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Is the Moon An Illusion?: Claims & Theories

Deeper into the site- conclusive proof of the non-existence of Winnipeg.
Clearly, Winnipeg is nowhere to be found on this picture. The CIA must have been lying when they identified markings on this picture as Winnipeg.

Then when you go to the home page, it is a deadly serious exercise to do with Holocaust Denial.
Excellent site.
Eburacum45 said:
Deeper into the site- conclusive proof of the non-existence of Winnipeg.

But I used to live there. I remember it: living room window we could watch people's ankles through as they passed on the sidewalk outside; Flintstones on the telly in a corner of same room; kid sister eating a big bug off the hall floor the moment my mum's back was turned; being baby-sat by some woman who seemed to hold mass baby-sitting sessions with me, my sis, about half a dozen older kids and a lot of vanilla ice-cream; playing in the open basement of a partially-built house with wee sis while mum and dad and the cops turn the entire neighbourhood upside down looking for us; sitting in an airport wondering where dad was after mum decided she was too homesick to make a go of it in Canada even if dad did love the place... It was all so memorable, and now I find it doesn't exist. Is this one of those False Memory Syndrome things? Was I really abducted by aliens who implanted me with fake Winnipeg memories? Am I an alien?? ...Actually, that makes a lot of sense now I think on it...
My daddy drives a UFO -Drops me off And then he goes- Leaves me on this mystery plane, But he'll be back for me again; Oh yes he will! My daddy's unidentified (Mom sez I just appeared inside) Oh looks like a case of Hit and Run: But I'm a God and it's No Fun!-Rorsarch/Interior
"The tide myth is one of the oldest and most absurd lies that the Lunar establishment has tried to push on a gullible world. Do they really expect us to believe that the moon - an object that allegedly resides at an average distance of 240,000 miles from the earth - has the power, from that distance, to lift how many billions of cubic meters of water?

Do an experiment: take a rubber ball and suspend it above a bathtub full of water. Now slowly move the ball closer to the water. Does the level of the water change? Not even slightly. So much for the tides myth."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
So if it's not there it cant be made of cheese...that cant be true surely.
If the moon doesn't exist then all I can say is - look at the special effects in movies, all the CGI.
Right, movies increasingly use CGI.

But wtf is that to do with the existence of the Moon? :confused:

And as Mytho said upthread, "Tidal forces" -

It was known long before Newton came along with his theory of Universal Gravitation that the Moon and the tides were linked. Newton provided the theory and the maths to explain the link. Probably the best reason for believing in a real Moon, centuries before Apollo XI got there.
If such convincing effects can be created on screen who knows what is possible off screen.
But how does the hologram block out the powerful Sun in a total eclipse?
But how does the hologram block out the powerful Sun in a total eclipse?
Another good objection. :)

The loonies don't stand a chance against the massed forces of Citizen Science. :p
My mind wandered around with theories of holograms and claims that religious visions and some UFO are deliberate illusions to control mankinds philosophy. :)
If the moon wasnt real :) then who ever put that illusioin up there lacks imagination.
that must mean we are all holograms that are projected via CGI from the hollywood moon studios. :eek::eek::eek:
Well Im still a red parrot today folks. All that stuff about the moon last night must have been an horrid dream.
Well Im still a red parrot today folks. All that stuff about the moon last night must have been an horrid dream.

Experiment participants are now confused about their realities. Dreams within dreams module off to a good start.
Heres a clip of the Moon taken by someone who I feel didn't do too well at school. He keeps zooming in - wondering why the Moon seems to wobble and shimmer. In his defense though it does look like cheese.

This guy likes his Christmas decorations and is also a proud follower of the fake Moon cover-up. Nice model of the Moon mate!
