breakfast of the champions
personally I find the following far better than any caffeine or sugar energy boosters:
Choline or Lecithine
vitamins B5,B6,B12
if available, I would also have Pramiracetam and Galantamine. Galantamine is vegetable based.
Piracetam is thought (by some) to partially stop the aging process of the brain (which starts after you're 24-25), moreover pot-heads all over embrace it for its sobering effect. This is boosted by taking hydergine, choline and B6. Hydergine is beneficial for the long term memory. Choline and Lecithine (which transforms to acethylcholine in the brain) are equally vitalising and a good protection against Alzheimer's. So is Piracetam, which like Pramiracetam and Galantamine, is an "antagonist". Some claim it increases information flow between the hemispheres, often associated with "creative flashes".
Centrophenoxine I haven't used for a few years (none around), but I remember taking it only when expecting critical work (or after a sleepless night). On the extreme end, I used Deprenyl, which is an antidepressant (it turns to methampetamine in the brain), but we dont do that no more. Interestingly Deprenyl has extended the lifespan of rats from an average 3 years or so to 4,5. Problem is, the therapy has to start prior to birth (on the foetus) in order to be really successful.
Should be noted that this it is recommended to use the above substances over periods of a week at a time then one week off.
In all, performance boosting foods should also have other beneficial effects, such as life extension.
End the hegemony of the Sugar and Caffeine bosses, eat this and excel.