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Conjoined Twins

You know what they say - two heads are better than one.
They ought to do well in exams when they're older. :)
Mythopoeika said:
You know what they say - two heads are better than one.
They ought to do well in exams when they're older. :)

Its a Sign! All of Latin America will support the Argies!
Twins born in Brazil with two heads, one heart

The rare condition is thought to have occurred when one of the pair failed to fully develop in the womb.

Doctors say separating the twins, named Jesus and Emanuel, is not currently an option because there is only one set of organs, Reuters reports.

They are being monitored by specialists to see how they develop.

Dr Neila Dahas, who is treating the newborns, said surgery was not being considered at the moment.

But she said separating the boys would be impossible because of the single set of organs - and that it was difficult to choose which head to remove because both brains were functioning well.

"What we know statistically is that the children who undergo surgery and survive are the children who have less organs in common," she added.

"What we've got to think about at this moment is to maintain the children in good condition and see how they will develop."

'No scans'

The condition, known as dicephalic parapagus, is rare.

However there have been other known cases, notably Abigail and Brittany Hensel who were born in the US in 1990. They aim to live as normal a life as possible, even taking their driving test when they were 16.

Jesus and Emanuel were born by Caesarean section weighing 9.9lbs (4.5kg) on Monday morning in a small hospital in the northern state of Para.

They were then taken by plane to a better equipped hospital in the state capital Belem.

Doctors say the mother breastfed both boys a few times and that their appetite is normal.

Claudioner Assis de Vasconcelos, director of the hospital in Anajas where she gave birth, told Brazil's O Povo newspaper that she came in because she was experiencing strong abdominal pains.

It is reported that the 25-year-old, who lives in a remote area, did not have any ultrasound scans during her pregnancy - and only found out about her sons' condition minutes before the birth.

Mr de Vasconcelos said: "Despite all the problems we have as a small interior hospital we managed to save both mother and baby, which was our aim."

Patrick O'Brien, a spokesman for the UK's Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists who has been involved in several conjoined twin cases, said no decisions were likely to be made about Jesus and Emanuel's future for some time.

"A lot of work is needed, in terms of scans and tests, before doctors will know if they can separate them or not, and just how organs and blood vessels are shared and linked.

"It takes quite a while before they can decide how feasible it is."

Mr O'Brien said dicephalic parapagus affected around one in 100,000 pregnancies, but that around half do not reach full-term.

Not a baby with two heads though is it? It's two people with one body. Stupid, insensitive Daily Mail.
beakboo said:
Not a baby with two heads though is it? It's two people with one body.
Picky, picky!

It depends where the soul resides (if we have one).
If in the brain, then perhaps it is two people.
But if it's in the heart or the guts (as some suggest), then it's just one person.
Surely two zygotes were formed but became conjoined so essentially they are two people.
beakboo said:
Ask the Hensel twins if they're one or two people.
The Hensel twins
...are highly symmetric, giving the appearance of having just a single body with little variation from normal proportion. In fact, several vital organs are doubled up, each twin having a separate heart, stomach, spine and spinal cord.

But the de Nazare baby has "two brains and two spines but shares one heart, lungs, liver and pelvis"

It will be interesting to see how they develop.
*nods* I've seen them on TV, they argue now and then. The doc I saw showed them leaving for a holiday, possibly abroad. Their home town is used to them but one wonders what reception they receive elsewhere.
rynner2 said:
ramonmercado said:
Its a Sign! All of Latin America will support the Argies!
So, no change there, then! ;)

In 1982 Chile didn't support the Argies, RAF craft in distress wre even able to land on Chilean soil. All part of Maggies love affair with Pinochet.
beakboo said:
They are two people. To suggest otherwise IMO is both ludicrous and insulting.

I agree. I imagine that if they manage to reach an age when they are able to talk they will be two people. They have two brains and will have independent thoughts.
Having two sperate hearts makes little difference. Our personality, I don't believe in a soul, resides in our brains and they have two brains.
They are two people. To suggest otherwise IMO is both ludicrous and insulting.

Very clearly two people. The "twins" description rather gives it away!

What I'm not clear on in this case is which had controls the limbs etc. The Hensel twins are unusual in that motor functions are split fairly evenly between the two of them (although I think one of them may have control over the legs - reports vary on this).

Extremely unusual form of conjoined twins; although historincal Forteans may have come across the very similar "Scottish Brothers" from (I think) the fifteeth century.
Living a conjoined life
By Lucy Wallis, BBC News

Abby and Brittany Hensel are conjoined twins determined to live the normal, active life of outgoing 20-somethings anywhere. They have been to university, they travel, they have jobs. But how easy is it for two people to inhabit one body?
Like most 23-year-olds Abby and Brittany Hensel love spending time with their friends, going on holiday, driving, playing sport such as volleyball and living life to the full.

The identical, conjoined twins from Minnesota, in the United States, have graduated from Bethel University and are setting out on their career as primary school teachers with an emphasis on maths.

Although they have two teaching licences, there is one practical difference when it comes to the finances.
"Obviously right away we understand that we are going to get one salary because we're doing the job of one person," says Abby.
"As maybe experience comes in we'd like to negotiate a little bit, considering we have two degrees and because we are able to give two different perspectives or teach in two different ways."
"One can be teaching and one can be monitoring and answering questions," says Brittany. "So in that sense we can do more than one person."

Their friend Cari Jo Hohncke has always admired the sisters' teamwork.
"They are two different girls, but yet they are able to work together to do the basic functions that I do every day that I take for granted," says Hohncke.

