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Classic Archive Merged: Shadowman

Hi everyone - my first post, yay! Hope you find it interesting...

My husband used to live in a large house where his room was at the end of a long corridor and from where he lay in his bed he used to be able to see the stairs at the other end of the corridor.

One night when he was about 15, he swears that he saw a line of about 6 black "shadow" men, that looked like cowled monks, but extremely small in size, come gliding silently up the stairs and float into his parents bedroom (they were in there at the time).

He said he was petrified but didn't dare investigate, but in the morning his parents didn't mention it, so he didn't say anything to them. Other strange things happened in the house, we used to hear glasses "clinking" downstairs, and a basketball started bouncing itself along the corridor one day when I was in there on my own - as I recall I spent most of the rest of the afternoon waiting outside in the car for him to come home!

I wonder whether what he saw is along the same lines as the other shadow men mentioned in this post?
Well the shadow thing that i saw first didnt really look like a man it was more like a black blurry flash, i will draw a picture and post it on here if i can soon.

Or i might be able to get the site admin to add it to my short story ?
stu neville said:
I was washing up in my kitchen once, at night: our sink is under the window, and as it was dark outside I could see my brightly lit reflection.
I then distinctly saw a dark shape dart behind me: wheeled round, of course nothing there.

Interesting thread, and one to which (for once) I can contribute an account.

'Twas about five years ago (terrifying how the years pass), and I was about 20 and enjoying the early 'honeymoon' months of my relationship with a cute girl two years younger than me, who, for reasons beyond most of my friends, adored me. It was one of those long summer evenings in Kent (in the South East of England), and we were enjoying the warm dusk and low moon, generally doing nothing, but doing nothing together. Anyway, we had just finished moving furniture and decorations around her room and had fallen into a heap on her bed just laughing and cuddling. This bed was located beneath a long, quite low, window. She (facing the window) looked up from our embrace, out over the rooftops, into what was quite a bright evening somewhere between about 7 and 8 p.m. A second later her body flinched, she buried her head in my chest, and she gripped me harder than before and began to tremble slightly. I had to practically prize her from my body to ask what on earth was wrong, and she nervously explained that she had seen a shadow shape with what seemed like wings swooping down towards the window but more specifically (she felt) towards me!

My first priority was to calm her down as I'd seen her have some quite unpleasant panic attacks in the past (hyperventilation etc), but few other details were forthcoming. The only ones that seem relevant being that the shadow was not cast by anything she could discern--it was more of a black 'absence' than an actual shape imposed on the background of the rooftops, and the fact that, psychologically, she sensed it had me as its target.

I must admit to having been a little shaken by this, if only because of the huge effect it had on her. It took hours to calm her down, but with the benefit of hindsight perhaps the key to this mystery is found in some observations i have made myself:

- We were both young and involved in an emotionally charged relationship--could she have been projecting a fear of loss? Are not poltergeists commonly found around teenage girls?

- She was a sensitive (although not overly so) young lady.

- I have always been interested in the outre. Could I have unwittingly passed my desire to experience such things (although to my knowledge we never discussed such things)?

- Or perhaps a winged shadow-monster simply wanted me for its supper!

Shadowman sighting in SE London

I've posted on this 'shadowman' elsewhere on the FT site today and am in awe of the fact that so many others have seen something that sounds so similar to my own experience. Has anyone researched this figure?

Forgive the repetition of (most of) my post from elsewhere below but thought it might be of interest to those posting in this specific forum:

I was walking from a friend's house to my own, in the early hours of the morning after a night of general chat while I was at university here in London, UK – specifically, a relatively leafy suburb called Brockley in South-east London. I had drunk only everyday tea or soft drinks all night and had consumed no drugs whatsoever. I'd simply gone without sleep. The time was around 6am and dawn was literally breaking when a friend and I found ourselves walking down my street to where my apartment was located, when we saw a figure walking up the street towards us. The word we coined later to describe its movement was 'lolloping' - a kind of up-down bouncy walk. It took a few seconds for the two of us to realise this was no human being. I asked my friend: "See that man?" "Yes," was the reply. "It's not a man, though, is it?" I found myself asking. "No,' said my friend, sounding scared. "It isn't."

