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Haunted Breaks/Brise d' espirit



I have a business you all may be interested in, as the title suggests it is known as 'Brise d' espirit' French for spirit breeze.
This unique business based in Ireland allows members of the public to stay in a haunted 16th century castle in a remote part of Ireland.
The castle sits on a hill over looking a 4,500 acre lake surrounded by trees,the lake can be fished which is famous for its brown trout, perch and pike (time of year permitting).

The Halloween group submitted several testimonials back to the business and read as follows,
'Extremely good value for money, the castle and its location are very atmospheric, plenty of frights combined with plenty of laughs (haven't laughed as much in years), had a weekend of a lifetime and look forward to the next one. I'll be telling my grandchildren about this one. professionally run, a return to the castle is a must.'

All prices include airport/docks pickup/return and transport over the entire weekend, B&B in the castle and admission fees to other events (depending on weekend of choice).

At the moment we are taking bookings for the New Year celebrations on the 30th December/1st January 2002, if you dare a weekend of difference contact 'Brise d' espirit' at [email protected] or phone 0778 63 77306.

Thank you for your time.

Barry Fitzgerald.
Wow - sounds wonderful, just the sort of place that I would love to go to :) Shame I can't afford it at the moment :(

I assume you're open all year round, as it'd make a wonderful birthday present for my partner.
Brise d' espirit

You have assumed right, we operate all year, just like the long, long term residents :)
sounds great!

what sort of cost (roughly) are we talking about?

The costs are held low and begin at £130 per person/ the New Year celebrations are £130 per person and remember this includes all transport, B&B at the Castle and the all important Bubbly.