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Famous and Historic threads of Fortean Message Board



This is the place to post those links to old and antiquated threads or posts or characters of the past. If there was some strange or dramatic serialised thread that seemed to go on and on....make a link here. Or perhaps you could highlight characters whose entire persona could be filed in one of Charles Forts logs..Anything that catches your interest can be linked and discussed here. That will mean that we dont flood the Boards with old threads.

Here is one to start us off:


And another:


Hope it works......
The Bishop Manchester threads...

Which, along with one I started, were combined into one

Does it annoy anyone else when the mods combine large threads? Having three seperate threads makes more sense than one big thread that starts over twice. That thunderbird thread, can't make heads or tails out of it.
The meddling is extremely annoying, but I guess it makes for a cleaner, easier to browse forum.
Great thread, really wish that video was still up.
Sadly, search doesn't find any other threads by her.

Suprised THIS thread hasn't gotten more posts.
St.Clair said:
Found this today:

Pity about the broken link. Are any of the original posters on that thread about. Could you tell us about the video?

Yes, I'm one of the original posters (second to last, in fact). The video wasn't really all that convincing, honestly, and that's what everyone was going on about. It certainly was fascinating, however. The problem I think everyone had was that "You believe what you want to believe", and in lakitty's case, she firmly believed what she saw, without first taking it apart to see if there was any other explanation. Secondly, she'd gone and brightened the whole video (supposedly to make it more viewable), but the effect was kinda like turning the gamma WAAY up, or getting some kind of weird negative. Didn't make things any more visible, tho. :rolleyes: You could, by a large dint of the imagination, KINDA see what she saw, but the fact of the matter is, it wasn't plainly evident, and us posters here on the board I feel need evidence that is a little more tangible than what she had.
The vid itself contained a (very brightened image!) of her living room, and some dark colored swirls flitting about that could be ANYTHING, really. All in all, it was extremely dodgy. (A quick googling about brought up no evidence of the original pics or video.)