The creature was entirely black and like a cardboard cut-out, flat and one-dimensional. It had no features at all, and it had arms that hung down to its knees. It seemed to be ignoring us, then it seemed to realise we could see it and it began to 'lollop' faster towards us.

We ran to my front door and hid in the hallway as quiet and unmoving as possible when we saw the thing - we felt it was male - approach the front door and appear to look through the glass from the way its head moved up and down and around. It then turned away.

We instinctively felt this was not a creature to try and communicate with, this was not something that it was good to be near. We felt that if this creature had somehow gotten hold of us, we would not be around today to tell the tale...
An interesting thread this but I'm surprised no ones stuck in anything about the documentary on C4 awhile back about a disturbing figure called Shadow Man. Basically the shadow man fits in many ways the description a lot of you have given, a deep black figure, a silhouette, sometimes appearing 2d due to the flatness of the black colour. This shadow man was nasty though, people wake up in the night to find themselves frozen, sleep paralysis was the explanation for this, but the victims described a feeling of terror as just out of there f.o.v they felt a presence. A shadow man lurks? He would then attack the person disabled on the bed, either by sitting on their chest to make it hard to breathe or by actually physically assaulting them.

In some cases the victims would report being sexually assaulted by the figure. Some of the people being interviewed actually said they woke to find semen like substance on their sheets and orifices.

Another interesting part of this Shadow man is the fact that after long periods of attacking a victim, another being would join on the attack with him. This other was said to be an old lady with a large shock of white hair. The shadow man would watch, as she would sit on your chest and scream into your face while her eyes bled a black substance.

In true C4 style they backed all this up with historical artwork showing shadowy figures sitting on peoples chests and so on, tbh it was a very scary and interesting documentary. The frightening thing was that SO many people had attacks like this made on them, in some cases ruining their lives. They had interviewed people from Africa, the America's, Asia and Europe all had similar tales of being woken in the night by the feeling of a presence in there rooms, finding themselves paralysed and then experience a string of increasingly abusive attacks.

I've started to write a screenplay about the idea of a shadow man and up until now I had never heard of anything other than it being a figure that attacks people during the night so this thread proved to be very interesting.

A point that I should have perhaps stressed at the start of this post (Doh!) is the escalation from seemingly innocent events and feelings to some horrendous sounding attacks on people. Some people would wake, find they couldn’t move and feel a presence. This would maybe happen on and off for a couple of weeks. Then the Shadowman would start to sit on their chest, or stand next to them not doing a thing. Over a few more weeks the incidents would become more frequent, more violent, until some people said they though they were going mad. These attacks just seem to stop in some cases, in others they just continue , then the old women joins in. One guy, an American I think, had suffered these attacks since he was 14 or 15 and he was then in his twenties. They followed him round, filmed him in the night as weird sounds were recorded and something apparently pulled his legs so he couldn’t sleep. I’ve wrote this from memory but someone else here must of seen it, it has been repeated a couple of times as well. My first post this 
MrMoran said:
Some people would wake, find they couldn’t move and feel a presence. This would maybe happen on and off for a couple of weeks. Then the Shadowman would start to sit on their chest, or stand next to them not doing a thing. Over a few more weeks the incidents would become more frequent, more violent, until some people said they though they were going mad

Sounds like an interesting documentary, i wish i'd caught it. Certainly the motif you describe of paralysis/chest sitting leading onto actual sexual molestation is not wholly disimilar from the creature described for centuries as the Incubus. Its, i think, generally acepted now that far from being an actual physical entity the incubus/shadowman is an creation of the unconscious mind, an incarnation of repressed/illegitimate sexual desires. Of, course, for centuries it was thought of as an actual demonic attack in which a female was 'impregnated'. I'm sure you can guess this is why 'incubus' is the etymological origin of the verb 'to incubate'.

