mary" somebody collection (buggered if i can remember the surname tho..)
It seems to me, the kid is looking at a point above the so called ghost, I think it's just a lens flare.
I agree with Danny Boy. I never found this picture particularly convincing. But then I've never seen a convincing ghost picture. I've looked through some web sites, and they're not particularly good. Then you get the ones, of course, that are tooo good to be true:)

I remember seeing one (unfortunately I can't remember where) of two young children sitting underneath a window with a large television screen at a slight angle to the right of the picture. Reflected in the television was the shadowy forms of three children. The note attached to the picture was quite excited about this 'ghost' child. Unfortunately, to me it just looked like the screen had picked up on the children's reflections and the shadow caused by (what looked like) the very extreme flash of the camera. Not a wonderful description, I know, but I know what I mean.

And if I see another blooming orb......

I saw a programme the other week, 'Ghosthunters' or some such, from Leap Castle. They took a film crew and a medium through several rooms. One room in particular seemed rather creepy, so when the medium sensed a presence in there, it wasn't too suprising. The medium sensed a female form that somehow became some kind of animalistic entity, an elemental. The owner of the Castle became quite edgy as this particular room had a rather nasty spirit in it. They then visited the cells beneath the castle, one of which was beneath this 'nasty' room, and the medium announced the presence of a monk, who had been murdered in there, whose presence was trying to hold back the evil present in the other room. All rather freaky. While filming in the 'nasty' room with night vision cameras (which I don't particularly trust) they picked up an orb flitting around the balcony area where the medium had picked up on the elemental. The funny thing about the orb (although it was very small) was that it seemed to pass behind the balcony rails...

I'm still not convinced by orbs though. They could be anything, but I'd put money on dust, midges, lens reflections or just about anything else rather than supernatural entities. I mean, would you rather come back as a wailing banshee or a bobbing little flash of light?;)
Helen said:
The funny thing about the orb (although it was very small) was that it seemed to pass behind the balcony rails...

I'm still not convinced by orbs though. They could be anything, but I'd put money on dust, midges, lens reflections or just about anything else rather than supernatural entities. I mean, would you rather come back as a wailing banshee or a bobbing little flash of light?;)
I agree that an orb passing behind objects is interesting. As for the others, yes, dust, water droplets, etc. (Mike Legs and I cobbled up a webpage explaining how those form It's here, for those who haven't already seen it.)

I think I would prefer to be a bobbing blob of light to a Banshee, though - I like a quiet (after)life, me!