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Not very mysterious butterflies

In the current edition of FT (august) is a picture of a man next to a mysterious Butterfly that appeared in condensation on his bathroom window.

Although I can find no pictures now, the butterfly shape exactly mirrors that of a window sticker that we had several of back in the early 80s. I would guess that a previous owner of the house had some of these and removed them before selling it, leaving traces of the glue that hold a bit more condensation. A good co-incidence, but not a big mystery I'm afraid.
Butterflies are not pretty creatures, they are moths in drag.

And they are seriously weird. There is a story of a butterfly that
appears every year on the same window in a schoolroom somewhere.
Well, not the same butterfly, presumably but a similar one every year.
Go on tell me it was a sticker!

Actually I think that was one of the dullest items on Fortean TV. :eek:

No, for the prize for weirdest butterfly of them all goes to the Cabbage
White which manifested itself by obscuring the dials on a gas meter.
Only it was inside the meter. And the meter was a completely sealed

Can't find the reference for it now. But it must have happened!
Probably something about the butterfly effect of chaos theory and the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics going together.

For some reason when we replaced a light bulb one day we also found a lot of dead insects in the socket. Which should be a closed place.
So with the chaos theory thing you are suggesting there is a storm somewhere in the world and because of that a butterfly gets trapped in a boiler?


Interesting thought here- could the butterfly effect happen to things said as well, so a person here says "I don't believe in fairies" and somewhere in the world a fairy dies?
James Webb (FT150)

Having read Gary Lachman's article on James Webb I have found myself keen to know more. It seems to me that Webb is related to the men that Colin Wilson wrote about in "The Outsider", a man oveburdened by his own thought processes.

Does anyone have any further resources, reading or links to do with James Webb? I am unemployed at the moment, so unless I find it in a charity shop or at the library, I'm not able to get a hold of anything that involves cash exchange.

For notes on one of the reasons for my interest in Webb, see my posting on James Webb and experiences of time.

It's a long time since something has resonated with me so much. "Hoist with my own petard" indeed.