By the way Mr Moran, if this is your first post then greetings and welcome:)

btw - andyshh, anything can happen in Brockley and frequently does after several cans of cheap Stella from the cornershop! Good tale though.
I know exactly what you mean – particularly as it was during my student days and I witnessed a lot of alcohol consumption during that time in SE London! I do, however, have to stress I was stone cold sober and just plain tired having been awake all night. This entity was quite definitely real – in the sense that myself and another saw it, but whether that counts as being something in the consensual reality we live in, something everyone could have seen, well – your guess would be as good as mine.

This thing was going about its own business, whatever it was. I'd love to know but don't ever want to encounter one of these things again.

Andy Hinkinson-Hodnett
MrMoran said:
This other was said to be an old lady with a large shock of white hair.

:eek!!!!: Old Hag in cahoots with the Shadow Man!!! Surely this should be in the Conspiracy forum?

Milhouse: OK, here's what we've got: the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people --
Bart: Thank you.
Milhouse: -- under the supervision of the reverse vampires, are forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner. We're through the looking glass, here, people...
I saw a shadow being when I was a wee kid of about 4. I woke up in the middle of the night on the floor but with the duvet still over me. I am/was not a sleepwalker and I have never rolled out of bed before. I could see under the bed and through to my bedroom window but silhouetted against the yellow sodium streetlights between me and my bedroom window was a black shape as depicted on my website http://www.azuredoor.freeserve.co.uk It was about 'adult' size and didn't look biological with its extreme angular shape and flat 2d black appearance. I was terrified so I hid under the duvet covers for a minute in the hope that the black shape wouldn't get me and would disappear, much to my dismay when I peered out from under the duvet again it was still there and hadn't moved and didn't move. I went back under the covers and didn't look out again. I must have fallen back asleep and when I awoke in the morning I was surprised to find myself back in bed. Even though I was young I still went and asked my mum if she had been in my room during the night or if she had found me sleeping on the floor and put me back in bed, but no she hadn't, I didn't think she had. I have no idea what it was but I have always thought it might have been the devil. Only recently have I begun to think it might be alien or something. This is one of my most vivid childhood memories.
Silhouette in a tricorn hat

Hi everyone - it's my first post (apart from on the new member's thread) - so..er..hello! Glad, and afraid, to be here.

This is an amazing thread which is going keep me awake for weeks (especially that 'lolloping' one). These experiences remind me of something that happened to me in the early 80's when I was about 7 years old.

My bedroom was of the long skinny type, so from my bed the opposite wall was only about 1.5 metres away. At the other end of the room was a window to the outside (curtained to a dark driveway) and on the wall running next to my bed was a high window, with frosted glass. This window connected our living room and my bedroom (it used to be one of the cottages rear windows until it was extended). My father was awake (probably watching Cagney & Lacey or something) so the lights in the living room were on, which meant I got a fair share of light in my bedroom too. Anyway...

I woke up quite suddenly and looked over to my right towards the opposite wall. There between me and the wall, standing in profile, was the figure of a man towering above me. He was a silhouette, his outline was defined by a 2cm 'ribbon' of bright rainbow colours. The colours fluidly moved around the ribbon - a little like jukebox lights.
From the outline you could see that he wore a cloak and a tricorn or 'nelson' style hat which jutted out to the front and back. There was nothing else to him than the outline itself, I could see directly through him to the (superman) wallpaper on the wall a few feet behind him.

Seconds passed and it didn't move. I don't remember if i was shocked, paralysed with fear or simply agog but it didn't take me long to scream for my dad. As soon as I did, it disappeared.

My dad came in and asked what was up, to which I replied "nothing", being a little embarassed I think.

Now, I'm still pretty sceptical about what I saw, thinking it was
probably a dream. I seem to remember that, having a young Fortean mind even then, I asked my dad the following morning whether I'd called for him. I don't think he could remember. Kind of wish i'd written down my first and only fortean investigation now!

