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Does anyone suspect that they might be a clone?


Gone But Not Forgotten
Sep 25, 2015
Has anyone experienced added or missing time?
I was reseachering the Paul McCartney is dead conspiracy and watched a couple of YouTube videos and agreed that there were facial differences. However, instead of Paul being replaced, by another different person,maybe he was cloned. That started me to thinking that many people, including myself could be cloned. So in the clone matrix, one obviously does not remember be exchanged for a duplicate, but suppose there was a vague remembering of lost or added time such as I once had when I was in the second grade in school. I can see you guys laughing, but I'm serious.
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Sloppy seconds, never mind. If I can't be original forget it.
YOU replaced the last person who came up with that idea....now we'll have to start again.

GUYS - can you PLEASE sort the memories out this time? Its not Total Recall for Gods sake!

Mods - can you do the necessary with this thread before the replacement stumbles across it please?

We're talking about the f*cking Agency!
Now we'll have to do what we did with Quaid...
Scary thought. You can't know you've been asleep until you wake up. What if they awaken you by mistake and then put you back under. Or down under mates. The Aussies know something.
If you want a serious reply, I'll give it a go. As far as I know, though animals have been cloned, no human ever has, and there's no guarantee they would have an identical personality or even look identical. As often with conspiracy theories, you have to ask why this would happen in the first place, and there are far easier ways to go about replacing people more amenable to your demands than cloning them, especially as their life span would not be as long.
If you want a serious reply, I'll give it a go. As far as I know, though animals have been cloned, no human ever has, and there's no guarantee they would have an identical personality or even look identical. As often with conspiracy theories, you have to ask why this would happen in the first place, and there are far easier ways to go about replacing people more amenable to your demands than cloning them, especially as their life span would not be as long.

Agreeing with your general premise here - there's no reason that a clone would necessarily have an identical personality, or could easily be slotted in to replace another without the cloned person's knowledge.

But do you remember, maybe 15 years ago or so, there was this rogue scientist who was saying he had implanted cloned embryos in 20 different women in secret locations around the world, and no authority could stop him, muwahahaha (ok, maybe the evil laugh was just implied). I never did hear any follow up to that story.
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Agreeing with your general premise here - there's no reason that a clone would necessarily have an identical personality, or could easily be slotted in to replace another without the cloned person's knowledge.

But do you remember, maybe 15 years ago or so, there was this rogue scientist who was saying he had implanted cloned embryos in 20 different women in secret locations around the world, and no authority could stop him, muwahahaha (ok, maybe the evil laugh was just implied). I never did hear any follow up to that story.
Even if they were genetically identical, this accounts for only a percentage (current thinking is for a correlation of about 60% based genetics, from twin studies) propensity towards particular traits of personality or intellect. The rest of a 'person' is formed by environment or 'nurture'.

Even appearance would diverge based on prevailing fashions for hair colour, style and (for example) the amount of sunlight in the locale. They could be there and you'd never know. You could be one and walk past one of your clones on the street.
If Paul McCartney had been replaced by a clone, wouldn't they have had to start this little experiment back in the early 1940's before he became famous? Unless they had invented some kind of growth accelerator to bring his clone's age in line with his own?
Erm, yes and yes. I have suffered missing time/memories, but according to my doc it's a symptom of PTSD. Which makes some sense. When I was young I did wonder if I was a robot me.

Now I just think that my brain luffs me and spares me the dull bits of life. A bit like fast forwarding something recorded on Sky+/TiVo.
Erm, yes and yes. I have suffered missing time/memories, but according to my doc it's a symptom of PTSD. Which makes some sense. When I was young I did wonder if I was a robot me.

Now I just think that my brain luffs me and spares me the dull bits of life. A bit like fast forwarding something recorded on Sky+/TiVo.
PTSD? Did you fight in the Gulf War?
Has anyone experienced added or missing time?
The chap in the bed opposite mine (I'm on a hospital ward at the moment) was convinced it was 2014 all this year. I had to show him my phone's date and laptop's date to convince him it was in fact 2015. Someone had sent him a Christmas card to him and his two kids but omitted his wife's name which he took to mean she was dead. He couldn't remember her and the kids visiting him on December the 23rd so I had to describe her as a leggy and stylishly dressed brunette as well as what his kids looked like to convince him it was 2015. The fact that his wife's name wasn't on the card is probably down to the fact that she's leaving him and he's the last to find out in his circle. Very sad.
PTSD? Did you fight in the Gulf War?
I am a Vietnam era veteran. You may have a point, but cloning or anything else that the government admitted to for me means they've been doing it for 50 to 100 years already. It's funny how people know that they tell lies but somehow it is incomprehensible that our governments could be lying about almost everything. Why would they lie about almost everything? Knowledge is power and we are fools. As showman P.T. Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute." That must have been pretty hard on Mrs Barnum.
I'm not sure even the North Korean government lies about almost everything. Did you suffer post-Vietnam War problems, El Supremo? You don't have to go into detail if you don't want to.
I'm not sure even the North Korean government lies about almost everything. Did you suffer post-Vietnam War problems, El Supremo? You don't have to go into detail if you don't want to.
No, thanks for your concern. I did recall a friend of my mother had a cousin that I met who did complain about feeling so guilty about what he did in Vietnam that he wanted to commit suicide. When I heard what he did, I was so appalled, I said, you know what to do. He killed himself. I am not talking about myself. I'm still alive.
Well, where there's life there's hope as the old saying goes.
You are such a kind and caring soul. Are you Christian perhaps? I can just imagine you sitting on a white cloud in a white robe playing a harp.
Why, thank you. I was brought up a Christian, but now I'm a strict agnostic. Don't know what clothing and musical instruments we get.