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Is There Anything In This Pic?



Hey there could someone please take a look at this pic I took yesterday. I really have no idea how to use photoshop or any other program to clear up the image. It is most likely just my eyes but I am sure I can see what looks to be the top half of a little girl in the outlined part of the pic. My Fiancee can't see a thing but I am sure I can make out what looks like some straps from a dress or maybe dungarees, an open mouth and a fringe cut hair. So if anyone can be bothered could you maybe clear up the image and see if when I am looking at is just a load of leaves or have I really been watching the X-Files too much lately?
BTW The pic was taken without a flash with a standard digital camera and needless to say there wasn't anyone there at the time.
Also I don't really know how to link stuff so I hope this works.
i looked before i read and i can see a small child that looks remarkably like me in an old photo i have when i was a wee lad. Yep fringe cut basin type haircut. dungerees.

Can you get back there and take another photo as before then take some more closer up so we can see what else is there (to rule out natural look-e-likes)
Probably just simulacra.

HOWEVER....why not post it on Ghost Study and see what the experts say?
I'll take a few more shots when I head out there within the next couple of days. I've always been interested in this particular building as it stands out so much being smack bang in the middle of a very busy road. The garden is all over grown so that could well be what the shape is. I have only once, in fourteen years seen a light on in that place which is kinda strange. I get the feeling that with it being a listed building, even though there isn't anyone actually living there, it must be well looked after.
I was just messing about with my camera bothering cats and birds at the time and thought I'd take a pic of the house. I wasn't on a 'ghost hunt' so to speak and wasn't looking for anything in the picture, I just noticed the shape. (I think I sit a little too close to the screen to be honest).
I'll send a copy to the guys at Gost Study, if I can sort out my linking that is.
Well if you send it there, they'll definitely accept it as a ghost without question. ;) Just stay with you clear thinking pals here.
It looks like a bug-eyed troll peering over the wall to me, but as I've said before I'm quite susceptible to paredolia and see images in all sorts of random patterns, it's a cheap form of entertainment. ;)
I've blown it up 250% and it looks a lot less like a face.

But there do seem to be 2 small flying saucers hiding in the shrubbery behind the 'face'!
I'm shocked!!! Ghost Study said they can only give me any feedback if they actually use it on their site and it seems my pic aint good enough for them.
Looks like I'm gunna have to give another kid a bag of sweets to pose for me again now!
TBH I didn't think it was a ghost in the first place, I just wondered if anyone could see what I was seeing or if I was just as numb as my Fiancee said.
Simulacra I think. It does look like a girl but I think its just the patterns the bramble weeds have made.
I've been looking and looking at the pic, but it doesn't appear to be anything to me. Just abstract shapes and glare. :?