It was an extremely vivid experience that sticks with me now, unlike any dream i've ever had - even up to the point of my dad coming in and answering my call. But then, on visiting a 'model town' at the age of three I could still swear that on looking into a model house I saw a matchbox sized television actually showing an episode of playschool.

Right, i'll shut up now!

Okay, I'm probably going to sound like the craziest out of the lot of you - because I, er, actually spoke to the shadow. In a whisper because I live with my parents and I did not want to explain to them why. Unfortunately, used that stupid, well-cliched line 'who are you?' It told me that he/it was 'the lord of shadows'.
I asked it why it was in my room and it didn't reply, just turned and walked straight through the wall! At which point I scrambled out of bed and huried into the next room, but it had not come out the other side.
I was also wondering cause most of you saw it in the US, but I live in the UK. But if it can walk through, across and up walls I hardly think that a mere thousand miles is going to make much difference to it - or them!
Anymore ideas?
Just came across this account on the 'humanoid contact database' at http://www.thelosthaven.co.uk. Seems be pertinent to the thread especially perhaps andyshh's experience.

"Location. Rosario de la Frontera, Salta, Argentina
Date: February 2002 Time: night
A strange creature called by locals "El Pestizo" has attacked several lone pedestrians in the middle of the night. It is described as a dark man shaped shadowy being. A boy riding his bicycle on the way to visit some friends was toppled from his bicycle and found a black shadowy figure facing him. The young man managed to upholster his shotgun and fire two shots. But, when he saw that they had no effect, he promptly drew his knife and stabbed the figure without any apparent harm.

Frightened the youth tried to escape but the creature knocked him down without saying a word and began dragging him by the hair to the side of the road. At this point the young man began to scream. A local man, who rushed to provide assistance, only to find a black shadow dragging the boy by the hair, heard his cries. The fearful shape disappeared without a trace after it became aware of the other man's presence. Six other locals have reported being attacked by a similar being and received wounds.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 7 # 9 Type: E"
Superman wallpaper

Poster ina coma, I don't know if it significant but my bedroom had superman wallpaper when I saw the Shadow (silhouette) man too. Crazy, like something out of Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
Re: Superman wallpaper

acetone said:
Poster ina coma, I don't know if it significant but my bedroom had superman wallpaper when I saw the Shadow (silhouette) man too. Crazy, like something out of Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

:p LOL, that's amazing! Psychotropic wallpaper! Maybe some occultist designer snuck a few subliminal extras into the design, or maybe it was the cheap B&Q wallpaper paste with an active ingredient banned since 1986.

The possibilities are endless!

Saying that, unrelated to the figure I saw in the above post, I could always make out the figure of a tall man with a goatee beard in the 'negative spaces' between the superman designs.
These "shadow people" come with a variety of different personalities. Some are protective like Mr. Tumble; some are playful and outgoing like Black Frank, and some are just plain bashful and apologetic like this guy's shadow folk.

Hi! My first post! Wanted to report my 'Shadowman' sighting.

I've just moved to an old house (1830's) and was sitting watching TV one night when I saw the black shadow of a person run from the foot of the stairs, go up the stairs and disappear.

I've got to say I wasn't really scared by it, I was more startled which is strange in itself. In contrast with most of the other posts, it didn't seem malevolent in any way. It was small, like a child and had blurred edges like 'cartoon' marks to denote speed. For some reason I had the strong feeling it was a boy.

