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isn't it weird?



isn't it weird how most of us if not everyone is afraid of ghosts.
i mean all they are, are just our fellow humans that have died and have not passed on. but there is something about them... how mistyrious they are. they really havn't done anything bad to us but for some reason we are afraid of them... and maybe they are afraid of us... maybe to them we are the ghosts? sorta like the movie 'the others' if you have seen it you know what i'm talking about. who knows maybe in the future we will understand ghosts better... we might even develope friend ships...well probably not but ya never know.
Josh809 said:
isn't it weird how most of us if not everyone is afraid of ghosts.
i mean all they are, are just our fellow humans that have died and have not passed on

I don't think everyone is afraid of ghosts. Some people deny that they exist at all and therefore aren't scared of them. Then there are others that believe that people see ghosts but don't neccessarily believe that they are the remnants of people.

The fear part is a learned response. I've had a fair few experiances that could be termed as ghostly. I've been able to rationalise all of them since. At the time though my overwhelming reaction in all but a couple of cases was of curiosity rather than fear. It isn't a bravado thing, lots of things scare the living s*** out of me. I just don't expect anything 'supernatural' to have any power to harm me.

I've had one experiance of panic but that was bought on by the reaction of those around me. What we actually saw was a pile of boxes with a dustsheet over the top but we were expecting to find a ghost and these objects managed to do a very passable impression of the reaper in profile.

I've also seen people become incredibly frightened at shared odd experiances when I've later discovered that we had very similar perceptions of what had occured. The fact that I didn't share their fear was in my opinion just a matter of expectations.

A lot of folk I know who have seen ghosts didn't realise until afterwards that they had. They were experiancing the everyday until someone walked through a wall or something odd. The fear came in the aftermath.

So as a summing up, and personnal opinion only, the next time you think something odd is happening go and investigate. What you might find won't be nearly as scary as what your imagination will throw up afterwards.
perhaps they are like dogs... fear encourages them.... maybe if you are friendly... ask them their name, where they are from, how they are doing, so on and so forth... if you feel a freaky presence just say hello, if you are their may God bless you lol just have fun with em i guess. BUT ALWAYS HAVE RESPECT