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Ghost Of Myself


Gone But Not Forgotten
Jun 16, 2015
This incident happened in the late 1990's and has made me wonder about the nature of apparitions ever since.

I walked home from college I attended, into my house and through the kitchen door to be greeted by my grandmother sitting at the kitchen table. We said hello and before too long she uttered the words "You've got a ghost." I asked her to repeat what she said. She elaborated. "I've seen a ghost of you." I pulled up a chair and asked her to explain what she meant by "seen a ghost of you." She recounted her experience.

"My friend and I pulled onto the driveway in her car. We got out and walked to the front door. As I did, I noticed you standing there in the kitchen through the window. I waved at you, you acknowledged me and walked off towards the front door to let me and my friend in. No one came to the front door. I knocked, yet still no one answered. I asked my friend who also saw you why you hadn't come to the door and she was as puzzled as I was. I had a back door key so went around, let myself in and had a look around for you but the house was empty."

I asked her if she was sure it was me as it'd happened earlier that day whilst I was still at college. She said yes she recognised me because I was wearing the same camel coloured hooded top I had on as I sat there.

We didn't know what to make of it at the time and I still don't (my grandmother passed last year).

I did have another strange experience around the same time, standing next to the kitchen sink by the same window, when the tap inexplicably turned on and off again in the space of about 2 seconds. It unnerved me a bit and I went and sat in the garden, for a while to rationalise it. The house, which was the house I had grown up in was built by my parents in the early 1980's and only about 17 years old so no other history to the building itself.
p.s. I stopped wearing the camel coloured hooded top after that as i wanted to disassociate myself with whatever it was that my grandmother saw.

Does anyone have a theory as to what my grandmother saw? Was it an apparition of me?
Any thoughts on this would be of great interest, thank you.
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Hi DMJ and thanks for sharing that very spooky and weird tale.

If it was an apparition of you it may have been a doppelganger.

According to legend, doppelgangers (German for “double-walker”) are paranormal duplicates of a real person. They can manifest in a number of ways: You can see them out of the corner of your eye, meet them on a lonely road somewhere, or, chillingly, see them standing behind you when looking in a mirror. Sometimes a doppelganger can’t be seen by the person at all, but instead manifests to other people in a completely different location. It may even cooperate with the person, help them with tasks, or act as a surrogate body of sorts.

10 Disturbing Tales of Doppelgangers

As for your taps turning on by themselves, Ive experienced a similar thing and shared it here
How about a Vardoger:

Vardøger, also known as vardyvle or vardyger, is a spirit predecessor in Scandinavian folklore. [1]

Stories typically include instances that are nearly déjà vu in substance, but in reverse, where a spirit with the subject's footsteps, voice, scent, or appearance and overall demeanor precedes them in a location or activity, resulting in witnesses believing they've seen or heard the actual person before the person physically arrives. This bears a subtle difference from a doppelgänger, with a less sinister connotation. It has been likened to being a phantom double, or form of bilocation. In Finnish folklore, the concept is known as etiäinen.

Link from Wiki : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vardøger
I've seen a ghost of me. It wasn't a doppelganger.
I believe it's called a 'Fetch'.


The fetch is described as an exact, spectral double of a living human, whose appearance is regarded as ominous. As such, it is similar to the Germanic doppelgänger, and to some conceptions of the British wraith.[1][2] Francis Grose associated the term with Northern England in his 1787 Provincial Glossary, but otherwise it seems to have been in popular use only in Ireland. A sighting of a fetch is generally taken as a portent of its exemplar's looming death, though John and Michael Banim report that if the double appears in the morning rather than the evening, it is instead a sign of a long life in store.[1]