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Ghost footage on you tube



Found this can anyone explain what the thing is in the shadows it scared me first time i saw it.Does anyone have anymore information about it?I downloaded it from a p2p network so it's proberrly out there someplace.I saw something about 5 seconds into the clip.Can anyone else see it?

Vague shadowy outline of a person? Possibly.

It's all very hammy though, has a horribly faked feel to it...
I'm struggling to see anything too, sorry :(
It's not the pilot for Most Haunted, is it?
Nope, seen that before and never see nothing everytime.

Funny how he screams then runs back in on purpose and screams again though. :lol:
You can defnetly see something about 4 or 5 secongs into the clip i think when i up-loaded it it lost a bit of quality.I saw something first time i saw it now it's on youtube it's a little harder to see.But if you view it in full screen and look just about a foot from the coloum it's definetly a outline of a person ghost or fake i don't know but it had me scared.
It is an oldie, and it is taken froma TV show I believe, in the clear version of the footage there is a figure standing in the corner, if you know where to look you can see it on this version.

My opinion its a set up.
Thought there looked something like a black circle like thing but it could of been a shadow of anything.
At 5 seconds in i can see something, i cant tell whats it is, IMHO its not even a humanoid shape. so could it be product of bad lighting? video tape (it does has dropouts later)? digitising video tape to computer? human interpritation of a shadow? i suspect its not a fake cos its not very good is it :)
Guy probably over reacted.

There is a shadow but thats all I saw and it didn't look nothing special.