Although the house is old, it has a very positive feeling about it and we know from ex-tenants that it's history is peaceful. I got the sense that the 'shadow' was a manifestation of a former occupier of the house doing something he always used to rather than a haunting.
Bannik said:
These 'shadow people' come with a variety of different personalities. Some are protective like Mr. Tumble; some are playful and outgoing like Black Frank, and some are just plain bashful and apologetic like this guy's"

And some ignore us entirely or conversely are as surprised by us as we are by them (in which case we may very well be the shadow peoples' shadow people) while still others seem to be genuinely malignant. In one of the darkest shadow people accounts I've ever read the scowling staircase entity was believed by the percipient to be his own evil and abusive father.
azuredoor said:
I saw a shadow being when I was a wee kid of about 4. I woke up in the middle of the night on the floor but with the duvet still over me. I am/was not a sleepwalker and I have never rolled out of bed before. I could see under the bed and through to my bedroom window but silhouetted against the yellow sodium streetlights between me and my bedroom window was a black shape as depicted on my website http://www.azuredoor.freeserve.co.uk It was about 'adult' size and didn't look biological with its extreme angular shape and flat 2d black appearance. I was terrified so I hid under the duvet covers for a minute in the hope that the black shape wouldn't get me and would disappear, much to my dismay when I peered out from under the duvet again it was still there and hadn't moved and didn't move. I went back under the covers and didn't look out again. I must have fallen back asleep and when I awoke in the morning I was surprised to find myself back in bed. Even though I was young I still went and asked my mum if she had been in my room during the night or if she had found me sleeping on the floor and put me back in bed, but no she hadn't, I didn't think she had. I have no idea what it was but I have always thought it might have been the devil. Only recently have I begun to think it might be alien or something. This is one of my most vivid childhood memories.

well i once had a similar experience...i was in bed one night i think i was about 14 or 15 and i woke up to see the wall on the right of me (my bed faced the window) had wat appeared to be a shadow of a bust of some sort(just the head and shoulders) it was very clear and there was no mistaking it as i actually sat up and for several minutes examined it trying to figure out wat was casting this shadow (it was in reflection of a street lamp outside) it was about 2am and noone was in the street outside, eventually i turned my bedroom light on had another look out the window etc and gave up as i turned the light off i looked and noticed it had disapeared. how can it be there and then just disappear...i didnt move anything in my bedroom so if it was a shadow of an ornement or something(which i doubt) it would have returned after i turned the light off!
it didnt scare me...but ill always wonder...
Weird Shadow Person story here:
Shadow's Revenge
by Karin R.

Here is a story from Holland, The Hague. About 15 years ago, I stayed for the night at the house of my father-in-law. My husband was not there yet because he was working on the nightshift. The house of my father-in-law was build somewhere before 1940, so it wasn't a very old house. After entering the house, there was a staircase to the second floor where the living room, the kitchen and my father-in-law's bedroom were situated. The bathroom and the room of my husband and I was on the third floor, which was a former attic.

In the middle of the night, I woke up from a sound sleep. As I listened, I heard someone climbing up the stairs. I knew that it was not my father-in-law or my husband. While this person was coming closer, I had so many thoughts going through my mind. Why don't I hide – come on now, move! Just role off beside the bed, so he can't see you! Quick now! But I couldn't move. I was terrified. I saw a person completely in black, more like an intense black shadow open the bedroom door and enter the room. I was shaking like a leaf. The black shadow came closer, while pointing a handgun at me. All of a sudden, he shot me in my forehead. Before he left, I heard him say, "Now you know what it's like!"

When he was gone, I was a little less scared. I expected the shot in my forehead to hurt, but it felt like I got hit by a fist instead of a bullet. I realized that he had killed me , and I thought, "What will happen next?" I suddenly became somewhat happy, because now I got the chance to see heaven; after all, I was dead, right? But no, I never saw a glimpse of heaven. I was quickly able to move again and could not stop shaking for several hours.

Early in the morning, my husband got home, and I told him what happened and that I've never been so scared in my entire life. He thought I just had a bad dream. A few weeks later, I walked by a store and looked into the window. To my surprise I saw a reflection of my forehead with a small dent in it. Back home, I checked my forehead in the mirror, and I could see the dent, but only with the light shining on it in a certain way. I never noticed this dent before, and immediately thought about the nightmare, as I call it.

