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FT changed my life.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Jul 27, 2001
I saw these posts on annother thread about the FT:

From Beekboo
changed my life, well worth the price of admission

From Stu Neville
Odd but absolutely true - everyone I know who reads it regularly has had their lives changed by it to a greater or lesser extent (me included).

They set me thinking. That's certainly true in my case. I have a partner and a baby that I wouldn't have without the FT. It also changed to way I think about a lot of things, in essence it changed my attitude to life.

How about the rest of you? Is it just Beek, Stu and me?
Gotta admit - after reading my first FT I looked at life in a totally different way :) Love it and the only mag I subscribe to. Though I get strange looks from friends and collegues when I go of on one about how this UFO theory fits in with that one or different types of ghosts etc - they just think I'm weird......
ninja said:
Gotta admit - after reading my first FT I looked at life in a totally different way :) Love it and the only mag I subscribe to. Though I get strange looks from friends and collegues when I go of on one about how this UFO theory fits in with that one or different types of ghosts etc - they just think I'm weird......

You are weird. Be proud of it.:D After all, it's better being weird than being boring. Sooner or later the world will come to realise just how importants weirdness is. :D

Yes Cujo, it has changed my life in innumerable ways. From informing me about other areas of weirdness and showing links between some that I'd not noticed, to bringing me to this wonderful place and meeting other people who are into weirdness, and coming to think of them as friends. There is more but it involves another person and I don't want to go into that.

All in all FT has changed my life.
Me too!

I've always been interested in 'wierdness'.

With my husband workin abroad and having two kids to see to, I have in effect no social life at all, so this board has kept me 'sane' (!) by introducing me to a bunch of fellow wierdos, some of whom have become friends.

Aww . . . you're my best mates, you lot are . . . none better, salt of the earth you are . . .

Heh. Certainly makes you look all sagacious and learned in the ways of scary things;

'Isn't that weird?'
'Not as weird as the one in 1897.'
'Er...weird, was it?'
'Oh, yes. It was blue.'
Read my first issue on the train to Aberdeen in about 96', cant say it changed my life. I was already into spooky stuff and FT was just a monthly blast. Sorry :(
I'm sure it will eventually change my life as I see FT as a future mine of inspiration for my 6 part BBC drama series about a secret government agency and the rogue agent who in the second series branches off into Fortean investigations around the UK and beyond :D
Coming soon when I get off my arse and write it :D
Inverurie Jones said:
Heh. Certainly makes you look all sagacious and learned in the ways of scary things;

'Isn't that weird?'
'Not as weird as the one in 1897.'
'Er...weird, was it?'
'Oh, yes. It was blue.'

Well, I can remember back in '79 when I saw those lights in the sky, and there was a fall of winkles over Birkenhead . . . :p

Yep, changed my life, I spend too much time here and get less work done but on the up side you can always come here when your feeling down and be sure of a laugh and there's always a shoulder to cry on.
Being on this MB has changed my life, I found out I'm not the only one with an untidy room and a nasty Mommie!!!

You guys <chokes> you're the family I always wanted but couldn't get the body parts to build ...
It's certainly changed my life.

I now have about A$70 less disposable income each year.

I have two or so hours less to read other things each month.

I have a flat full to bursting with back issues, and books bought after reading reviews, or following up stuff in the mag.

And I spend far too much time on the message board, and know a number of people in the UK and US (and one or two other places) that I wouldn't have met otherwise. Even if it is only virtual. So far. (UnCon next year, for sure!)
Everyone in my know calls it "Fourteen Times." Those damn unwashed.
Cujo said:
You are weird. Be proud of it.:D After all, it's better being weird than being boring. Sooner or later the world will come to realise just how importants weirdness is.
Then they'll try and legislate it :(

And well.... The FT changed my life too, Hon'! :D
hmmm, it's dragged me into ever more areas of fortean interest, and to be honest at the moment I'm getting freaked out at lots of synchronicities that keep happening at me. I wouldn't have been interested otherwise :)

Ogopogo, yes my dad kept doing that at the uncon. Fourteen times indeed.
I still remember the joyous day when it was announced that Fortean Times was going monthly:D

Now i can get a regular 'hit of forteana' from both my beloved Fortean Times and UFO Magazine (IMHO the best UFO periodical magazine in the world bar none):)
Well it made me read Fort himself (we're not worthy, we're not worthy) wich changed the way I think about how I perceve sensory input.