The twins know each other so well that they often say the same things or finish each other's sentences, and are supportive and understanding of the other in all aspects of life.

With two sets of lungs, two hearts, two stomachs, one liver, one large intestine and one reproductive system, they have learned from a young age to co-ordinate their body, with Abby controlling the right hand side and Brittany the left.

There is a difference in height and at 5ft 2in (1.57m) Abby is taller than her sister Brittany who is 4ft 10in (1.47m). As their two legs are different lengths, Brittany has to stand on tip toe, on her leg, to ensure they maintain their balance.

They have had to learn to reach compromises on everything from what food they eat to their social life and even the clothes they wear.
"We definitely have different styles," says Abby. "Brittany's a lot more like neutrals and pearls and stuff like that and I would rather have it be more fun and bright and colourful."

What is clothes shopping like for conjoined twins?
While Abby is seen as the "outspoken" sister and will always win the argument about what they are going to wear, Brittany says her twin is also much more homely, whereas she prefers going out.

There are other differences too. Brittany is scared of heights, whereas Abby is not. Abby is interested in maths and science, while Brittany prefers the arts.

They also respond differently to coffee. After a few cups Brittany's heart rate increases, but Abby is not affected.

And they have different body temperatures.
"I can be a totally different temperature than Brittany would be," says Abby, "and a lot of times our hands are different temperatures, so I get super-hot way faster."

Despite having a normal family and social life, studying and working like any other young women, they do face some additional problems.
For example, they have to put up with speculation about their private life - something they prefer not to discuss. The twins deny a rumour that Brittany has become engaged, describing it as a "dumb joke".

Travelling to a new country with friends on holiday is also not as straightforward for conjoined twins. They have two passports, but one ticket as they only take up one seat on the aeroplane. However they also have to be on their guard and more aware of entering crowded or confined spaces because members of the public will often try to take unwelcomed photographs.


Rare conjoined twins die at Georgia hospital a day after birth

Conjoined twin boys sharing a heart, torso, arms and legs died in an Atlanta hospital on Friday, a day after being born, their parents said in a Facebook video. The birth of the twins was a medical rarity, as many such babies do not survive delivery.

“I am so sad to say that my sons passed away today at 5 o’clock,” Michael Hamby said in the tearful Facebook video that he and his wife, Robin Hamby, of Alabama posted late on Friday. “They fought long and hard.”

The twins died at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston, the parents said. They had been transferred there from Northside Hospital in Atlanta.

Conjoined twins occur once every 200,000 live births and most do not survive, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. About 40 to 60 percent are stillborn, and about 35 percent live only one day.

http://newsdaily.com/2014/12/rare-conjo ... MRSue46.99
Conjoined Twins Refuse to Be Separated Despite Doctor's Warnings
Alexia Fernandez April 22, 2017

When Carmen and Lupita Andrade were born, doctors said they only had three days to live.

The conjoined twins, now 16, originally born in Mexico and now living in New Milford, Connecticut, defied those odds and lived far past doctors’ expectations.

Hartford Courant they don’t see the point in a surgery that could end up killing them.

“There’s the whole psychological situation,” Carmen says. “Because we’ve been so used to being together. I don’t think there’d be a point.”

The girls were brought to the U.S. by their parents, who sought medical expertise for their daughters’ condition. Each of the girls has a heart, a set of arms, a set of lungs and a stomach. ...

I did a bit of searching and this is the nearest thing I found to a relevant established thread.

I stumbled across this chap today: Frank Lentini.

He was not "conjoined" twins, but one person with a "parasitic twin". He had 3 legs but, strangely, 4 feet (do the math) and 2 sets of genitals.

He had some control of his 3rd leg and could kick a football with it as part of his stage act.

He had pretty much a normal life. He married, had 4 children, divorced, then had a long term relationship until his death aged 82 in 1966.

Wikipedia says that a photo of him appeared on an Alice in Chains album cover, and that he was featured in "The Greatest Showman".

Many of you may have heard of him, but I hadn't until today.

Incidentally the Hensel twins, Abby and Brittany, mentioned upthread, seem to be doing well. 28 years old, working as teachers. By leading normal lives but not completely avoiding publicity, they are doing a lot to demystify and normalise something that a few decades ago would have been seen as "freakish".


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The tragic and appalling story of Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapova.

Born on 3 January 1950, they were removed from their mother at birth in order to be experimented on by Soviet physiologists. Their mother was told that her daughters had died soon after their birth.
Taken to the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Moscow, the twins underwent intrusive experimentation in what is now considered a prolonged case of medical torture.
They were eventually transferred to another institution, where they received a rudimentary education.
It was only under Gorbachov's campaign of glasnost, where the worst excesses of the Soviet Union were eased however, that Masha and Dasha experienced improved living conditions and were permitted such luxuries as a TV.
Masha fell ill on 13 April 2003, complaining of back pain and died of a heart attack the following day. Some seventeen hours later Dasha also succumbed. At the time of their death they were the oldest living conjoined twins.


'Twins Ruby and Rosie are proud to have once been conjoined.
The 11-year-olds from south-east London were born joined by the intestine and abdomen and were separated when they were just 24 hours old.
They are among six sets of conjoined twins brought together by London's Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for a pizza party.'


Typical. You wait for one conjoined twin and then two come along at once. Or six. Or twelve?.
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The Grave of Conjoined Siamese Twins Chang and Eng Bunker​

.. I didn't know that they fathered 21 kids with two separate wives after they'd retired in two separate houses ..

They have over a thousand living descendants.
Also, apparently their children with the two wives would be born around the same time so it seems their conjugal arrangements included a certain attention to scheduling.