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Yeah, mine came through the letter box this morning! Saturday sorted!
I hope mine comes today or Monday - I'm taking a whole load of back issues that I haven't got around to reading off on holiday with me! Think about it*, me around the pool, with loads of FTs to read...I will be in heaven!

*only not too hard, you'll go blind.
Is it me, or is this about a week earlier than you'd expect? (The July 2024 issue arriving on the 8th June...)
Latest issue just dropped. Wasn't expecting it!

Monster Movies with Karl Shuker
Monks and Nuns!
Vatican X Files
Fortean Venice
Tiffany Thayer and UFOs
I think my copy may be with the Peugeot Salt grinder that was supposed to be delivered today.
Most pee-ed off. On both counts
Is it me, or is this about a week earlier than you'd expect? (The July 2024 issue arriving on the 8th June...)
June's was delivered on 11 May, so 28 days between issues, which is the usual frequency.

I think my copy may be with the Peugeot Salt grinder that was supposed to be delivered today.
Most pee-ed off. On both counts
I found myself thinking 'what the hell is Peugot salt?'

Need coffee.
I found myself thinking 'what the hell is Peugot salt?'

Need coffee.
Rivals Citroen and Renault have been trying to find out Peugeot's secret too, to no avail.