Was it a nightmare? It felt as if I was wide awake, but why couldn't I move? And why did that shadow say, "Now you know what it's like"? I asked some close relatives about the dent, and they never noticed it before; neither did my husband. All I can say is that this is my true story and I still don't understand what happened. My father-in-law gladly moved out of the house, because he had bad feelings about the house, something to do with negative energy or so. He said this without knowing what happened that night. I told him my story after he moved out.
Source: http://paranormal.about.com/library/bls ... h06_19.htm
In regard to the above report I can't think of any physiological reasons that a psychic shock couldn't produce a small depression in the skin.

If human flesh can display psychosomatic burns or stigmata why not a small dent?

PS. The man whom many of us regard as the greatest living cryptozoologist once warned me personally against accepting the validity of anonymous Web testimonies. While I agreed with him, I equally don't see how Forteans and Paranormalists can entirely ignore all that massed testimony either.
I've seen one in my room, it followed a lot of weird happenings, including moving objects, it exuded this feeling of well, extreme evil, hen it walked through a second story external wall
OldTimeRadio said:
The man whom many of us regard as the greatest living cryptozoologist once warned me personally against accepting the validity of anonymous Web testimonies. While I agreed with him, I equally don't see how Forteans and Paranormalists can entirely ignore all that massed testimony either.
They're too DELICIOUS to ignore! I accept them for what they are: inconclusive fun.
They remind me of "Dead Letter Office" from Clive Barker's novel "Weaveworld", or it may be "The Great & Secret Show". In it one of the characters compulsively reads random letters that have ended up there, with nowhere to go. From all this random stuff a pattern emerges and takes him to very strange places. Perhaps he was aware of Charles Fort?
Bannik said:
They're too DELICIOUS to ignore! I accept them for what they are: inconclusive fun.

Unlike Scientists, Forteans collect morphological evidence, that is evidence of the shape of any given phenomena.

If only one person reports encountering Mothman we can easily dismiss that single report. But if upwards of 200 witnesses report the same thing, as transpired in and near Point Pleasant, West Virgina, from November, 1966, through November, 2007, we have a capital P Phenomenon. Especially if we add the tragic Silver Bridge collapse of December, 1967, of which the Mothman reports seem to have been some sort of psychic (for want of a better word) prequel.
I've only ever witnessed something I would describe as a Shadow Man once.

Years ago I was living in a two bedroom ground floor flat with a friend, one afternoon when my mate was out working, I picked up a copy of the Tao Te Ching, sat on the large window sill in the lounge and began browsing through the book, after a few minutes I suddenly saw something out of the corner of my eye and looked up to see a tall (and very broad), approximately 7ft, dark, shadowy and roughly human shape form entering through the lounge doorway from the hall.
Whilst the entity had no visible features I had the distinct impression that it was a male form.
As I looked at this thing straight-on, it warped and stretched backwards out of sight, it didn't turn around or move, it just stretched backwards.
And that was all there was to it, maybe through sub-conscious doubt I immediately searched the flat to see if there was anyone else but me there, and of course there wasn't.
I can't actually remember if I've posted this before but anyway. I am also aware that people might think I'm making it up considering Ive wrote about quite a few strange things that have happened to me.

I do remember when i was a kid I would be playing in my room and on at least four or five occassions I saw a black shadow figure go past my room towards my parents room.

Thinking it was my dad or my mum (before they were divorced) I would go to ask them something or whatever but find nobody in my parents room or in the upstairs toilet next to their room; and I hadn't seen the shadow figures walk back. So it confused mea little bit.

I would ask my parents if they had been upstairs and I still remember them saying no.

I once told my dad about what I had seen - he's a born again christian by the way - and he said very seriously that it must have been a demon (he's very, very into christianity)!

I had forgotten all about this until a few years ago, when i was watching a British film about shadow people that control the fate and destiny of people. They moved around in corridors and rooms between peoples reality tinkering about with peoples lives etc.

