I was taught the 'accepted' theory of evolution as a kid and carried on believing it through my twenties and pitied people who were so 'close-minded' as to believe in creationism (I was actually chastised by a religious sister when she heard me explaining the Big Bang theory about the creation of the universe to my small son). However. I've just started dipping into this subject and the more I read the more cheated I feel. I thought evolution was an undisputed fact. It clearly isn't.
Have ANY intermediate species been found in the paleontological record?
And is it true that gene mutation (rather than design by cross-breeding for desired effects) is near-enough ALWAYS damaging to the cell rather than accidentally beneficial enough times to support the evolutionary theory?
I'm new to this subject so forgive me for sounding ignorant but I feel like I now need everyone's else's advice - books to read, papers to look up, etc. Cheers.
Have ANY intermediate species been found in the paleontological record?
And is it true that gene mutation (rather than design by cross-breeding for desired effects) is near-enough ALWAYS damaging to the cell rather than accidentally beneficial enough times to support the evolutionary theory?
I'm new to this subject so forgive me for sounding ignorant but I feel like I now need everyone's else's advice - books to read, papers to look up, etc. Cheers.