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Dinosaur & Human Interaction In Our Times


Gone But Not Forgotten
Oct 27, 2009
Dinosaur and Human Interaction in Our Times (the New York Times, LA Times, Chicago-Sun Times etc. Historical Newspapers)


"Photo: Dr. Requena reports finding artifacts of an unknown. advanced civilization in Venezuela who had sculpted extinct creatures incuding several versions of the diplodocus dinosaur. Modern Mechanix, 1934"


Charles Darwin’s book; “The Origin of the Species; was written back in 1859. The word “dinosaur” had been coined a few years earlier, in 1841 by Sir Richard Owen.

I began a review of the dinosaur and man controversy in the press after that time thinking that perhaps the world of science and news reporting would have still been rather naive and innocent for a time and still willing to report things as they were discovered-without the filter and hold that Darwinism currently holds over both.
Looks like a duck to me.
This is the kind of ill writtern crap that gives cryptozoologistsa bad name. Creationism is a mental abnormality. You dicks are ll the same. Your'e not truly interested in descovering new species you just want to use crationism to bolster your silly fairy tales. I had my work plagerized by some twafaces American creationist sight a few years ago and had to threatern legal actn befor they shut it down.
And isn't it a co-incidence that all the so-called carvings of 'sauropods' look like the victorian image of them, not the modern more acturate image?
North Atlantis, Ica stones and my favourite part;

These primitive men bored the shells and made ornaments of the eggs laid by the dinosaur, the giant reptile that roamed the Asiatic uplands some 10,000 million years ago….”
In case you missed it, Chapman believes that man lived with dinosaurs in ages past. Because they had made ornaments out of dinosaur eggs, something that could only be accomplished with unfossilized dinosaur eggs!

Either that or they somehow managed to work small pieces of stone.

I wouldn't worry about this sort of thing too much Lordmongrove.
So these people produced representations of humans with stumpy legs, squashed heads and it would seem handles on the sides, yet their creative faculties somehow allowed them to produce allegedly accurate models of dinosaurs? :p
Ahh but you see those weird looking people are the biblical giants, just look at how much bigger they are than the dinosaurs. ;)
IMO the dinosaur looks more like a plesiosaur more than a diplodocus.
They nest under my roof and keep me awake in the early hours.

On a more serious note; Do we know more about the people who created such distinct art?
lordmongrove said:
This is the kind of ill writtern crap that gives cryptozoologistsa bad name. Creationism is a mental abnormality. You dicks are ll the same. Your'e not truly interested in descovering new species you just want to use crationism to bolster your silly fairy tales. I had my work plagerized by some twafaces American creationist sight a few years ago and had to threatern legal actn befor they shut it down.
And isn't it a co-incidence that all the so-called carvings of 'sauropods' look like the victorian image of them, not the modern more acturate image?

Pardon, but may I ask whom you are addressing? This is a Fortean list and few Forteans are Creationists. We tend to be strict Evolutionists....at least until if and when something better comes along. :)
I don't think it was the this message board he was directing his comments to.