There was a scene in hospital where a character is fleeing from the shadow beings (which looked just like the beings from my memory) through medical filing shelving aisles. This particularly spooked me out as I was working as a medical records clerk in area with just those types of shelving an medical notes. And the old memories came back.

I'm not trying to say that what happened in the film is what is really happening in life because that would be nuts but it did disconcert me - at least for a few minutes anyway.
This is actually one of the few fortean phenomena that really creeps me out, along with stickmen.

Anyway, my story. I definately posted it on here years ago under an old log in, but I've no idea where. Can't even remember my old user name.

This was in a flat in a period of my life many years ago when I had a ridiculous amount of weirdness going on. In fact this was an incident that provoked me ask it all to stop (see "Do you ever "ask" for Forteana?" thread) which is what made me think of it.

I was in the bedroom of the flat, the door of which opened straight into the sitting room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a very tall shadow man walk straight past. I got the impression it came through the wall, past the doorway, and then straight through the other wall and into the neighbouring property as if it was striding purposefully along some kind of roadway that paid no attention at all to walls or houses (it was a Victorian terrace).
It was a little different to the usual shadowman desciption in that it wasn't all black, but brownish and black, like a dark sepia tone image. I could make out the outline of face, thick dark hair, a 3/4 lngth coat, possibly cape, and knee boots. He was about 7ft tall and big, solid, not thin, angular or transparent.

I immediately "knew" that he was aware I had seen him, but he didn't look around or move his head at all. There was a real sense of consciousness even intelligence to this thing, that he was aware of me, and aware of me because I had seen him. I did not feel a sense of "evil", but definately not good either. Neutral but probably not very nice.
I also felt that whatever it was it was NOT human. It was not a ghost, a discarnate entity, a soul imprint, projection; don't ask me why I thought this, it was just my immediate gut reaction as I stood there. No logic, no analysis.

The following night I had not long got into bed, just closed my eyes, no chance of being asleep, I had been in bed literally a minute at the most and was still settling. Anyway, I opened my eyes and this thing was standing over me, leaning over, lowering his face towards me.

Now I am not a screamer. I've had a fair few odd experiences in my life, including seeing some really wierd stuff, and I've never even been close to screaming. But I leapt onto my then partner and literally screamed the house down. God knows what I would have done if I'd been on my own. It is the only time in my life I have completely lost it, I was hysterical.

Another odd thing was my (cynical sceptic) ex said when the shrieking started to subside: "There was someone standing by the bed wasn't there?"

I'm pretty sure I asked then, or maybe next morning, if he'd actually seen anything, and he said no, but he knew something was there.

I felt the thing had come back to check me out because he knew I could see him and there was a sense of curiosity, but possibly just to try and scare the shit out of me on purpose. It succeeded.

My beliefs on these shadow forms is that they are thoughtforms, focussed human emotion and thought that if concerntrated enough are able to take the form of a conscious entity that lives just beyond our normal perceptions. Also responsible for the atmosphere certain places have, particularly those that have been inhabited for a long time, or have had really intense things happen like trauma, or prayer at religious sites. They're probably the same as have been labelled "demons", and possibly "angels" for the positive ones, throughout history.

No proofs or science, just the theory I feel makes the most sense to me. Though I also quite like the idea of places where 2 dimensions touch and occasionallly bleed through a bit, sort of two way "ghost" portals.

But, yeah, not keen on seeing one again...
Brrr, I don’t think any type of strange phenomenon creeps me out as much as shadowmen do. There’s something about them that scares me rigid. In one of the IHTM books there’s someone’s account of being trapped in a room with one of them howling and trying to get at him, but it was unable to cross the threshold of the doorframe. Scared the dickens out of me it did :shock:

Just to make matters worse, a few years ago there was a IHTM about a guy driving down a road and a shadowman ran out in front of him. He slammed on the breaks but didn’t hit anything. Thing is, I drive down that road twice a day to get to and from work, and from the description I know the exact spot where it happened! It’s certainly not fun driving past that spot in the dark...