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How To Classify FT


Gone But Not Forgotten
Jan 28, 2008
In FT241, one of the letters asked how FT should be classified in the newsagency. In Sydney, it is put in the "Science" section, along with the Astronomy mags, etc.
47Forteans said:
In FT241, one of the letters asked how FT should be classified in the newsagency. In Sydney, it is put in the "Science" section, along with the Astronomy mags, etc.
I suppose it could be considered a sort of Anthropology magazine, investigating the strange beliefs of tribes ancient and modern!

Sort of like National Geographic, but with fewer boob shots... :D
WHSmith where I live has it variously in the following categories: Womens mags (with cosmo, womans own etc), Sci-fi programmes, and sometimes with the tattoo mags :roll: I'm seriously thinking of subscribing if only so I don't have to hunt it down in Smiths.
GabrielleM said:
WHSmith where I live has it variously in the following categories: Womens mags (with cosmo, womans own etc), Sci-fi programmes, and sometimes with the tattoo mags :roll: I'm seriously thinking of subscribing if only so I don't have to hunt it down in Smiths.

The WH Smug in Huntingdon does something similar. The WH Smith in Ealing pulls a similar stunt, and a couple of months back had both FT and Alien Worlds in Women's Magazines. Borders seems to vacillate between Men's Interests and Film and TV.
Here, it tends to be in with the "Fringish" magazines, like Nexus, and Hard Evidence and that sort of thing. This is often right next to the "Science" section, so that the two often end up kind of jumbled.

In one newsagent, they're all next to the shooting magazines, so that you will have FT, New Scientist, Creation, and Hog Shooter's Monthly all next to eachother. Interesting combination.
My local (indie) newsagent generally keeps it alongside the fishing mags, Model Aeroplane Monthly, and Practical Trainspotting inc. Flask of Weak Lemon Drink Weekly. He keeps the sci-fi etc mags with Empire and the like, and Nexus with Hello! and Bella (so quite right, IMHO.)

He does drink quite a lot, it must be said.

My nearest Smiths (a big one) also seems to randomly chuck it on the shelves, depending on mood.
My Smiths puts it in with New Scientist and Scientific American.
Anome_ said:
Here, it tends to be in with the "Fringish" magazines, like Nexus, and Hard Evidence and that sort of thing. This is often right next to the "Science" section, so that the two often end up kind of jumbled.

In one newsagent, they're all next to the shooting magazines, so that you will have FT, New Scientist, Creation, and Hog Shooter's Monthly all next to eachother. Interesting combination.

I am always getting Creation and Hog Shooter's Monthly mixed up...
stuneville said:
My local (indie) newsagent generally keeps it alongside the fishing mags, Model Aeroplane Monthly, and Practical Trainspotting inc. Flask of Weak Lemon Drink Weekly. He keeps the sci-fi etc mags with Empire and the like, and Nexus with Hello! and Bella (so quite right, IMHO.)

He does drink quite a lot, it must be said.

My nearest Smiths (a big one) also seems to randomly chuck it on the shelves, depending on mood.

I wouldn't mind reading Flask Of Weak Lemon Drink Weekly...
I've noticed that when I buy my astronomy mags at my local paper shop that Fortean Times is no longer up for sale. Since I am getting my FT delivered, I haven't asked if they are still stocking it...
47Forteans said:
I've noticed that when I buy my astronomy mags at my local paper shop that Fortean Times is no longer up for sale. Since I am getting my FT delivered, I haven't asked if they are still stocking it...
This can't be good. I can remember when I could buy the FT in good news agents, here in the Netherlands.

But that was about two publishers ago. :(
47Forteans said:
I wouldn't mind reading Flask Of Weak Lemon Drink Weekly...

Strangely enough, I was having a chortle over Mr Quinlank's exploits on YouTube only last night.

Pietro_Mercurios said:
47Forteans said:
I've noticed that when I buy my astronomy mags at my local paper shop that Fortean Times is no longer up for sale. Since I am getting my FT delivered, I haven't asked if they are still stocking it...
This can't be good. I can remember when I could buy the FT in good news agents, here in the Netherlands.

But that was about two publishers ago. :(

This morning I noticed that it was in amongst the New Age mags, rather than the science mags it usually is...
47Forteans said:

This morning I noticed that it was in amongst the New Age mags, rather than the science mags it usually is...

It does tend to float around the magazine stands, a bit.

WH Smiths is bad for that, too.
Case in point: I was in the central Cardiff branch of W H Shit only this afternoon. FT is still in the "Anorak Section" with the Sci-Fi and Film magazines (SciFi now, LucasFilms, the Doctor Who mag, etc, etc).

The arse-wipingly bad Nexus, on the other hand, finds itself in the more respectable company of National Geographic, Country Walking and the Ecologist on a completely different shelf.

If I find it in the "wrong" place (ie next to Yak Care Weekly, Lint Collectors and Yoddelling Monthly, etc), I place it in its correct place - with the respectable science mags, and not the fringe ones!
47Forteans said:
If I find it in the "wrong" place (ie next to Yak Care Weekly, Lint Collectors and Yoddelling Monthly, etc), I place it in its correct place - with the respectable science mags, and not the fringe ones!

It's debatable whether FT is a "respectable" - whatever that means - science mag any more than it's a film mag (despite Dr Sutton's best efforts), but on yet another visit to W H Shit (Cardiff Queen Street) earlier today I noticed Paranormal magazine in another part of the store along with, if memory serves:

Scientific American
Scientific American Mind
Sky At Night Magazine
Astronomy Now

Considering my earlier post about the disposition of FT and Nexus, there appears to be very little rhyme or reason to the placement of these titles. I would like to meet the person that has decided this particular scheme, and ask them why the hell they don't just put all the New Age/Paranormal/UFO/Strange Phenomena mags in their own section?

Not asking much, surely?

I usually spot it nestled in with Nuts, Zoo, FHM, Viz and the pornos.

Not that I'm looking in those sections normally obviously, just a process of elimination after I've tried science, current affairs, TV & Film etc. Obviously.

* ahem *
lawofnations said:
I usually spot it nestled in with Nuts, Zoo, FHM, Viz and the pornos.

Not that I'm looking in those sections normally obviously, just a process of elimination after I've tried science, current affairs, TV & Film etc. Obviously.

* ahem *

Of course, we're only reading Fortean Times for the articles!
47Forteans said:
Of course, we're only reading Fortean Times for the articles!

So you don't look at the Fortean Times Message Board Member of the Month centrefold then?
Wasn't the centerfold the other month a hairy guy in a freezer?