It made me read lots of books that made me see the error of my ways and helped me finaly junk logic.

ANd it got me on this board full of all you lovely, lovely people.

:D :grouphug:
*choke, splutter* Cujo and Niles Calder are together and have a baby! OH MY GOD. tell me everything. I MUST KNO!

I haven't been around for a bit, but... blimey.

Congratulations! Where are you living now - Oxford or Scotland? Joe and I are going to be in Oxford next weekend so if you're there we'd love to pop in and see you.


I'm so pleased for you. What's the baby called?

Well, I don't know if you know what I've been up to but I'm working for ITV as a compliance manager (censor of scripts/programmes and answerer of nutter letters) and joe has been doing really well - he's been writing for The Face and does gig reviews and interviews for the daily torygraph (he's up at T in the Park today talking to The Coral) and he writes for a couple of smaller magazines that you wouldn't have heard of unless you lived in Brighton or america.

we had our first wedding anniversary recently.

Internet messageboards are great aren't they?
Have subscribed to FT for ages, 7-8 years would be a best guess. BUT no it hasn't changed my life. It simply plops through the letter box along with other magazines every month. I read it, boyfie reads it, then off it goes to a colleague who keeps them for reading whilst otherwise engaged on the loo.
one day i walked right past the school and just caught a train into London...lookin for mischief and dirty women i naturaly gravitated to Soho, but realiseing all the ladies were only dirty for much mor emoney than i had i started to investigate the small alley ways and off off soho areas... and i happened upon the largest SF book shop in Europe (not been there for years now) called Dark They Were And Golden Eyed, in St Anns pasage. I spent a few trips buying SF books id never seen b4 attracted by thier covers and some Freek brothers comics..then i got brave and went down stairs hopeing to find some realy dirty comics...i found Vamerella, freek bros, second hand Oz mags and FT a little mag typed and well dondgy lookin and i bought it...then bought everyone of the back issues.... did it change my life..yes it did cos it made me see how many diferent ways there was of looking at things, how many diferent truths there are and how mailable the world of facts is..... its a sweet thing to investigate and look at things for other angles, and not to belive but to lookin a fortean way...
FT changed my life.

I simply have one for breakfast, one for lunch and a sensible dinner.

The weight just fell off but the constipation is a real pain in the arse.
sidecar_jon said:
.... did it change my life..yes it did cos it made me see how many diferent ways there was of looking at things, how many diferent truths there are and how mailable the world of facts is..... its a sweet thing to investigate and look at things for other angles, and not to belive but to lookin a fortean way...
Couldn't have put it better myself. :)
River_Styx said:
FT changed my life.

I simply have one for breakfast, one for lunch and a sensible dinner.

The weight just fell off but the constipation is a real pain in the arse.

Orange juice and cod Liver Oil will do the trick ;)
Yep - changed my life too - I realised that people actually wrote stuff about the things that I'd always been interested in and that I wasn't the only oddball who actually thought about the things that aren't quite right instead of just accept them like some sort of mindless Tesco shopper. :p

But I have to say that this MB has had more of an impact - there is so much available experience and info from all over the World.

I bow to thee fellow FTMBers.

May the weirdness continue forever until proven in some way by some scientist somewhere. :D
tasha said:
Congratulations! Where are you living now - Oxford or Scotland? Joe and I are going to be in Oxford next weekend so if you're there we'd love to pop in and see you.

Scotland (see location on the sidebar). We're hoping to visit Niles' family in Oxford sometime in the next couple of months and we're bound to spend at least a day in London so we may see you.

Ft changed my life

FT, Douglas Adams, Kurosawa films. It was all about keeping my mind open. And not minding growing up catholic with a mom who believes in miracles, but who is otherwise a skeptic ( got taken to see a weeping BVM statue as a kid- didn't see any tears myself.) So it changed my life as part of a continuum of influences that keep me ecletic and weird and from getting my mind stuck. And since Dylan(spouse) got me into FT to start with, it's all kinds of oddness wrapped up in a crispy burrito. Yum.