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It Didn't Happen To Me—Ever


Gone But Not Forgotten
Mar 4, 2011
Maybe this is quite an odd tale but nothing in the least bit creepy or weird has ever happened to me. As a teenager I really wanted to see a ghost or experience something off like an our of body experience and it never happened. Am I the only one? I feel left out.
cannot belive this is true. It did happen to you, I think. You did not see it or did not take it for something "unbelivable".
You're not alone Dr Stump, 'it's' never happened to me an awful lot.

I saw lights moving silently in the sky? - Chinese lanterns

I felt a cold chill descend? - so I closed a window

Things flew off of shelves? - earthquake

Lights flickering? - dodgy fuses

Chupacabra in Arkansas? - miniature Doberman in a cotton field

all of the above made the hairs stand up, for no good reason lol.
The more I read on this board the more I rationalise the freaky experiences I've had. Hey ho.
DrStump said:
Maybe this is quite an odd tale but nothing in the least bit creepy or weird has ever happened to me. As a teenager I really wanted to see a ghost or experience something off like an our of body experience and it never happened. Am I the only one? I feel left out.
Nothing weird ever? Or nothing unequivocal, nothing life changing, nothing which would convince you 100% that supernatural forces were at work? If thats the case, join the club, but i bet there are a few little niggling oddities that still keep you interested - if not, why bring the subject up?
Thats because you were abducted by aliens, who made you forget. They travelled several light years to stick a probe up your bum and then wiped your memory of the incident. :?
Spudrick68 said:
Thats because you were abducted by aliens, who made you forget. They travelled several light years to stick a probe up your bum and then wiped your memory of the incident. :?
Well I'll be damned, I thought it was Hemorrhoids.
Dr. Stump, Cultjunky

Do you go looking for it or are you waiting for it to come to you?
Well, being the wuss I am, I don't go looking for it, no siree!
I went looking for it many times. In my teenage years I read Jung's autobiography and Carlos Castaneda. I went for long walks hoping to get some kind of vision, revelation or inspiration ... didn't work for me. I suppose it's the wiring in your head - either you have it or you don't ...
rushfan62 said:
if not, why bring the subject up?
Because I've always wanted it to. As a teenager I was always watching horror films and loved getting scared - although none of them every scared me that much. I used to read all the Lobsang Rampa books, anything on out out of body experiences and tried to have my own on many occasions but without success. Tried lucid dreaming but that didn't work. ESP cards. One experience of a medium who was clearly a fake. I suppose it's the desire for there to be more to life than what is currently known and make it that little bit more interesting. Maybe I've been trying too hard.
Lucid Dreaming is in another category than ESP. Lucid Dreaming is something YOU actually can make happen, try harder :D
To uair01, long walks are good, but try being open to what's going on around you instead of (say) thinking about your problems or whatever. Just be aware. It might not lead to anything paranormal but it will put you in a different space. And even if it doesn't walking is still good for you!
Nothing conclusively weird has happened to me (I am quite sceptical), but there are some strange things that have happened to me for which a so-called 'rational' explanation seems like 'explaining away'. It is therefore my willingness to believe in other explanations that prevents me from assuming so-called 'rational' explanations are the answer, hence my believe that they are mildly strange things I have experienced. So it's somewhat circular.

I have never actually posted my strangest experience on this site, which happened to me while hitchhiking - maybe because I know it could just be explained by 'coincidence'. I just don't believe in coincidences like that though!
Please do tell us about these strange experiences, Afagddu - I'm sure we are all curious to know more!
I have had a handful of experiences that I believe were "fortean" in nature (they all have possible prosaic explanations, of the sort that work much better if you weren't actually there experiencing the experience). In nearly every case the experience came completely unbidden and unexpected. I have on many occasions sought out places and circumstances where something might happen, ought to happen - remote wilderness, abandoned buildings, alone late at night - and tried to be "open" to whatever, but have never been able to attract any weirdness. So I tend to think "it doesnt work that way".

Only possible exception - about a year ago in a grand old hotel with a "reputation" I earnestly hoped for a ghost and then in middle of the night had a fairly uncanny door-closing-by-itself (I know, prosaic explanations: breeze, crooked door jamb...you had to be there). Still for the number of times I've put myself out there and been open, I'd have to say it doesnt seem to work.
Afagddu said:
Nothing conclusively weird has happened to me (I am quite sceptical), but there are some strange things that have happened to me for which a so-called 'rational' explanation seems like 'explaining away'. It is therefore my willingness to believe in other explanations that prevents me from assuming so-called 'rational' explanations are the answer, hence my believe that they are mildly strange things I have experienced. So it's somewhat circular.

I have never actually posted my strangest experience on this site, which happened to me while hitchhiking - maybe because I know it could just be explained by 'coincidence'. I just don't believe in coincidences like that though!
Awww, come on now, am I the only one wanting to hear the hitchhiking story? PLease tell.
Mythopoeika said:
Please do tell us about these strange experiences, Afagddu - I'm sure we are all curious to know more!

Well, as has been said elsewhere on this forum, it's only strange because it happened to me and so for me to put it down to coincidence seems just absurd. I will start another thread about it soon.
I lived for years in a creepy old village, supposedly haunted, drove home down the dark lanes nearly every night in terror but never saw a thing.

Odd things have happened to me but never anything 100% unequivocally unexplainable. There is always a rational explanation for my experiences, except perhaps the lights in the sky around the time of Halle-Bopp.

Also would love to see something that confirms the unknown is out there, but I just don't believe it is anymore. Maybe that is why it doesn't happen to me either.
Never seen a ghost (but heard and experienced a couple of v strange things https://forums.forteana.org/index.php?threads/the-bells-the-bells.68024/ )
Never seen a UFO or UAP
Not seen a mystery quadruped or a bigfoot.
The idea of lucid dreaming scares me a bit, especially when it happened a couple of times to me unwontedly. No thanks.
No interest in Ouija, channeling, spirit writing etc., in the interests of self-preservation
The thing is, wanting to experience any phenomena is pretty much guaranteed to ensure you never do

Most of the stuff happens when you are busy doing something else, and not thinking about it (perhaps there's a clue in that )
I've seen/heard/felt/smelled etc loads of weirdness. It's natural.
What I'd really like is coming across something dramatic enough to actually scare me. :chuckle:
It strikes me that most of the really scary stuff in life is the stuff that is very much real. The wars, disasters, murders and all the other examples of man's inhumanity to man.

At least paranormal things seem to be here and gone quite quickly. Their very intangibility is part of the weirdness. But all the really scary sh*t has a habit of hanging around.

Like others have said, the odd things I have experienced - basically the things that have led me be interested enough to be here in this forum - have all been baffling but inconclusive. No matter how many times you run them through your brain, you come out thinking 'I know it happened, I just can't figure out how it happened' - and you're back at Square One :doh: