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Long may it reign!

Still makes me giggle and think and opens my mind more. Can't say better than that. Never found another mag like it.
Dumbing down?

...anyone else noticed it's now 'The World of Strange Phenomena" rather "The Journal of Strange Phenomena"? Does the laddish IFG stable fear their readership will be scared of the word "journal"?
I'd just like to point out that the big page spread of headlines on 'The .44 Killer' was provided by me. I even managed to scan it and email it to Bob in the required format. Which, those of you who know how computer illiterate I am will testify, is no mean feat for me.:D

But, yes the article was rather lame. But this issue is great. I always enjoy FT, even though I find some articles tedious, and adverts, and the full page pictures that don't seem to add anything to the article. The latest issue, for reasons I'm not to clear on, seems particularly enjoyable though. I enjoyed Bruce Lanier Wright and Rob Chambers' articles in particular. Actually, I enjoyed it all. Bravo.

And I got my FT mug today. Whoopee!
Helen said:
And I got my FT mug today. Whoopee!
Hey, I want one! It's the least they could do for an over-stressed, unpaid Mod!
Sorry, Rynner. Plus I have a written promise from Mr. Rickard that I get a mug for supplying the Son of Sam picture.:) So if you want to drink out of an FT mug, Rynn, you'll have to pop round for afternoon tea. Bring the scones.
Adrian Veidt said:
I think that's only true to a certain extent. On the whole I think we should be glad that there is a mainstream magazine out there which deals with these sort of things in a reasoned and non-sensationalist manner. It's not perfect by any means but when your only real alternative is Bizarre ( :rolleyes: ) I know which one I'd rather have.

I've never considered FT to be in the same genre as BIZARRE.

I've always thought BIZARRE was like MAXIM, except with a disgusting Italian Mondo edge.

hate to say this but a magazine doesn't get made out of thin air and unfortunatley when one works for any publishing company a basic requirement is making some form of profit. This may at times involve 'commercialising' the product but I think that for every 1 article that excites your ire there are 10 others which are pure unadulterated Forteana. think back. Where else would you find an extended article on feral children , or travel pieces on haunted romanian castles, or faetures on the evil eye, south american ufos... etc etc...

anyhow, also, relating to the comment about tablid headlines, i have to disagree. Maybe compared to 15 years ago, but its difficult to compare a home spun fanzine to a fully fledged commercial title, available in mainstream shops which has to grab the readers attention whilst sitting next to 300 other titles.

Hmm, not using tabloid headlines doesn't seem to have affected FTs sales in the past. I seriously doubt FT sells because it uses such ploys, unless it assumes that it has to dumb down in order to attract readers? It sells because on the whole it has interesting articles. Sorry, but the story about Chinese people having surgery to help them with their English pronounciation was entitled 'No More Flied Lice' - how on earth does such pap get the go ahead to be used as a title? :eek!!!!:
I think that's a little unfair, FT has always used bad puns in its headlines as far back as I can remember. And as for 'dumbing down' I don't think it has. It may put in a few more things of general interest, and have less of the 'heavier' fortean stuff. But it still covers a hell of a lot of ground in the space it has. It always has its core audience but, to survive, it needs to expand its readership. It can only do this by widening the scope of its coverage.
Oh I dunno, I fail to see the example I gave as a pun. I'm not saying the articles are getting dumbed-down, just the general approach vis-a-vis headlines.
I'm 100% with Adrian on this one. FT has always used bad puns as headlines on a regular basis. I guess it all depends on whether one understands and appreciates irony.
I don't mind them in moderation, but the 'No More Flied Lice' was dodgy, IMHO.