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Existing List Of Things Which Are Like Wodewoses?


Fortea Morgana :) PeteByrdie certificated Princess
Jul 14, 2014
An Eochair
I'm sure there must be one out there. A list of cryptid and mainstream examples which could be categorised roughly as wodewose-like.

If there isn't such a list, what are currently recommended books that could start to assemble one?

Bigfoot is a definite, the Yeti less so (no trees!) but I'd include it as an outlier. Orangoutan from mainstream.

This is very much not my field, so help and suggestions welcomed. That includes questions aimed at getting me to firm up this rather wooly (did you see what I did there?????) category. :twothumbs:
I'm sure there must be one out there. A list of cryptid and mainstream examples which could be categorised roughly as wodewose-like.

If there isn't such a list, what are currently recommended books that could start to assemble one?

Bigfoot is a definite, the Yeti less so (no trees!) but I'd include it as an outlier. Orangoutan from mainstream.

This is very much not my field, so help and suggestions welcomed. That includes questions aimed at getting me to firm up this rather wooly (did you see what I did there?????) category. :twothumbs:

A google search for "BHM cryptid list" yielded this:


"BHM" = Big Hairy Man (oo-er!), the category is a catch-all for all Bigfott/Yeti/Almasty/ape man/relict hominids.
Bigfoot is a definite, the Yeti less so (no trees!) but I'd include it as an outlier.

I think I'm correct in saying that, despite its portrayal in popular culture, the 'evidence' suggests the yeti inhabits wooded areas below the tree line. And it's brown or black haired, not white. So basically is as wodewosey as any such cryptid.
"BHM" = Big Hairy Man (oo-er!), the category is a catch-all for all Bigfott/Yeti/Almasty/ape man/relict hominids.

I may have come over All Uneccessary :twothumbs:

Modern humans

Fossil humans

Yes, thank you, I need to make sure I include these. So, I think that one criterion for being On The List is able to be taken for a woodwose. Or as I shall now attempt to say BHM.

I think I'm correct in saying that, despite its portrayal in popular culture, the 'evidence' suggests the yeti inhabits wooded areas below the tree line. And it's brown or black haired, not white. So basically is as wodewosey as any such cryptid.

You mean that Tin Tin isn't the gold standard for Yeti research???? :eek:
If you're including mini hairy men, too, Richard Freeman wrote an excellent book about orang-pendek which, from memory, includes an exhaustive list of other 'little foots'.

EDIT If you want to follow a more academic line of enquiry into wildmen from medieval European folklore, you'll have to let me know. I've got a book about it but I'll have to shift a wardrobe to get to it and remind me what it's called.

EDIT AGAIN And I've just remembered I have this wall plaque of a wodewose battling a wyvern, their mortal enemies. Not really relevant. But if you have an interest in wodewoses, I may as well post it.
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If you're including mini hairy men, too, Richard Freeman wrote an excellent book about orang-pendek which, from memory, includes an exhaustive list of other 'little foots'.

EDIT If you want to follow a more academic line of enquiry into wildmen from medieval European folklore, you'll have to let me know. I've got a book about it but I'll have to shift a wardrobe to get to it and remind me what it's called.

EDIT AGAIN And I've just remembered I have this wall plaque of a wodewose battling a wyvern, their mortal enemies. Not really relevant. But if you have an interest in wodewoses, I may as well post it.
View attachment 48223

Is that Wodewose shaggin' a dragon?
I'm sure there must be one out there. A list of cryptid and mainstream examples which could be categorised roughly as wodewose-like.

If there isn't such a list, what are currently recommended books that could start to assemble one?

Bigfoot is a definite, the Yeti less so (no trees!) but I'd include it as an outlier. Orangoutan from mainstream.

This is very much not my field, so help and suggestions welcomed. That includes questions aimed at getting me to firm up this rather wooly (did you see what I did there?????) category. :twothumbs:

l’d imagine that Karl Shuker would be the man to contact.


maximus otter